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Approved Ranged Weapon VSF Bauceron Launcher

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Manufacturer: Vitae Security Forces
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Large

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  • Three Firing Modes
    • Dumb Fire
    • Laser Guided
    • Fire and Forget
  • Two round Magazine
  • Converted Energy Laser
  • EMP Shielding
  • AI Tracking
  • That Extra Shot: After firing two rockets, the Bauceron is capable of shooting one large beam, rated for piercing most light vehicles.
  • Warning Shot: The Bauceron Launcher can hold two separate rockets for firing.
  • Safe Space: Due to the integrated energy converter on the back, the Bauceron Launcher does not pose any backblast risk to friendly forces.
  • Choices: Each rocket in the Bauceron can be fired with all three firing modes, giving the user complete control depending on what is required an the moment.
  • Durable: As with all VSF products, the Bauceron is designed to survive any environment, and most basic EMP attacks.
  • AI Tracking: Avoiding the need for heat signatures or any other easily fooled tracking device, the Beauceron Rockets are guided by an AI that visually tracks the target, making small adjustments to avoid obstacles.
  • Heavy: Bells and Whistles have a way of adding up.
  • Charge time: If you just need a nice big laser to put a hole in something, you’re gonna have to blow something up first. Twice.
  • Loud: Stealth isn’t really an option when you’re launching spicy metal logs at people
  • Spoiled for Options: With a multitude of rockets and firing modes, users must be familiar with what they’re working with or risk some unfortunate misunderstandings.
  • AI Blues: The Weapon's AI can be hacked if someone gets their hands on either the launcher or the rockets
The VSF Bauceron was built by the Vitae Security Forces specifically as a standard issue rocket launcher for VSF troops and allies. Boasting a two round capacity and a multitude of missile types, the Bauceron can destroy most any target on the field. For ground troops, the launcher has both HE and Shrapnel rounds meant for inflicting mass casualties. For light to heavy vehicles, the HEAT rounds boast a baradium warhead capable of turning most any machine into slag. If one wants to capture a vehicle rather than turn it into tiny bits, or provide the enemy with casualties and useless weapons, the HEEMP round delivers a highly concussive blast in combination with a widespread EMP strike to disable any nearby electronics. For enemies in the air, the AA round offers a penetrating round with a smaller explosive yield with the benefit of an enlarged droid brain that allows for faster target acquisition for fire and forget missiles.

All rockets designed for the Bauceron contain rudimentary AI based off VSF's V.E.S.S framework. Chips within each rocket are linked to a droid brain within the weapon. This allows for the rockets to track its targets with intelligent design rather than more primitive methods such as heat signature. While based off VSF's V.E.S.S. design, many of the features have been stripped away, for ease of manufacture, leading to only a basic intelligence. This, AI is also hardware based, with all links requiring physical loading of the rocket, thus preventing any hacking from an outside network. However, if an enemy is able to gain control of a launcher or rocket, they could theoretically hack that individual component.

While most missile launchers and recoilless rifles deal with the issue of back blast, the VSF Bauceron was created to turn such a liability into a strength. With a dome shaped energy converter placed at the back of the rocket tube, the Bauceron contains the force and fire transferred from every blast and converts it into energy. This energy is then transferred into the weapon’s laser battery, which when fully charged (after three rounds fired), can fire a large bore laser beam at a range of approximately 10 meters. This beam is strong enough to melt through most vehicular materials and is designed to take on light vehicles and tanks. While it would find difficulties in piercing through the armor of vehicles such as the Behemoth AT-AT, vehicles such as the IFT-X or AAT would find 10 inch holes punched through their hulls.

Finally, the Bauceron Laucnher was a weapon designed for all battlefields. Tested in Veradune’s most harsh environments, it has proven durable against most forms of natural wear and tear that a soldier’s weapons might encounter. Furthermore, each rocket is capable of firing in three modes. Dumb Fire allows someone to simply point at an enemy and pull the trigger while accounting for range. Laser Guided allows a person to fire the missile and guide the rocket with a laser emitted from the end of the weapon’s barrel. While incredibly accurate at long ranges, laser guiding is not recommended for closer range encounters as the blockage by the energy converter does create significant, though not unmanageable, recoil. The Fire and Forget Mode makes use of the Weapon AI system, taking the time to ensure that launcher identifies the target before firing a missile that will then track the target by sight and estimation until detonation. While largely reliable for hitting targets, this fire mode does have the drawback of taking approximately three seconds(given clear line of sight and steady tracking) before being ready to fire.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To Create a Standard Issue Rocket Launcher for the GADF
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: VSF, VSF allies and customers
Model: VSF Bauceron
Modular: No
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Material: Durasteel, launcher components, Electrical Components
Ammunition Type: Converted Energy Beam, Various Rocket Types: HEAT, HE, HEEMP, AA, Shrapnel
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Other
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Vulpesen Vulpesen

Very cool sub!
  • The Image source field is broken, I would like to ask you to add the image source link to the template (others usually put it under the art). Thank you for your understanding!
  • You can't use the V.E.S.S. AI in this sub. The VESS has only minor production scale, but this sub is Mass production. I would like to ask you to modify the production scale, or remove the VESS AI sub.
  • I have some concerns about the wording here, it is not the attacker's decision, but always the opponent decide about how your attack was successful. Becauses of this, I would like to ask you to reword it.
    That Extra Shot: After firing two rockets, the Bauceron is capable of shooting one large beam, capable of piercing most light vehicles.
1. Added
2. I turned the AI into a more generic thing. V.E.S.S. is designed for full battlefield tracking and can do a bunch of fancy stuff like handle communications, HUD, features, and independent thinking. Mentioned that VSF used it as a framework(since its their only AI system to date), all this AI knows how to do is play tag.
3. Changed it from "capable" to "rated for." I'm trying to give an idea of the laser's power, and while its true that people can call hits, I think its also prudent to state the general effect of a weapon. Afterall, by that same token, it'd be god modding to simply say your light vehicle shrugged off a shot designed to pierce it for no reason other than, "Rules state I get to call damage."
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