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Approved Tech VT-RDTS

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Image Source: Google
Intent: To create a system by which Rigor can NEVER DIE AND BECOME IMMORTAL AND BREAK THE RULES OF THE BOARD jk it's just a neat system for him to be able to do more things.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Vanir Technologies
Model: Rigor Data Transference System
Affiliation: Rigor
Modularity: No.
Production: Production: Unique
Material: It's...It's data...So I guess some servers and a communications relay and maybe a systems administrator that hates his job and spends his time on an Earth Roleplaying Board.
The Rigor Data Transference System is in actual fact a very simple idea, concept, and technology.

Rigor, also know as VT-MD#13 is in actual fact a rather simple design. The droid itself is not much more then a simple skeletal durasteel frame, some light durasteel armor, a built in communications relay and several sensors suites. The technology that make up Rigor is neither a galactic step forward, nor a massive technological innovation. Rigor is not a marvel of the galaxy, at least his physical body is not. What makes Rigor unique is it's conscious mind and limited self awareness. Though this is achievable in many droids without prolonged memory wipes, Rigor has developed a 'personality' that makes him uniquely suited to his duties within Saeva Incorporated.

This unique consciousness, and the abilities that come with it are what is valuable about Rigor.

In order to preserve this one precious component of Rigor, the droid itself transmits data back to a central compound with Vanir Technologies that constantly keep it up to date with Rigors knowledge, personality, consciousness, and latest conscious assessments. In simple terms, Rigor regularly uploads all data contained within itself to a central server. This means that all that Rigor is, all that he knows, is backed up within Vanir Technologies headquarters.

This system backup occurs whenever Rigor chooses, though it is regularly scheduled to happened every 24 hours. This time can be moved around depending on if Rigor is participating in stealth operations. The backup can also be initialized post-mortem as long as the droids central data storage and communication modules are not damaged. It simply utilizes the nearest open communications relays to send back its data to the central server.

This means that if Rigor were to be destroyed in combat, say his body is torn in half by one of those silly Force Users, it would be able to transmit its last known memories back to the central server system. At this point, once the data is fully backed up, Rigor's consciousness can be replaced into a new droid body with all the memories of its old form.

Of course, this signal transmission is nothing unique. It can be jammed via normal methods, stopped via destruction of the relay or electromagnetic pulse. The technology itself is not unique nor groundbreaking, simply innovative in its use. Of course stopping the final transmission does not stop Rigor's rebirth, as in simple term it will simply use and 'older' backup copy to restore itself back from the central server. The backdraw to this is of course that the 'older' copy will lack the knowledge of the former's experiences since the last update. This means that if information was gathered, a target was terminated, or something else occurred the 'new' Rigor will have no knowledge of it.

Primary Source: N/A
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