Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Vrass




AGE: 20

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 180 Lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Auburn

SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


Arrogant: Vrass is young and arrogant. He thinks he's the quickest draw, the most dashing in a crowd, the most daring. And because of this, he will often get into situations where he bites off more than he can chew. Criminals have to command a presence of confidence and he does so in excess, often to his detriment.

Situational Impulsiveness: Vrass is also impulsive. If put in a stressful situation, he will go with his gut. If he feels he's being sized up, he'll be the first one to send his fist into his assailants jaw. If he thinks imminent danger lurks nearby, he's going to get out of there.


Quick Draw: Vrass is a quick-draw and a good shot. The years spent shooting at others while being shot at has given him a command over this domain.

Physically Fit: Years of running away from blaster-shots have gifted the young man an athletic physique. He is what you'd expect a human to be who has reached their plateau. He has reached his potential for strength as well, making it easier for him to get up close and personal, should the need arise.. Speaking of such...

Dirty Fighter: Vrass has an eye for what to take out first in a fight. Basically, if the situation calls for close quarters combat, he can take advantage of his training in order to go for strikes that prove to be debilitating..


The right side of Vrass' face is scarred. He sports a crown of auburn hair and a half-smile. His clothing consists of a black cargo jacket with black pants. His waist is lined with a utility belt that possesses all sorts of gadgets. A pair of black blasters are sheathed in their holsters at his waist.


Vrass was born in the ghettos of Narshadda. His mother and father were able to eke out a living for a time, but it was not to last. The day his father disappeared, Vrass turned five years old.. The very day that marked his birth, he and his mother were left to endure the vulgarities of life on the artificial planet. They were now wretchedly poor and had to subsist on scraps in order to stave off starvation.The dog-eat dog nature of this existence proved to be too difficult for Vrass’ mother, who in turn fell into a spice addiction to escape the life she no longer cared about living. What little money they had now went straight into the addiction. And so, he did what any other organism would do when it was threatened with death: He adapted. He fell in line with other young men and women who were in a similar predicament. They plied their 'trade' in appropriating items that didn't’ belong to them, often reselling them at a higher-price. There was little room for error. The laws that aristocrats penned down were a nice window dressing for those that lived on the upper-levels, but the writing became less visible the deeper you ventured into its heart. And Vrass lived in its core. It wasn’t a rare occurrence to hear that a fellow member of their group had been killed trying to lift merchandise for a client… The group of thirty became twenty .. .Ten… Enough was enough. They armed themselves accordingly. This group would go on to solidify itself as a small-time criminal cell that dealt in racketeering, theft, and bounty hunting.. The people that could cut or died were simply replaced, but it would remain a local operation. Vrass had to play it by ear, relying on his experience with the criminal underbelly in order to get the things he needed.







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