Prince of Katarr

TIME IS RELATIVE (1400 24-Hour Clock)
I really, really didn't like seeing her that way. So I broke a lot- like a lot of laws to get to her.
She wasn't all that heavy- Nej was a strong, well-built guy after all- and getting her to the ship through the battle was the hardest part. That, and evading the Sith, the CSA, and all the jackasses that came to help either side when they were escaping. Quite a feat, in all actuality. Stealing codes, punching officials, one guy who was probably still locked in the locker that Nej left him in- all for one specific purpose. He dumped a cargo full of spice, and a couple of ne'er-do-well marauders that had been paid by the Hutts to go kill someone, into space to get this done. They were probably fine, he threw a couple of oxygen bottles- Nej looked over on the floor.They probably needed the mouth pieces to work, didn't they?
Oh well.
He laid her down gently on his bed, propping up her legs a bit high into the sky. He put a blinder around her eyes to protect her from the bright lights, and laid a few fever reducers and pain relievers, and sat next to her. She was cut up, small scrapes and bruises that he himself had. He peeled off his cut and ripped jacket, touching the small spots where he had been bleeding from being dragged around by the Mandalorian.
What a dick, by the way.
Nej peeled off his shirt, examining his own wounds. Bruises and cuts, but he'd be fine. For the most part. His back was heavily bruised, from being slammed on the wall. He took out a first aid kit, leaning over the barely-conscious Ayessa. He dabbed one of her cuts with an antiseptic fluid, waiting for a reaction. He continued, idly speaking.
"Go halfway across the galaxy for you, lose a bunch of money- lordy lord, what have you done to me, girl?"
He moved her arm gently, trying to clean her wounds. When she awoke, he'd point her to the refresher to clean the grime off of her. But, he was going to tend to her first, before he focused on himself. He was a boxer, he'd been cut up, bruised and broken before. This was nothing particularly new. She, however, was. And he liked new. Well he almost kind of thought he lo- looked over at the other arm, trying to be sure she wasn't dead. He continued to dab at the cuts, careful to ensure he wouldn't wake her.
[member="Ayessa Kroan"]