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Approved Location VSF Precinct (TAC Division)

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  • Military Base Name: Vitae Precinct (TAC division)
  • Classification: Embassy and Military Base
  • Location: Hurikane
  • Affiliation: Veradune, Vulpesen, Vitae Security Forces, Tingel Arm Coalition
  • Population: Heavy
  • Demographics: Predominantly Zorren with local species comprising additional forces.
  • Accessibility:
    • Ground Floor: Offices and Point of Contact : Low Security
    • Upper Floors: Diplomatic Offices and Diplomatic Apartments : High Security
    • Basement Levels : Armory and Military Base : Very High Security
  • Description: Providing an imposing figure above ground, the Vitae Embassy is designed to be easily found by those that might need to speak to a representative. With most diplomatic and office spaces found above ground, the Precinct acts as both a point of contact and an armory for Vitae forces working in TAC space.
The Ground Floor of the Precinct acts as an embassy and a place where anyone can make an appointment or submit basic paperwork. The upper floors of the Precinct hold offices and apartments for Vitae Representatives and members of Veradune’s Howlaw Court and are guarded by several security systems and checkpoints. The basement levels are restricted to Authorized personnel and comprise the armory, bunks, and offices of Veradune’s Armis Militia and Tenevi Order. These areas are heavily guarded, both electronically, and with armed guards.

Ground and Second Floor: The first two floors of the Precinct act as a general lobby and office space. This area is considered neutral ground and Veran soil, with most beings being welcome. While the area doesn’t post anything but the most basic of security such as key cards for staff only areas, it does have several armed guards on duty in case of a violent attack.

Diplomatic offices: Found on the Upper Floors, the Diplomatic Offices are a place where representatives of Veradune and its Vitae Security Forces can meet with members of the Tingel Arm Coalition, or anyone else in the area that is deemed worthy of such a meeting. Access to these floors required proper key cards and identification, and perhaps even an armed escort depending on the nature of the meeting.

Basement Levels: Below the main structure of the Embassy is an underground bunker where members of the Armis Militia and Tenevi order live and conduct their day to day business. Protected from an aerial attack, this area is also under heavy guard with armed patrols and auto-turrets ready to defend against attacking forces. Each of the five levels is accessible only by lift and a single emergency staircase, each of which is guarded by an armed checkpoint where identification must be presented before progressing either up or down. The fifth(lowest) level of the basement is a small jail area where enemies of either the TAC or Veradune can be held until they can be transferred to a more secure location. This level also houses the control picket from where all fifth level doors and many of the more sensitive upper level doors are activated.

Ground and Second Floor: Low
  • Keycard locks
  • Several Armed Guards
  • Security Droids on Standby
Upper Floors: High
  • Keycard Locks
  • Armed Guards at multiple Areas
  • Auto-Turrets activated upon alarm
  • Alarms Activated upon intrusion into sensitive areas or at security's discretion
Basement Levels: Maximum
  • Armed Patrols
  • Checkpoints
  • Lower Floors have Doors activated by a central control room or emergency keys only
  • Keycard locks
  • Security Droids on Standby
  • Heavy Soldier presence
  • Auto-Turrets are password activated as needed by Central Control Room

Given Veradune’s position deep within Galactic Alliance Space and the planet’s mission to spread its influence and protection to the rest of the Galaxy, Vulpesen found himself with a problem when given the chance to support the Tingel Arm Coalition. Namely, that being based out of one planet, he could only do so much, especially when that planet was under the influence of another galactic government. This problem was solved by subsidizing a portion of his military power and placing it under the Vitae Security Forces, which being a private business, was far more free to open a branch on Hurikane so that Vulpesen could have a base to deal with the Tingel Arm Coalition leadership.

The precinct was built with three basic levels, the basement floors, the civilian floors, and the diplomatic floors, each one requiring a different level of security due to what might be accessible at that location. Meant to serve as a catch all center for the interests of Veradune and the Vitae Security Forces, the Vitae Precinct contains both a military Barracks and a communication center so that members of those organizations may be housed and kept in contact with their compatriots.
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