In Umbris Potestas Est
NAME: Walder Daws. Took on the name Inferus and no one alive knows his real name.
FACTION: No one as of yet
AGE: 43
HEIGHT: 5'10
EYES: Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Enhanced strength due to the force still being active in him. Sub-consciously, Inferus uses the force to enhance his speed, strength, wit, and awareness.
+ Excellent hand to hand combat training. ( Not a master by any means, but decent enough to hang. )
+ Proficient at identifying and using almost any weapon.
+ Keen detective skills that allow him to notice things most people would not.
+ Loyal to those he deems friends, though he has never really met a friend.
+ Very stealthy and adept at sneaking in and out of places.
+ Experienced at lockpicking and can pick the lock of almost anything.
- Paranoid Schizophrenic. Inferus sees and hears voices everywhere, often times seeing his lover Cassie, who will talk to him. The episodes strike at random times and he can be prone to mental breakdowns if the situation becomes to stressful for him.
- Destroys any relationship he has by not opening up. Mostly due to the fact that he really has lost track of himself and does not even really know who he is anymore.
- Very selfish and only thinks for himself. He will often use other people to get what he wants and will throw them to the side once they are of no use to him anymore.
- Very audacious, often times acting before he thinks, especially if he comes across someone he wishes to see dead. He will lose sight of himself and charge full on to get at someone he dislikes, even if he is clearly at a disadvantage, he has an inability to give up.
- Very bold, but in a bad way, he is bad at over assuming and underestimating foes. This goes along with his audacious nature, often assuming he can take on someone, when in fact he can not.
- Callous and closed off to emotion when around other people. Some think he is a robot while others can tell that he has completely lost any and all empathy for others, including himself.
- Shows an extreme fanaticism towards force users in general. Believing the force to be corrupt, and because of this, anyone who uses the force is corrupt. Convinced that any and all force users are ignorant to their own wrong doing.
- Very erratic and sometimes completely crazy, will often times resort to extreme measures, which would harm both himself and the people he is with if it means that he can complete the task that he is trying to accomplish.
- He does not fear death, often times, he looks forward to death as it will be the end of his suffering. This goes well with his erratic behavior as he is not afraid to put himself into harms way to accomplish something.
- Very rude, or gruff, in how he talks and handles situations. He is very straight forward and does not like to beat around the bush. If he wants something done, he gets it done, and he does not waste time in dealing with being side tracked. This results in the people who are around him becoming angered or insulted by his straightforward nature.
Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).
Walder Daws was born on Nar Shadaa into an impoverished family of six. The youngest of four children, Walder was also very small for his age, and was often picked on due to his height, stutter, and red hair. He developed quite the temper at a young age and would often lash out in fits of violence against his siblings or other kids his age, sometimes going so far as to lash out at much older kids, which often resulted in a horrible beat down. He was never close to anyone in his family, except for his mother Tronah, who seemed to be the only one in the family who showed him any affection.
His parents made very little money which meant very little food and hand me down clothing. Seeing as how he was the smallest, he was given the least amount of food, and because of this he was always extremely feeble and weak. Despite all of this, he never showed fear, and was often the one who would speak up if someone were to make fun of him or his family. Though he did not care much for his brothers and sisters, he considered himself loyal to his family, and he would stick up for them. Though they did not seem to appreciate being protected by their frail little brother.
Walder hated everything about organized crime as he had witnessed it destroy his family. His father, a man with a habitual gambling addiction, would often times waste away all of their money at the casinos on the planet. This caused their family to get into debt and he was introduced to violence from a very young age, on more than one occasion seeing his father brutally beat down in their own home by a group of thugs looking to get their money. The one time Walder decided to interfere, he was sliced across the face with a knife, which left a permanent scar that ran across his eye. Not having enough money for decent medical bills, Walder was scolded for interfering, and the infection nearly took his life.
His brother left the family to join one of the criminal organizations on the planet, becoming a small time thug who did nothing but harass people, Walder included. This saddened Walder greater than anything in his life, even though he never had a close relationship with his brothers, he wondered what could have been had his parents had a better grip on their lives. Walder tried to intervene one day, but his brother who had become completely corrupted, was forced to brutally beat down young Walder and left him in a weeping and crying mess.
