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War Criminals' Anonymous Meeting [You know who you are]

Hello, my name is Darth Hauntruss...and I'm a War Criminal.

To date I have:

1. Committed genocide on a majority of a planets race in Togoria (The very first one) so to use their flesh to blood magic my original form back from centuries of decay. And still to this day sacrifice a hand full of unsuspecting victims to maintain my form.

2. Sith Magic warped a sarlaac worm into a Sith battle worm and used it to level countless Republic bases, cities and people. And used their flesh to further enhance the battle worm's existence.

3. I used Jedi Younglings as Sith Plague incubators and unleashed them on the Arkanian Jedi Enclave as ticking bio-weapons to infest the enclave with a Sith mutating plague.

4. I have enslaved and murdered countless NPCs for the sole purpose of terror and tyrannical rule.

5. I have initiated the slaughter and purging of Jedi of Dorin and Cularin (and intend to do more).

Thank you.'s really hard to share these feelings. Because. Well because I hate my feelings.

Thank you.
Hey there, i collapsed several levels of streets and buildings on innocents during the invasion of NarShadaa, commited genocide of the Sith species once, and made a deal with Darth Vulcanus to find info on my wife. Who i now serve.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Hi, I'm Circe. You may know me better as the person who apparently was behind the Ewok Genocide, despite having never told RC to attack the ewoks at large - only the pirates who killed my employees. I also am associated with some of the biggest mass murderers in the galaxy, including Kaine Zambrano, Val'Ryss Zankarr, and Alli Wren. Hell, the latter was my wife. Also have constantly performed immoral and unethical experiments on everyone from [member="Yvorre Morcade"] to [member="Rasu Gan"].

Oh, I also was responsible for killing a bunch of people during Operation Weedkiller, apparently, though I was never there. That's how great at being a war criminal I am.
Hello. My name is Larraq.

I once threatened the civilians of Coruscant with nuclear missiles when the Republic Senate refused to meet with Mandalorian diplomats.

I once enacted plans to target major military, medical, and utility targets for nuclear strike on a planet threatening rebellion, all the while calmly reminding the rebelling nobles that their duty was to do what was best for their people.

I once destroyed 99% of all Life on a Planet by smashing 25x massive asteroids into it at > Mach 211. Cities flattened in the blink of an eye. Forests ignited like matches. The earth trembled, tectonic plates shifted, and every volcano on the planet reactivated. The planet was kicked into a new ice age as massive amounts of dirt and rock and ash clouded the skies and fire burned the earth.

And I blamed the above on Circe.

I have sold weapons of war to criminals, pirates, and terrorists alike.

I pay people to enact genetic experimentation on my behalf.

I have (without knowing it) [member="Darth Voracitos"]'s ghost held hostage.

I have a private army at my beck and call that rivals that of many government militaries.

My name is Larraq and I am a Mandalorian.
[member="Captain Larraq"] Still gotta figure out what to do with that.

I decided my soul was split into a bunch of parts, and you hold all the parts of me that make up all of Voracitos's other attributes other than the main Gluttonous one.

Expect a dramatic encounter to occur at some point Soon-ish(er)
[member="Darth Voracitos"]

Sounds fun. lol. Larraq is clueless and has the ship parked in orbit over Mandalore a few Km away from the primary Mandal Hypernautics shipyard. At this point, he's pretty much given up on the AI and is just tinkering with the Molecular Furnace.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Hello, my name is Avadreia Lacroix, and in a past lifetime, I oversaw the creation of an extremely communicable virus that turned hordes of people into shambling corpses hell-bent on the death and consumption of every living thing in the galaxy. I also was cloned, and the clone initiated a galactic civil war that resulted in the deaths of millions, probably billions, and culiminated in the death of at least one real-life friendship.

In another past life, I hatched a plan with a secret Sith Lord to initiate a war between the Empire and the Republic, resulting in the deaths of millions, probably billions.

Furthermore, in all my lives (including this one) I have insisted upon wearing shoes made from extremely soft and adorable baby animals. That's not a war crime, it's just a fact I'm sort of proud of.
Hi, my name is Kaine Zambrano / Darth Vornskr, and I am a war criminal.

I carried out the systematic annihilation of the entire Junction population under the command of Emperor Moridin.

I aided in the initial genocide of the Togorian people alongside [member="Darth Hauntruss"], and then came back years later to finish the job, and then firebombed the planet.

I tortured and murdered thousands of POWs over the span of my administration in the Old Sith Empire, even twisting newborn life into obedient slave-soldiers to fulfill my goals.

I'm a high-ranking, influential member of the rogue One Sith government, and have carried out many slaughters in their name against the Galactic Republic.

I kidnapped the leader of a rivaling Force-Sensitive Order, and held her hostage for nearly eleven months while I tortured her endlessly.

I killed the leader of another Force-Sensitive Order after holding her daughter hostage.

I led the Purge of Cularin.

I'm also not very nice, or so I'm told.
My name is Cryax Bane and although I am a criminal mastermind who works out of the darkest regions of the galactic underworld, I have probably committed enough atrocities to grant me War Criminal status. I will let you folks decide.

I have killed a countless number of bounty hunters by lobotomizing them with a nail gun.

I slit the throats of Ozzareus warlords during a power outage in a cantina.

I lead a team to invade Barab I against the Black Sun, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent Barabel hunters.

I was responsible for the capture and torture of two Rebel Alliance members.

My thrallification to the Yuuzhan Vong overlord Dredge resulted in the killing of twenty-thousand innocent Makebian citizens.

My slicing skills have contributed to the slaughter of thousands of Republic Wookiee soliders in the Battle of Kashyyyk, as well as contributed to the dominion of Sith worlds.

I am currently involved in slave trafficking and organ theft.

Does that qualify me?
Hi, my name is Alen Na'Varro, and I once glassed one of Vortusa's moons, killing possibly eight to ten civilians as collateral.

You're welcome.
Hello, my name is Judgement, and I am a war criminal.

I've killed dozens of Republic and Sith troops and civilians in terrorist bombings.

I hijacked a Republic transport and slaughtered everyone aboard, men, women, and children.

I slit the throat of an innocent girl to send a message to her parents.

And I kicked a puppy.

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