Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Walking the line between the light and the dark.

Serco Savar

Serco stood in an open field not too far outside of Theed having used what little money he made helping put down a rebel uprising to get here. In truth the only reason he chose Naboo was because the open fields of grass reminded him of Ansion. Not having the high winds was going to take some getting used to. Serco stood with his eyes closed the tails of his black with white trim robes flawed out in the back as in permanently stuck there.

Reaching out through the force as best he could Serco scanned his surroundings touching each and everything around him for as far as he can. It seemed to be a safer area than he was used to as far as the wildlife was concerned but then again he was on a Republic world and who knew if or when the Jedi would find him. Luckily for Serco they weren't looking for him as far as he knew so the risk was minimal for now.

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