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Walking a Blade's Edge (Anaya Fen)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Ashin's chair overlooked one of Sienar's huge production lines, a factory floor so gigantic as to be unrecognizable. She had picked a vantage point where the final product rolled off: TIE x1 starfighters, updated and re-engineered versions of Darth Vader's TIE. Beautiful little things, to her eye.

"I'm glad you could meet me here, Anaya," she said, gesturing at the chair beside her. "You and I have a number of things to discuss.

"I'm about to overthrow Moridin. I want your help."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya watched the updated TIE fighter roll off the line, its metal form glittering in the bright factory lights. Anaya had never been one for flying, but she would have given anything to climb into the ship, and enjoy the new smell of fresh cut leather and grease, perhaps even take it for a test flight. It was a masterpiece. She stood silently behind Ashin watching the movement on the factory floor before the woman gestured at the chair next to her, she took it a small smile on her face that was quickly wiped clean from it at Ashin's two very blunt statements.

To say she was surprised that Ashin wanted to overthrow the Emperor would have been a lie. She had given that much of a hint towards that on there way to overthrow the Gand that Anaya had merely been waiting for the moment. To ask for Anaya's help though? That was an entirely different matter. After a moment of silence her lips curled into a smile as she looked to the Master at her side. "To the point as always, Ashin. No small talk to sweeten me up first?"

She shook her head and looked back at the production line. "You don't need my help. You just don't want me screwing things up for you."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ashin barked a laugh and looked over at the woman in the other chair. "Got it in one. You're the Emperor's Hand, and your secret lover runs half the Empire. You also know more about my plans than almost anyone. You're uniquely situated to be an obstacle for me, all out of proportion to your power.

"Then again, you're only half right, Anaya. Anything that makes you an obstacle would also make you an asset, correct? You're unsurprised and your guesses are correct. Once again, you show that I can trust the quality of your judgment. You may have some difficulty keeping a leash on your fury, but you're my kind of Sith. I could build a whole Empire based on you. That's less flattery than fact."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya's surprise at Ashin knowing about Kaine rippled from her through the force., and she bit back the how question. This was Ashin Varanin she was talking to, why ask the question in the first place. She pouted slightly "It worries me just how much you know Ashin. Far too clever for your own good, it'll bite you one day."

She mulled over her words, letting out a chuckle at her last words. "Flattery would have worked better." she said meeting Ashin's eyes "I told you from the beginning my purpose is to serve the Empire, Moridin does not serve the Empire, only himself. Not that I am surprised, its a common fault of most sith. Still, not much of a reason to rise against him, is it? He hasn't failed too drastically...yet. " She would happily support Ashin but could not appear to do so without wanting anything in return, it was not very sith like after all. Besides which, she wanted to ensure Kaine's safety, or at least make his death her own. While their relationship was pure lust, she had a soft spot for him and would rather he died at her hand than any other.

"Start sweet talking me."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"You say he hasn't failed drastically. That depends on your definition of failure -- the boondoggle against the Mandalorians might be seen in that light. And I think we have the right to expect better than 'hasn't failed yet' from our Emperor. Don't you? Oh, there's no denying that he's personally powerful. He'll be a challenge and no mistake. But a leader he is not.

"If you want sweet talk, well, I've complimented you enough for the time being. Instead I'll offer you alternatives, opportunities. I proposed an idea to Moridin not long ago, after the last of those interminable challenges from Apprentices. He was to name the Emperor's Champion, a living gateway to be overcome before one's challenge could be presented to the Emperor himself. Perhaps he has already named a Champion; I'm unsure. I would want you as my Champion, Anaya."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya pondered the idea for a moment. To be Ashin's champion would put her in a position that deserved respect, something she found very lacking as Moridin's hand. An expectation though, considering no one really knew her until she was upon them. As champion she would be known but she was not convinced. Someone would try to take Ashin's throne, someone who would best her and what then?

