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Approved NPC Walon Kelborn

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  • Intent: Create one more member of my court for future rp.
  • Image Credit: Here and here.
  • Role: Mercenary in the service of Queen Popara.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Links: N/A.
  • Age: 30.
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User.
  • Species: Barabel.
  • Appearance: With 1,8 meters tall, a tall and menacing barabel. Walon has a deadly look in his face, with sharp teeth and long talons, with a powerful structure over his body, Kelborn has his entire body covered with scars and marks of his former battles of his years working for the underworld. His speech is smooth and soft when he speaks to others, with his red glowing eyes the Barabel sometimes drools when he speaks, due to a former fracture over his jaw when he was young.
  • Name: Walon of Clan Kelborn.
  • Alias: Mandohunter, the Murderer.
  • Loyalties: Queen Popara of the Anjiliac Kajidic.
  • Notable Equipment: 1x Lancer-class Craft, 1x Beskar'kandar equipped with a JT-12 Jetpack, one pair of crushgaunts, pair of cortosis gauntlets, pair of wrist-lasers, wrist-flamethrowers and a Echani Shielding. 1x CR-24 flame rifle, 1x beskad, 1x Mandalorian Assault Rifle, 1x Mandalorian Disintegrator, 1x Rangehunter Carbine, 1x DG-29 Heavy Pistol, 1x Mandalorian Vibro-ax, 1x Electro-whip.
  • Skills: An arsenist, saboteur, specialized in tracks, torturing, butchering, hunting, with zero slicing experience. Walon is a cruel reptilian figure with a gift for getting what he wants with brute force. The barabel is famous for specializing in hunting its own members of its species, giving it an ability to expect the unexpected.
  • Personality: Cruel and frivolous, Walon no longer has any appreciation for anything. Honor for him is useless, ethics and morality are useless but getting in the way of what he really wants. The barabel is a tough figure, who will always resort to violence or intimidation in order to get what he wants out of people, he has no patience to deal with other living beings and perhaps saves it for his almost silent use of hunting and tracking. prey. Walon is a notorious lover of alcoholic beverages, females of other species and they say that he practices cannibalism and keeps trophies from all his prey.
  • Weapon of Choice: Flamethrower │ Carbine │ Axe │ Blade │ Hand-to-hand.
  • Combat Function: The mandalorian loves to burn everything to the ground in every chance he gets and he cannot, Walon will swing his carbine and blast his way to his mark. He was not made to assassinating targets, Kelborn has no sensitivity to do that, he is too rash and too brute. The barabel swings his axe with art, something truly worth of admiration from anyone watching it from afar, while the same goes for his blade when held by his strong hands. And if he finds himself disarmed, the Barabel will resort to his iron-fists and his knife-like talons.
  • Cruel: This Barabel has no heart. He kills children while mothers are watching and is regarded one of the greatest monsters this galaxy has to offer. He is wanted in almost every civilized system and is famous for cannibalizing the hunters that tried to collect the bounty over his head.
  • Psychotic: Walon is a psychopath. He murders people because he enjoys it, he is the kind of scum that loves his job only because he enjoys the mayhem. His loyalty lies with the one that can offer him the most opportunities for him to appease his bloodlust.
  • Limited: Walon wasn't meant to be a clever creature. He is a brute murderer, meant to kill people and storm his way through the enemies in front of him.
  • Hated: He is despised by Barabels and Mandalorians alike, his name is the cause of hate and anger, he can even trigger people to try and take him down without a reason.
  • Bounty: Walon has a big bounty over his head.

The tale of Walon Kelborn is one filled with spite. He was raised by Clan Kelborn, armed, trained and prepared ever since he was young to grow up and take his place as one of the clan's best warriors, but the Barabel was too wild, filled with anger in his heart due to his childhood as a slave. His actions were too wild, too insane and filled with delight for killing anything in his way, and as best as Clan Kelborn tried to teach him the ancient mandalorian beliefs on honor, loyalty and justice, Walon refused to learn, he went as far as to challenge his 'father' to a duel, defeating him and devouring his face in front of all his clan.

After that things became wild for the reptile, he was exiled from Concord Dawn and spent the last few years working as a bounty hunter for the many criminal organizations in the galaxy. He murdered hundreds of people without having any need for it, and perhaps was his cruelty that attracted the attention of the First Order. In his years working for the fascists, Walon became one of their favorite hunters, his sole job was to hunt down criminals, rebels and outlaws, delivering dead or alive (mostly dead), to his superiors, earning himself great fame and influence.

When the First Order became too entwined in their affairs, instead of going home to join Mandalore the Infernal in the service of his people, Walon took the most unlikely job he could find and became a mercenary in the service of the Sith Empire. On service of the Sith, Walon was the very first to invade Mandalore, butchering his people, stealing everything he could find, he killed thousands with his arsonist skills, murdered so many warriors that his ship is filled with their helmets hanging on his wall. After that, Walon took jobs for the Sith hunting the remanining Mandalorians in the galaxy, until he abandoned the Sith and joined the Hutt Cartel, rising in their ranks and becoming one of the most trusted mercenaries in the service of Queen Popara the Hutt.
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Zak Dymo

Queen Popara Queen Popara

I'll be conducting this review for you. To start, I'll begin by quoting a section from the Codex Rules (NPC Creation Rules).

Droid or Artificial Intelligence NPCs submitted to the Codex must use an approved Factory submission, canon model or class, without significant technical modifications.

The Wookieepedia article identifies the capabilities of a A-3DO droid as "The 3DOs were humanoid in form and equipped with the top of the line circuitry and servos that were needed for repair tasks and other detailed work. Its visual and auditory sensors were capable of seeing in the Human range of vision and processing Human levels of hearing; it was also built with a vocabulator capable of mimicking Human speech."

What you describe in this submission is not in line with the above, and appears to be a significant deviation from the basic A-3DO. That is, this is as assassin droid, not a service or protocol droid. You also state:

he made enhancements in his mechanical body to make himself look more like his initial programming ordered him to do it so, more humanoid.

Which seems to further suggest that this NPC is intended to be significantly different from the basic canon model you are linking.

I also note that you list this droid as 1.9 meters tall, when the Wookieepedia article lists 1.6 meters. So that is another place where this varies from the canon model.

For the above reasons, I will need to request that you either select a different droid model OR submit a Factory Technology submission for this droid.

You have a third option to submit a Second Chance if you would like my ruling to be reviewed as well, but please make sure you read through the rules regarding Second Chance carefully beforehand.

Over to you for how you would like to proceed. Please tag me when you have completed any edits.
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