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Approved NPC Vylmiran High Council Guardians

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  • Intent: To create an elite combat unit serving as personal guards for the High Councilor of Vylmira
  • Image Credit: Screenshot taken from Warframe
  • Role: This unit serves as an elite guard for the High Councilor of Vylmira, whomever may hold the position. Though they are extremely capable fighters, they are only deployed for defensive missions, to protect the High Councilor, or anyone he/she wishes to help protect.
  • Links: Voph
  • Unit Name: Vylmiran High Council Guardians
  • Affiliation: Vylmiran Council
  • Classification: Bodyguard
  • Equipment: Staff, Armor
  • Description: High Council Guardians are noted for their distinctive crimson armor, and ceremonial staffs. Only nine ever exist at any time, drawn from the larger pool of Council Guardians. Each of the nine is personally vetted and selected by the Vylmiran Council, and approved by the High Councilor. While the High Councilor is on Vylmira, only a single guard remains with him or her. When traveling abroad to foreign territory, all nine accompany the High Councilor. During ventures to other worlds in the Confederacy, or allied regions, only two will accompany the High Councilor. While retired High Council Guardians are granted lavish living spaces and considerable wealth for their service, active duty Guardians live in the Golden Hall, so as to be near the High Councilor at all times.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Combat Function: The High Council Guardians are exclusively comprised of Force Sensitives, traditionally Miraluka, who excel at hand-to-hand combat. They are trained in the lethal use of the signature Guardian Staff, along side an array of Force Powers, both defensive and offensive in nature.
  • Master Melee Fighter: The High Council Guardians are masters of melee combat, even moreso when working in tandem.
  • Knight Force Users: Though they have not studied the deeper aspects of the Force, they are still formidable combatants with the Force.
  • Teamwork: The Guardians are intended to work as a team. While still formidable on their own, they are a mere fraction of the fighting force they are when paired.
  • Neutral Alignment: The Guardians maintain a neutral alignment in the Force. As they are not proficient in crossing the barrier between light and dark, they have difficulty using the more advanced techniques from either side.
The Vylmiran High Council Guardians were established as an order alongside both the Council Guardians, and the Vylmiran Council itself. Serving primarily as the guardians of the High Councilor, leader of the Miralukan Colony world of Vylmira, the High Council Guardians are selected from the most elite warriors and fighters among the Vylmirans. Each member is elected by the Council at large, and approved by the existing High Councilor, to serve until age or medical condition hinder their ability to do so.

After Vylmira joined the Confederacy, the Vylmiran High Council Guardians received new armor to commemorate their entrance to a larger universe, inspired by the current High Councilor's time among the Sith, and the various Honor Guards encountered there. Shifting to a more neutral stance, the Guardians have been trained to be more warlike, as the galaxy plunges deeper into war, and the High Councilor takes a far more active role in galactic politics....
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