"That's quite a title." she said finally "I am intrigued to know why you want me? But before I find out I have two things to request. The first is that you accept the fact that I will question you, always, not because I don't trust your judgement, but because someone has to. The second, is that you leave the Grand Vizier to me, unless you have another path for me to walk in which case, I sincerely hope whoever deals with him is prepared for the repercussions if he dies."

She gave a small smile "I like my plaything, I'd rather he didn't become damaged goods."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Kaine? Kaine is incredibly useful and, so far as I am aware, does not care which ruler he serves. I seriously doubt he would stand against me, and I far prefer him exactly where he is. As for the freedom to question me..." Ashin shrugged. "As Empress, or Dark Lord of the Sith -- which title do you prefer, incidentally? -- I will have nothing to prove. Not anymore. Feel free. I'll deal with the perception of weakness in my own way.

"As my Champion, incidentally, you would be uniquely suited to learn the best techniques and skills of my challengers. The position is dangerous, but it has its perks beyond simple respect."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya laughed "No Kaine, does not care who he serves, but he will defend Moridin until he is overthrown and if he so desired, could be quite a thorn in your side. Dark Lord is by far, more fetching -- and you will have something to prove Ashin. That seems to be everyone's mistake when they climb into a position of power, they think that, that is it, no more answering to everyone else, but you still have to keep that position and maintain the support you have, else all it takes is another power hungry sith to weed his way into your supporters and snatch them from you. Much like you are doing to Moridin now.

If you succeed, there will always be someone lurking in the shadows to take you down. Every decision you make proves your worth to sit in that throne and as such strengthens your support and makes it harder for them to strike. Fail to maintain that level of worth and your supporters are likely to help bring you down."

Rising from her chair she moved to lean on the railings, peering down at the production below for a moment before turning to face, Ashin again, resting her elbos on the railings as she did. "I like you Ashin, I never liked Moridin he has no care for anyone but himself, and his dead Jedi lover. Tell me more about these perks?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"A world to rule, naturally," she said. "Access to my private holocrons, if any of them interest you. But mostly, the greatest benefit of your new position would be experience with the deadliest secrets of the Force. You would both face and witness every attempt to overthrow me, and all the manifold techniques involved. Did you know that Force Drain can only truly be learned by experiencing it? Other ancient secrets of the Sith are similar, and similarly rare. And that privilege would begin immediately. You would be the only one to bear witness to my duel with Moridin, and record its result. If you're willing to risk his wrath -- or mine, if it looks like you may take his side."

Nisha Decrilla

There it was, Anaya's greatest desire to increase her power in the force so she could better serve the Empire. By placing her in this position Ashin gave her the means to do just that. Oh how she could grow...

"For a chance to increase my power in the force I'd be willing to risk anything. You have my support Ashin." she gave her a wide smile and tilted her head to one side "Out of curiosity, how did you know about Kaine and I?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Nothing more than a guess," she said with a smile. "I've been paying attention to him for some time now -- this plan of mine is far from spur of the moment -- and, after all, there are only so many times you can disappear while you and him are on the same world. Complete guesswork. You both seemed to like things...uncomplicated."

Nisha Decrilla

"Good guess." she replied "Lust is about as uncomplicated as its gets. We prefer for it not to be public knowledge though if everyone pays attention as much as you do then, its likely to become such. And that would be sad, for I would have to find a new plaything."

So who else have you managed to sway to team Ashin?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
“I flatter myself that few people pay attention like I pay attention. I'd imagine your secret will remain so for a good while, though of course you're the final judge of how far your comfort zone can be pushed before you decide to cut and run.” The Dark Master shrugged. “It may be that you'll find such relationships less simple than you would like, in the long term. Attachments happen. And that, perhaps, is only natural. There's no betrayal of the Sith philosophy in forging attachments, as soon as you're ready to accept them. What, after all, is Sith, except willingness to pay the price for exactly what you, personally, want?” She made a sharp gesture of negation. “Everything else is derivative nonsense. For example, hatred of the Jedi is mere path dependency, a relic of personal grudges and geopolitical realities that no longer apply in quite the same ways. To hate Jedi because your teachers hate Jedi is a betrayal of the core Sith principles, and a sign that you do not understand those principles. Naturally, I mean 'you' in the colloquial sense. You are what you choose to be, Anaya – so choose carefully.