It was there, in the frigid rain, covered and blood, that a man approached him. A hooded figure who lifted Walder up off his feet and took him to an undisclosed location far from his home. When Walder awoke his wounds had been tended to and he was sleeping in the most comfortable bed he had ever been in. Convinced he was dead, Walder roamed the home, until he was stopped by the man who told him that he was a "Sith Lord". Walder, being only eight and only hearing about Sith and Jedi through stories, did not believe him until he demonstrated his powers with the force. He told Walder that he was able to use the force and that he would train him so that one day he could come back and save his family from themselves.
Walder was skeptical, at first, but seeing how the man could do things Walder had never even dreamed of he decided he would do it. He would come back for his mother and his siblings. He was not allowed to see them anymore and the Sith informed him that they were to leave the planet right away. So, away they went, Walder stepping foot on a ship for the very first time in his life and going off planet. He was both excited and nervous about what was happening, for some reason every time the Sith spoke Walder could not help but be convinced, like he was getting into his head and forcing him to accept what was happening.
As the years went on, Walder's powers slowly began to rise, going from a fail young man to an athletically built teenager. His personality had changed from a caring and loyal boy to that of a cold and calculated warrior. His teacher preached that the only way he would be able to pass his trials was to kill his master once he had learned everything he could. The prospect frightened Walder, but in the back of his head, he knew he had to. If he was deemed too weak to take over the mantle of Sith Lord then he would simply be killed and cast aside.
His days were spent mostly honing the force, using his anger to inject himself with a dosage of power, Walder showed exceptional ability with the force. When he was twenty he was deemed worthy of his own lightsaber and was sent to Ilum to retrieve a crystal. Once his lightsaber had been crafted, Walder fell in love with the item, and he began practicing with it at every chance. Before long he became an excellent swordsman and his training was coming along nicely.
Though he was improving, his rage was becoming increasingly harder to control, often prone to outbursts of anger and fits of childlike rage over the smallest of things. His master was growing weary of the inability to control his anger and was contemplating getting rid of Walder, but he had come to far already, he held onto the idea that he could control him.
On a trip for more supplies, Walder took a liking to a young cantina worker, considering her the most beautiful woman in the entire universe. This made Walder lapse in his training to take trips to the cantina just so he could see her. She eventually noticed, and because Walder was too shy to approach her, she approached him and eventually they began to date. For the first time in his life, Walder felt happiness, and he began to question his decision to train with the Sith Lord.
As the years wore on, Walder worried daily on whether or not the man would kill him, but every day it was the same thing. They would train, Walder would see Cassie, and then they would rinse and repeat. Walder knew he was going to have to kill the man before he himself was killed, but he was not sure he was strong enough to do it. So he continued on, growing stronger each day, until he considered himself a worthy opponent.
His plan was coming to fruition, he knew it was time, but he had to wait for the right moment. On the night he had decided he was going to kill the man, Walder sneaked into his room, and what he saw horrified him. Cassie had been tied up and the man stood behind her and threatened to kill her. Walder, unable to do anything, felt his rage swelling inside of him. In an instant, it all boiled over, and he blacked out. When he awoke, Cassie lay in his arms, dead. The Sith Lord also lie dead beside her, and the pain was too much for Walder to bare, the Sith Lord had killed her. When, in reality, he had been the one to kill her. In his anger, he lashed out, and the immense amount of darkside energy that permeated from him kill both the Sith and the woman he loved.
Unable to cope, Walder snapped, his brain malfunctioned and he convinced himself that the Sith Lord had broken into their home and killed the woman he loved. He could not bare the thought of it, so he changed his identity, he created a new life that never happened. Dawning the name Inferus, he blocked out every memory of being a Sith, and he convinced himself that all force users were evil. The Force was corrupt and anyone who used it was worthy of nothing more than death.
Every time he looked in the mirror, he saw the man who killed his wife, he saw himself. But he could not believe it, that was not him, it was the man who killed his wife. Dawning a mask to hide his face from the world, he adopted his new personality well, the mask now becoming his face.
Going back to his homeworld, Inferus discovered that his brother had become the leader of a notorious crime ring, and that his mother and father had passed on. All of his siblings now worked in crime and the cycle had continued. Disgusted, Inferus confronted his brother, the ensuing battle resulted in the death of his eldest brother and Inferus fled the planet for good. He had nothing left their but memories of a past life.
Since then, Inferus has taken on various jobs, working as a merc for hire or as a bounty hunter. Any chance he is given to search for a force user, namely Sith, he takes it.
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.
Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.