Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Inactive Character

Name: Waahr

Biographical information:
Homeworld: Barafka
Age: Seventeen (Late twenties sin human years)

Physical description:
Species: Maour
Height: 2.3 meters
Mass: 136 kg
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Red

Other Information:
Affiliation: None
Job: Mercenary
Force senstivity: Negative

Early life
Waahr was born in Raute, a large underground mining city on Barafka, to a Maour working as within the Barafkan Security, doing little more then capturing, killing, or torturing those that defy the Barafkan goverment. For the first six years of his life, Waahr was taught by his mother. WHile Maours living outside of human colonies would be taught to hunt for food, and find warm places to live near, Waahr was taught how to kill or maim humans, in preperation for joining the Barafkan Security. By the age of three (about six for a human), Waahr was being taken on his mother's hunts for traitors and rebels to the Barafkan Colonies, learning firsthand how to fight and survive against others at a young age, using his claws and already budding antural strentgh to his advantage.

As per Maour tradition, Waahr was abondoned at the age of six (about nine for a human), and left on his own. Typically, not many people would be scared of a nine year old... But Waahr was stronger then most adult humans, already, and had claws that could gore most beings in one swipe. Even as a child, he was given a wide berth. However, due to his young age, he was unable to work for Barafkan security. After 'accidently' mauling the recruiter for Barafkan Security, Waahr left Raute, unable to gain food and shelter there, and began to wander the caves of Barafka, like the majority of Maours do.

For several years, Waahr survived in the lava tubes and caves of Barafka, hunting the creatures that live there, and occasionally figthing off another young Maour from his territory. However, when an older member of his species surfaced, he was quick to flee. Around the age of fourteen (about twenty for a human), Waahr found his way to the surface of the planet throught eh cave systems, for the first time in his life. The cold was bearable, his blubber layer, thick fur, and prxoimity to volcano Mount Raum made it warm enough for him. The first thing he noticed was the light. He'd never left the caverns before, and the light, ecpecially reflecting off the snow and ice, was blinding. Waahr didn't leave the caverns for months after that.

Leaving Barafka
A few months after he saw the surface for the first time, Waahr began to make occasional trips to the ice-ridden land above. He'd gotten a acute taste for one of the types of creatures that lived on the surface, going up to hunt them every few weeks when he got a crabving. At first, he would walk around with one paw over his eyes, to block out the light. Eventually, however, he found that if he squinted it wasn't to bad... but he could never keep his eyes open for more then ten minutes, or horrible headaches woudl start to set in from the light.

It was on one of these hunts that he found Raum. He was chasing his favorite prey, several miles from the enterence to his cave home, when he saw somthing peculiar. A human, like the ones in Raute, riding a mechanical flying thing he'd seen on a holovision once.. A speeder bike, he thought they were called. The human noticed him, his black fur constrasting eaisly with the white snow, but didn't seem to care much he was being watched. Or that he was followed for a mile. Eventually, Waahr happened across Raum. A huge city, like Raute, only on the surface, covered in snow. Ships constnatly taking off or landing, and close proximity to all the prey he coudl want. Waahr never went back to the caves.

It wasn't long before Waahr adapted back into human society, as something of an enforcer for the black market that thrived on Raum. Anyone who wanted to alert the Barafkan Districts about something in the black market? Waahr was sent to kill him. And he was good at his job. His bosses even awarded him a little pair of darkened lenses, 'sunglasses' he called them, to help block out the sun, to curve theheadaches the intense light caused him.

Eventually, the Barafkan Districts found out about his position with the black market. And the Barafkan Security was dispatched to take him to Kerker. Witht he help of one of his contacts int he black market, he quickly got onto the first ship leaving Raum, and was plunged into the galaxy at large. He had absaloutely no idea of the funcitoning of hte greater galaxy, and nearly everyone shunned him. Which wasn't hard to understand froma human's point of view. As fullgrown he was over seven foot tall, and nearly three hundred pounds. However, he eventually found that sentients were paid to do what he had been doing since he was three. And he became a mercenary.

Positive traits
Organic Tank - Maours are extremely strong, as well as able to take more hits then the average sentient,due to theirdense muscle structure.

Super-lung - Maours have a natural set of second lungs, used for filtering out ash, smoke, and toxins.

A born fighter - Trained from the age of three, Waahr is an amazing combatant, and could probably kill you in fifty ways unarmed.

Negative traits
Sensitive eyes - Waahr has extremely sensitive eyes, giving him a great sense of night vision, but also makes him vunerable to bright light.

Slow to manuver - Waahr is huge. Enough said.

Prone to overheat - Though after leaving Barafka his blubber layerhas thinned, it's still there. And combined with his extremely thick fur, he would not do well in most hot climates.

Prone to agression - Anger issues are an understatement.

Dislike of people, and social settings - He does not do well in crowds....

Unable to follow orders - Don't tell himw hat to do, and he won't gut you.

Bad pilot - Waahr can fly a simple ship... and sometimes can land... just not very well. Don't expect him to be in any dogfights.

Neutral traits
Super senses - WHile his senses of smell and hearing are greatly enhanced, that means he can be overwhelmed by it.

Terrifying appearance - It might be distracting in a fight, but it also means he dosen't have many friends... Not that he'd want them.

Claws - Like the rest of his species he has extremely sharp, strong, claws, perfect for goring you. Not good for typing in datapads, or working computer terminals.

Man of few words - Due to a combination of his tendacy to speak Basic in a growling, rumbling manner, and the fact that he just dosen't like people, Waahr dosen't talk much.

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