Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Vyr'athar, the Outcast Son


NAME: Vyr’athar


AGE: Approximately 32 Galactic Standard Years

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.95 Meters

WEIGHT: 90.71 kg

EYES: Whilst much of his face is usually obscured by a mask, two green eyes the color of emeralds shine through it’s blank features

HAIR: Bald

SKIN: Dull and rugged skin, colored a dreary grey

FACTION: Sith Empire

RANK: Sith Acolyte

FORCE SENSITIVE: One of the handful of Grysk able to use the force , he is wildly untrained but has possessed a natural and disturbing affinity for Drain Knowledge

Knowledge Vampire

With a natural affinity for Drain Knowledge and a merciless curiosity for all things, Vyr’athar is very capable of just stealing that which he doesn’t know: of course, that is easier said than done

Born of Chaos

Being born in and spending much of his life within the Unknown Regions or the so called “Chaos”, Vyr’athar is still mainly naive on the fine workings of the wider Galaxy

Nurtured to Evil
The culture of the Grysk is one of domination and manipulation, and whilst Vyr’athar may be the Outcast Son he still holds his cultural doctrines deep within his heart: working almost as a second nature for the Grsyk

Tall, and lanky, clad in the traditional half-decayed armor of his people Vyr’athar is an enigma. A creature beyond the knowledge of much of the Galaxy, much of his appearance is hidden beneath his strange and exotic armor. A tactic to incite equal measures of fear and curiosity in his potential victims and pawns.

Much of Vyr’athar’s history remains a jumbled mess of vague stories and lies, such is what the wayward Grysk intends: what is known for certain is that the man was born in the distant and well-hidden homeworld of the Grysk and fought alongside his people at some point in time. But his talents with the force would supposedly make him become an outcast from the Hegemony, though the truth may in fact be much darker than that.

Sent into the Galaxy alone and confused, the Outcast Son would wander the Galaxy aimlessly feasting in his insatiable lust for knowledge: a dangerous tool for any Grysk to have, for those familiar in their strange and vile ways. This would send him all throughout the Unknown Regions before Vyr’athar would eventually dominate a Smuggler to his will and forced the man to ferry him to the wider Galaxy. Dwelling on Nar Shadda for a time, the exotic monster would repeat this same trick time and time again in his aimless quest, that was until knowledge of the Sith reached his ears.

Fascinated by the Force Cult, the Grysk would nigh immediately made haste to the blotch of space they dubbed their Empire. Intending to add something knew into his reservoir of knowledge, a new way to harness the dark powers that he possessed.




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