Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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War Break

To give us some breathing and prep time, work on dominions and equipment. For the Republic so they can have their leader ready and then when the time comes hopefully our faction admins will lead the charge against them at a place like Katarr or Mimban to sever the Republic. Or vulptor if we can surround their capital and cloud break the entire Republic.

Arturious Engel

Well the Republic just changed Owners so in their case I would say at least 30 days if they are smart before they really want to get into any more invasions. Then again the new Supreme Chancellor is a Jedi so who knows.

On the Mandalorian side they yet again have to find a few Mandalor so that should give us at least a week or two to play with.

Arturious Engel

The Jedi Grand Master Kiskla Grayson though as far as IC goes no telling who will actually fill the role as I don't see the same character filling both roles.



I doubt we will be getting invaded for a while.

However i have begun speaking to the Republics New Faction Owner to arrange something.
To rectify some confusing information being put out here:

Popo is still the IC Supreme Chancellor. He's discussed the idea of stepping down, but as of yet that has not happened.

Kiskla Grayson is the new OOC Faction Owner/Leader and is the current IC Jedi Grandmaster.

As it stands, ICly, Jedi may not serve on the Senate in any form.
[member="Darth Sinna"] yay more mining for us and creation of the sith bands. Come on my battlelord sister.

[member="Virindicus"] I am sorry I cannot link at the moment but search "Dominion of Ashera" and you will find it. Dominion are used to expand our territory and this dominion is being used to create a powerful alchemical beast that has been getting worked on for a few months. The more posts helping create and grow it the larger it could be an stronger.
[member="Virindicus"] there are several objectives, the main ones are capture Asharian's for use in the Sentinel project, aid in the sith ritual and work to undermine the lightsiders by helping the darkside groups rise to power.
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Interesting. I believe Virindicus is best suited for capturing Areshians rather than helping in rituals, but i'll see if I can join.

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