“The people I have swayed to my side tend to understand that, or at least they may come to learn it. Darren Shaw and Ryori Za'tire, two powerful Dark Jedi, are old allies of mine, and may choose to lend a hand. Sirella Valkner, my old ally, enemy and Master, will participate, as will my other former Master, Velok. I have surpassed both of them, but they are full Masters, old and strong. Sirella taught me Sith Magic; pay attention to her, but be wary of her manipulations. Velok is an expert in Force Drain and the reallocation of energy, as well as a cataloguer of obscure Force techniques. Both have been known to kill Sith. Impress them, and they will teach you a great deal.”

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya scowled at Ashin's suggestion that she might actually become attached to Kaine. The suggestion was almost laughable but it brought back a conversation she had had with Moridin before he had risen. Attachment was a weakness...or was it? She remembered her first Master, how she had both loved and hated him and how both terrible and great it had felt to drag that blade across his throat. Would it be the same with Kaine? Perhaps, time would tell. "I'll let you know when I've chosen. Every time I think I've found myself, life throws a new path at my feet."

She fell silent as she listed of the people who were assisting her a involuntary tut escaping her at the mention of Darren's name, she rolled her eyes. "I will take your advice on board. Why bring the Sith hater?" she said referring of course to Darren "He has no love for the sith , in fact I'm inclined to believed he would like to see us all dead."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Because he's in love with me, and he's one of the few Knights I know that can face a Master and live to tell about it. He's exceptionally useful."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya laughed, she couldn't help it. It wasn't that she believed Ashin unlovable, it was the idea that Darren loved her that amused her. "Sorry," she said still chuckling before clearing her throat "Yes he fought Moridin, with Daxton Bane and I believe there was a Mandalorian involved? How very...admirable of him." she chuckled again and shrugged "Whatever, its your fan club you invite who you like. Don't expect me to play nice with him."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"I don't, Anaya, but I do expect obedience from you two -- some recognition that you share a common purpose, for the moment. Taunt and provoke him all you like, but you will not strike the first blow. I hope we're clear on that. You're both exceptionally useful to me. I would hate to have either of you damaged. More to the point, I would hate to have to choose between you.

"Tell me, Anaya. What sort of Master do you intend to be? What will be your strategies, your skills, your powers? Where will your focus lie?"

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya gave Ashin a searching look, concluding that her demand of obedience and withholding strikes was one that did not need a response. She would obey, and she would make sure that if there were any strike to be struck then the first would be Darren's. Winding him up was incredibly easy, it wouldn't take much to get him drawn into a fight.

"I intend to be a Master that serves the Empire and not myself. There are too many selfish Master's whose only drive is their own personal desire. My desire is for the Empire to survive, to become as powerful as it was in Palpatines era. A goal we cannot reach with the weak links that we have among us. My focus will be to remove the weakness and encourage the strength. As for my strategies..." she paused her eyes meeting Ashin's "Well, that's not something I'm prepared to share. I'll help you keep your throne, and I'll remove weakness in the empire. How I do it, is none of your concern."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"And to an extent, that's true. However, when it comes to the parts of your strategy that require you to learn and grow in the Force...well, I intend to teach you portions of what I know, and I need to know what you want to know."

Nisha Decrilla

"The ability to influence others and shift their beliefs in your favour." she had felt her do it, with Spencer's aid and Anaya would not have the power to influence hundreds, but to be able to influence a few and bring them to your cause without having to threaten them was a useful skill.

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