Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vulcan Industries Galaxy Wide Tournament (Sign up required)

Melkor Stood on a platform above the arena the contestants were gathered below in the fighting den, a flat circuler area. He smiled and yelled "Welcome To The Opening night of the Vulcan Industries Galaxy Wide Tournament. Fighter have come from around the galaxy for money prizes and fame!!"

He waited for a second before continuing "The first rounds will be held in this flat even arena where there is no advantage to be had! After this they will be randomly generated holo fields of battle! The only restriction are you must carry only what you annouce before hand, it must all fit on your body, and no destroying the arena. Any breaking of any of these rules will result in immediate disqualification! May the Best Being win!!

A Holo screen apeared with the first round match ups on it (
Melkor let his platform retract as he let the contestants go to prepare themselves

OOC: Who ever is on the top of the match brack (Aka Shorn for A block) is to start the Duel thread fo round one, you have 3 days to start and finish the duel, in the even that the duel is not over I will decide the winner. You can post any out of duel rp here, no fight outside of the arena or you will be disqualifide.
[member="Raven Mulds"]
[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Daxton Bane"]
[member="Coric Adromak"]
[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
[member="Sebastion Wulfsorrow"]
[member="Countess Xyhn"]
Sebastion was pumped he had been waiting for this for awhile, but he was horrified to find his first match was against a Dark Jedi master. "Sir, I don't mean to judge your rules, but may we implement a rule that allows no force powers unless the two combatants are Force-users." Sebastion knew he had no chance to win if he fought a master in his first round. Other than that the weapons I announce are a knife, two Echani vibroblades, and two tournament legal blaster-pistols.
Jace went to the stands and purchased his large drink and popcorn then sat down at his front row seat, eager to see the tournament.

OOC: GG Sebastion XD

[member="Darth Morgoth"][member="Sebastion Wulfsorrow"]
Chaff had been looking forward to this for a while. He walked in and reviewed the chart, and was happy to see he had been put into the second round already. Meant his opponent had dropped or they didn't have enough to fill up the chart. Great, that meant he'd get to see whoever he was going up against fight, and they wouldn't get to see him. Chaff laughed as he took a seat to watch.
OOC: All blocks will be going on at the same time. When all blocks in a round are completed then we will move on. All fights in a round will happen at once just incase that was not clear
Also the first round arena floor is made of steel and are the walls
Jace noticed as one of the second round combatants sat beside him, "Hey, aren't you going to be fighting later in the tournament?" he asked the man, "How about you and I have a little wager on these guys in the first round?" After all, Jace thought to himself, I could always use some more pocket change.

"Well at least I'm sure I have more experience in the pit." Sebastion had been raised in the pit, molded by it. The pit will betray them, because it is his. He had faith in his gladiator experience and Echani training, the only problem would be the force powers. Maybe he won't show up he though, This was blissful optimism.
Melkor was hovering over the aren of the battle between the beast and the Jedi, so far it was a good match but he was shocked when he saw the jedi throw down his weapons and challenge the beast head on!! He yelled "What and upset it seems the Jedi is truly noble and will fight beast on his own grounds!"
Rider was sitting next to him and said"No he just is trying to give the beast a fair fight. I'd put my money on the beast though, he's smarter then you think" [member="Meanken"]

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