Awestruck was the best way to describe how Haro felt during his first couple days at Kor'ethyr Academy. He had grown up navigating sprawling labyrinthine corridors but the sheer grandeur and supernatural majesty of the Traveling Academy of Korriban was unlike anything Haro had ever imagined, let alone experienced. Beyond that, he could hardly believe how many brilliant minds and resources were available to him and the other students. Perhaps what surprised Haro the most though was how well-cared-for and generally contented the students, staff, and people of Korriban at large seemed to be under the rule of King Caedes and his Council of Lords. He had expected the realm of a Sith Lord to be more...
Sith-y? He had read a lot about the recent events that had taken place on the Holy Worlds of the Sith and the rather unconventional Sith King himself but even still, he had expected more authoritarian, power-obsessed spooky hooded guys preaching about hatred, deception and greed. There were certainly some less savory types and more traditionalist Sith within the academy but there was also a lot of diversity of cultures, concepts and ideals within the curriculum offered–some that even introduced theories of what could be considered Jedi-aligned doctrine, even if it was mostly for the sake of understanding the enemy. Even the undead that apparently just casually existed in society seemed relatively docile, even helpful. Still, there was undoubtedly an eerie danger to such a display of power–an undercurrent of threat that made Haro uneasy when he considered what such an establishment could do to anyone considered an enemy.
The only experience Haro had with "school" or anything even remotely close to that was not even a recognizable comparison to this. Those born in the lower levels of Coruscant usually lived, worked and died in the lower levels of Coruscant. The lucky ones landed a decent job working as a shipyard mechanic or for some manufacturing plant like Undercity Meats while most ended up in crime or worse, so there was little incentive for proper education. Haro had been luckier than the luckiest to have been given the opportunities he had in his life and he was determined to make the most of it. This was his chance to prove that he was more than just a nobody shipyard mechanic from the Undercity of Coruscant, more than just a decent pilot even. He would not fail. There was too much at stake.
And so, with relentless determination and eager enthusiasm, Haro strolled down one of the massive central halls of Kor'ethyr. He was still trying to make sense of the mapping system for the ever-changing academy using the data pad provided.
Bodie made helpful little chirps from Haro's shoulder when the boy got distracted and almost missed a turn. Fortunately, when he got close enough, the smell of food helped him navigate to one of the cafeterias on campus. He hadn't realized just how hungry he was until he was standing amidst the abundance all around him. Images meant to appetize decorated the food court, enticing people toward the vending machines, touchpad kiosks, or order windows manned by droids for made-to-order food, and in the middle of it all was the open buffet with all manner of cuisine. Wide-eyed and positively beaming with excitement, Haro got in line for the buffet and filled a plate with whatever caught his interest which included more than a few sweets.
Satisfied with his choices, Haro stepped out into the seating area and wavered there a moment, suddenly struck with the awareness of just how much of a new kid he was. Wistfulness washed over the teen as he watched various established pairings, groups, and cliques gathered together, most animated by familiarity and camaraderie in their conversations. Before he could sink too deep into that feeling of loneliness though, he took a deep breath and stood up straighter. He missed his people but he would make new friends. He was good at that. In fact, he had already made a friend during the Trials of Ozzuk Thren. Or, at least, he hoped they were on that track. He waded into the crowd, keeping an eye out for the raven haired girl in hopes that she might be taking her lunch break here at the same time.
Just his luck, he found
seated at a table against the wall at the far end of the room, alone and seemingly pouring over her notes. Her deceptively cute features were all scrunched up with concentration. Despite the healthy amount of fear and caution he felt about the girl, she had already proven in their short time together that she was willing to protect him from harm, even standing up for him against her zabrak friend a few times. She seemed to enjoy his company and he rather enjoyed hers too so, now that they were proper peers, he hoped they might be able to get to know each other a bit better. So he made his way to her table, a smile on his face that grew into a charming grin as he approached.
"Hey Lesh," he greeted her warmly. He was sure to meet her blue eyes with his crystalline green gaze before he glanced down at her notes.
"Am I interrupting your studies or would you mind if I joined you?"