Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Vuleeg'okairn (Vuleego Kairn)
FACTION: Sith Empire

RANK: Acolyte

SPECIES: Twi'lek

AGE: 22

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'3"

WEIGHT: 125lbs

EYES: Blue


SKIN: Light blue with darker blue lekku patterns



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+]The Force - Vuleego has spent more time contemplating, meditating and training with the force than she has with a blade and for an acolyte will little formal training in the force, she has good command over it yet still has a long way to go.

[+]Military training + Education - Most of her training and education through her teenage years was through the Military of the Galactic Alliance, as such she has experience with military tactics and combat.

[+]Blaster training - As part of this training, Vuleego became highly adept with both a rifle and a pistol, still keeping a trusty blaster by her side.

[+/-]Forgiving/Merciful - Vuleego is not a merciless, typical Sith and even understanding of others in an almost Jedi-like fashion. This is perceived by many Sith to be a sign of weakness, though she believes personally that blind anger is pointless and that being needlessly cruel for the sake of it is a hindrance to her power as she'd rather be respected by her skill, strength and aptitude as a leader rather than feared like a monster. This means that she can hold back where other Sith may not.

[-]Lacking melee skills - She's not skilled with a blade or a lightsaber. This doesn't mean that Vuleego will be dropping it every 5 seconds, but other acoyltes better versed in combat would have an easy time overpowering her. As of right now, she doesn't have a lightsaber of her own.

[-] Power hungry - While being well mannered, forgiving and often kindly towards others, Vuleego is certainly not without the ambition that characterises the Sith. As an acolyte, she desires to become a Sith Knight and once she's a Knight, she'll no doubt want to be a Lord and then...her ambition will grow further. The desire and greed for more than she has or deserves could possibly be her undoing.

[-]Insecure - Despite her hunger for power, those already much more talented and stronger than her with the Force greatly intimidate her and her presence as well as confidence most certainly shrinks around them.

5'3", 125lbs, youthful, well spoken

Born on Sullust, Vuleego's parents were both respected Officers within the Galactic Alliance which meant that she spent most of her childhood on ships or in the hands of tutors or relatives without much time around her parents, leading to her becoming fairly distant from them. When they discovered that she was force sensitive, they desperately kept it under wraps due to their aspirations for Vuleego to join the military as they had done. Yet the young Twi'lek wanted more. Her heart was set on being a Jedi, yet her parents refused to give her leave to join and study the ways of the force, though she continued to do so anyway in secret by herself. Over the years this moved from just a simple curiosity to the power in her hands to a deep resentment of her parents, believing that they were simply jealous of the power that she held and wanted to hold her back so that they wouldn't be upstaged by their own daughter. This bitterness pushed her towards the Dark Side.

Yet she did not hate her parents completely. As they desired for her, she simply followed their wishes to enlist, avoiding conflict with them. Yet to her it seemed apparent that the Alliance and the Rebellion was doomed to fall against the Empire and the budding First Order and her passions to escape to her true calling with the force grew until she heard of the rise of the Sith.

This was her chance at last to discover the secrets of The Force, to achieve power that she never could by simply following the wishes of her family and thus Vuleego defected to the Sith Empire to begin her training in the Dark Side of The Force.





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