Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vyperion "Tetra Gravos"



Name: Vyperion
Alias?: Tetra Gravos
Age: 186
Rank In Faction:
Gender: Female
Species: Modified Human Replica Droid
Class: Assassin
Height: 6 feet 1 inch
Weight: Two hundred and forty-four pounds.
Hair Color: Bone
Eye Color: Crimson
Skin Color: Alabaster
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
OOC Concept: The original usage of the name "Vyperion" is not a normal man at all, but a sort of lesser deity. This droid is based heavily on said deity.
Voice: Colleen Clinkenbeard
Equipped Items: She typically carries a lightsaber on her hip and a laser pistol of sorts on her other hip.
Force Sensitivity?: No, however she carries around a shard with Master level force capability in a bag.
Special Traits: She may be a droid, but you can get her drunk off her arse after a long time in the bar. She remembers a lot of things you would not think a droid of her age would.
Quirks: She is a droid with a questionable personality for the war torn worlds around her.
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Greed
Likes: She likes wine, non-lethal combat and metals more precious than the Durasteel she is made of.
Dislikes: She dislikes slavery, people who openly commit war crimes, and people who kill innocents.
Strengths: Her body is made of Durasteel and Desh, but coated with a rather smooth metal and syntheflesh over the coating, however her body also contains a plethora of weapons inside it. Her memory banks do not have an erase button. And lastly, her body's age, while it would catch up to most humanoids and even droids, never caught up with her combat performance, as in she can fight a long, long time.
Weaknesses: Her body is wartorn, but not enough that it's unsightly, as she once had a repulsorlift pack on her back 50 years ago that was blown up on her, a hole is in her left hand that is more of a crater in the metal, and her eyes are fading. As in she had more to her but lost it, it is harder for her to hold things in her left hand, and her eyesight is "fleeting".
Biography: (Sadly, this is not finished in my head, so give me a while.)

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