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Character Wahlrin of Levhithon

Emperor of Rhiinalh and the Rhiinul

Wahlrin of Levhithon

56 GSY
Species: Rhiinul
Gender: Male
Height: 10 feet
Weight: 689 pounds (combination of muscle and blubber)
Force Sensitive: No


Wahlrin appears like "might makes right" given flesh. He is a towering specimen of the Rhiinul species where much of his bulk is more muscle than insulating blubber. His physical features are then quite consistent with the Rhiinul form. The broad head with small beady eyes as well as a large prominent and toothy mouth. His complexion is more on the light gray end of the Rhiinul skin-tone spectrum, and his skin has a thick leathery texture that looks akin to that of an elephant. he has deep, sunken, black pits for eyes, where they are incredibly dark even for the usual dark tones found among Rhiinul. He is very emotive, where one can easily see the emotion he is exhibiting at the given moment. From there, as warlike as his species is, Wahlrin is seldom seen outside of armor. He would likely wear simple robes when sleeping or in total privacy, but whenever he is seen in public he will wear ornate armor that is of the highest quality the Rhiinul could possibly craft.

  • Wahlrin's Armor (To Be Submitted)
  • Wahlrin's Maul (To Be Submitted)
  • Slugthrower Sidearm (To Be Submitted)


Wahlrin portrays himself as the mightiest and bravest warrior of the Rhiinul species. To some extent, this is truthful. He has a mind for war and conquest. Ten years of his reign was spent conquering lands on his home planet. He is a blunt and passionate ruler who does not care for what is known of him. There is an element of sadism in his ways though, where he sees it as him taking pleasure out of enforcing order in his Empire. In addition to that, he sees direct (and often violent) solutions to problems. He is the kind who thinks to destroy problems he faces with brute force.

His is a mind that is continuously thinking of the next thing to conquer, the next challenge to overcome, the next threat to crush. He likes to display his successes, but is incredibly driven to attempt to create more to add to his list. As Wahlrin's ambitions continue to march on, his physical appetite also seems to grow. Wahlrin is not only driven by a continual desire to achieve, conquer, and dominate more, but also a tremendous physical hunger. His portions at feast are extravagant for even elite Rhiinul, as well as an appetite for mates among the Rhiinul where he strives to create the strongest progeny possible to secure his legacy. He sees himself as a guiding figure for the Rhiinul species, and dreads the possibility that the future after his reign will undo his great accomplishments, as numerous as they may be.

As he lives, Wahlrin strives to continue being a living legend among the Rhiinul. Therefore, his actions and decisions may be driven not only by his hungers, his amibition, and his species' culture's drive to dominate over others, but also by an idea to be a paragon of Rhiinul virtues. Therefore, that a cycle forms of appetite and feats of strength feeding off of this drive to be a paragon, and that drive feeding his appetites and ambitions.

  • Rhiinul Strengths: Wahlrin possesses many of the strengths consistent with his species.
  • Skilled Warrior:For his whole life, Wahlrin has been striving to be a mighty and powerful warrior, and his skill has increased accordingly.
    • More skilled in melee, but is competent with slugthrower-blasters.
  • Commander: With Wahlrin's reign occupied primarily by military campaigns against his neighbors, and now coordinating his new Empire's efforts in the greater galaxy, his skill as a commander has been seen as fairly competent.
  • Elite Status: Due to his position as Emperor of Rhiinalh and the Rhiinul, Wahlrin has access to some of the best products of his world with all the benefits that entails.

  • Rhiinul Weaknesses: Wahlrin posseses many of the strengths consistent with his species.
  • Hulking Juggernaut: While he is a skilled warrior, Wahlrin's size and girth makes him somewhat slow and heavy-handed with combat, which could be exploited.
  • Hedonist Appetite: Wahlrin tremendous appetites for what he sees as the "spoils of war."
  • Brute-Force Inclined:Wahlrin lacks many ideas of nuance when it comes to command, where his tendency to destroy any obstacles he faces might not fit in the situation.
    • Not good for politicking despite his position of prominance.

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