Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*Walks into the wrong place*

[member="Kinsey Starchaser"] *Wild Patches Flees*

[member="Jareth"] “Love what you have done with the place...” then adds in a hushed tone, “said no one ever.”

[member="Isobel Nakano"] “You... sorry, have we met?”
[member="Isobel Nakano"] oh? We sure that was your alter ego, or just the voices in your head? Fine line between the two.

[member="Jareth"] *shivers, and then turns up the thermostat*

[member="Tathra Khaeus"] Only good memories I hope?

[member="Fabula Caromed"] Not a ghost, just... *a light patting of his jacket sends a layer of dust flying* a relic from the past.

[member="Sarge Potteiger"] *rubs kneecap, in obvious discomfort* Rain must be coming... arthritis is acting up.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"] Oh come now... what good is a neighbourhood if it isn’t going somewhere?
[member="Delila Castillon"] Let is kind of a vague term... snuck, sneak, used the back door, infiltrated... those would be more accurate terms.

[member="Rekha Kaarde"] Finally! Someone welcome back with open.... *notices something behind her back* What’s that you got there?
[member="Jonathon Patches"]


^ Patches upon return from the abyss
[member="Tahira Solo"] “Seriously? We haven’t upgraded or updated the dishwasher? I mean... it’s starting to show it’s age...” pauses for a moment, then adds “option C. Both.” as he hands Tahira a stack of dishes.

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