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Character Vreemde Morteisen

Vreemde Morteisen



NAME: Vreemde Morteisen

FACTION: Rim-Guard Order, Zweihänder Union

RANK: CEO of Macharian Industries Corporation, Consul of the Curia Magna


AGE: 41

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1,82m

WEIGHT: 77kg

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Loyal: As part of the Curia Magna of the Rim-Guard Order, he is an oathsworn follower of it. There is little which can bring him from his path and the ideology he shares, especially because it has brought him to overthrow some decadence where he comes from. He is fiercely loyal to the values set by the Rim-Guard and will support its leader with all his heart.
  • It´s only Business: As a member of a middle-class family who had a engine production on their homeplanet, his talent for business was never really able to develop, especially because of his family. He is a cunning CEO and has a lot of knowledge regarding engineering of mechanical and electronical devices, vehicles or processes.
  • Unarmed: Morteisen is no warrior, no soldier and has never wielded a weapon. He knows his place as a business person and depends on the protection of those who have chosen a different path.
  • Taxi?!: He knows how a speeder, a shuttle or a battlecruiser works, but he cannot fly them. He knows basics, but he is dependant on a driver or pilot.

Vreemde appears to be a reserved and distanced, but slightly arrogant individual, usually behaving very formal. Yet he doesn´t belief in status without skill and hates to dress up more than necessary. But sometimes the acting is required and so he follows it.

Voice Sample

Born on Creasadaeien, a world which belonged to the sphere of influence of the original Eternal Empire, but lies now beyond the borders of known space, forgotten and trading with a few other systems around, Vreemde Morteisen belonged to a business family which was running its ventures for centuries already. They were not successful, but neither unsuccessful, they survived, through the hands of good CEOs every now and then.

Raised to be part of this business, he was well educated and trained for both business as well as the practical means of his profession. Knowing about the products, their applications and how to sell them. But he was never a man of luxuries and to work for himself or his family. Yet the family was the greater good he knew, so he kept on doing what he was used to. There was also never a chance he would rise to CEO as he had two older siblings, for that he would never be able to lead it somewhere meaningful.

Then The Phalanx arrived above the planet and Ecthelion Aiglos descended from the skies, gathering able bodied and minded people, willing to serve something greater. Morteisen was recognised and selected, given the leadership of the company and a founder seat in the Curia Magna, the newly formed division in the Rim-Guard Order which was responsible for the economic and supplying aspects.

He would now move to form ties in the Galaxy at whole, developing new posts, acquiring new businesses and spreading its influence.
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