Shrugging his multiple shoulders, To'pau inclined his head towards Coci slightly. He considered her words, and she did bring up several good points that he would need to consider in the future while he was meditating. Though he still wasn't in full agreement with her. "You are right when you say that us Jedi experience emotions. These emotions can be fear, pride, jealously, even hate; and it is near impossible to rid ourselves of these things because we are as you said. Normal beings."
"But, I do not believe that this does not excuses us from trying. This merely proves the point that a Jedi's training is never over. Even when he becomes a Jedi Master. Even when he exhausts all the resources that the vast libraries of Voss might have to offer. We will forever be striving to achieve unity with the force, and the best of us do. But only in death."
"As for whether or not eliminating all emotion is helpful or not, your argument hinges on the fact that we need emotion to guide us. To make the right decisions. It is my belief that emotion merely clouds our judgement, and the only thing that can truly guide us to the right path is the force. Take your analogy for example."
"If anything, this proves my point. Emotion will cause us to make a split second decision whether it is for the man attacking the woman or for the woman being attacked. That is simply unavoidable because it is how sentient creatures like you and me think. Emotions are meant for us to make knee jerk decisions in fight or flight situations. Millennia ago when we were primitive beasts fighting the elements to survive, with no knowledge of the force; this helped us."
"Now though, it is only a burden. It hinders stimulating intellectual conversations. It is the bane of unbiased decision making. If a man without emotion stumbled upon the scene which you described, you can be sure that they would act rationally and act out the proper actions that would have been needed to be taken, in said situation. The same cannot be said for a man who relies on his emotions, because even the strongest Jedi have been known to succumb to such things. This is why I believe emotion is unneeded."
Taking a deep breath, To'pau leaned back on the little sofa behind him and allowed a smile to form on his face. 'My my, I haven't had a conversation as interesting as this in a long while. Today has truly been a treat.'
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]