Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion War in the Rim Chapter II — GA Invasion of SO held Sluis Van and Echnos

War in the Rim

The Galactic Alliance finally launches its most critical offense of the war thus far. In the direct aftermath of the recent convergence of their borders with The Sith Order — clashing violently on Eiattu 6, Naalol, and in the heated skirmish over Sullust — Alliance fleets strike deeper into Sith Order territory. Between the shipyards of Sluis Van and those on Sullust, the Sith have gained two vital planets that can be used as staging grounds for a campaign into Alliance space. By capturing Sluis Van, the logistical path to Sullust will be severed, allowing the Alliance to use those critical worlds themselves.

But much stands in the way of holding Sluis Van.

Echnos, with its sprawling domed capital, Echnos City, is now an equally important target. The Sith had bled the planet dry, subjugating its people and turning the once-prosperous world into a fortress of despair under their control. For the Alliance, capturing Echnos was not merely about strategy; it was about liberating a world that had once thrived under freedom and commerce.

Dorvalla, known for its rich mines, was no less significant. The Sith have entrenched themselves deep within its mines, transforming them into nearly impenetrable strongholds. The Alliance knows that to win here would require more than brute force — it would demand cunning, resilience, and the will to push through the labyrinthine tunnels that snaked through Dorvalla's crust. The capture of these mines would not only deny the Sith their resources but would also contribute to the Alliance maintaining control over the Sluis Van shipyards.

As the Alliance's fleets jump into Hyperspace, ready to strike, the stakes could not be higher. The plan is clear: capture Echnos City, seize Dorvalla's mines, and take control of the Sluis Van shipyards. Every move from this point forward could help determine the course of this war.


Objective II - Echnos City
(Duels | Warposting)
While a major offensive targeting Sluis Van begins, the Alliance sends another fleet to Echnos to capture and hold the important Echnos City. With a protective dome around its infrastructure, entry into the city is no easy task. Eight large airlocks provide access, but with Sith defenders present and in control of the planet and its domed capital, each one becomes a chokepoint for the Alliance. To successfully liberate the planet and its oppressed inhabitants, Alliance forces must break through and reach the city.

If one chokepoint fails to keep back the Alliance, all others will fall.


  • Airlocks: The 8 airlocks of Echnos City provide the enemy with crucial chokepoints to funnel Alliance forces into their heavy defenses. Break through these enemy lines and hold them to allow more Alliance forces to pour into the city.
  • City Control: Once inside the city, it's crucial for the Alliance to control its spaceport and to capture as many of the enemy forces as possible. This is an opportunity to trap the enemy within their own dome.

Do you have a different story you wish to tell? Bring your own objective!

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
SHIP: Úlfs Reiði
ALLIES: Srina Talon Srina Talon | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Jarek Voss Jarek Voss | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons | Darth Ultramar Darth Ultramar | Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron | Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran | QK-2510 QK-2510 | Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna
ENEMIES: Galactic Alliance

War was coming to Sith space. They had heard about it. The Tsis’Kaar listening posts had intercepted the chatter that the Galactic Alliance was on their way. This was the opportunity they had been waiting for. The Sith Order had engaged the Jedi before, sending hordes of undead to ransack their cities and destroy their worlds. It had been an experiment.

From the Holy Worlds the Sith Order created and caused terror. The Kainites had done exactly as they needed. The attention and focus had been placed on their space and their territories long enough to distract what the Sith war machine had been doing other places in the galaxy. They had advanced toward the Alliance, pushed and clamored until the Galactic Alliance chose to mobilize. It was poetic really. The Sith Order had goaded them, from a certain point of view.

Echnos City was protected by a dome, and made profit from those who found themselves stranded due to ship repairs. The city made credits for the Sith Order. It could make credits for the Galactic Alliance. It provided leave for those working at the shipyards which the Galactic Alliance also planned to capture. The airlocks of the city made it a perfect stage for battle. It would be a killing field.

The Dread Wolf looked out over the city from the governor’s mansion. It was a rare meeting, one the wolf had never been privy to before. He turned to those he accompanied as ships could be seen exiting hyperspace. Srina Talon Srina Talon and Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , along with an apprentice Kaila Irons Kaila Irons , had been enjoying what seemed to be the equivalent of high tea. It was not a practice Gerwald was accustomed to from Stewjon, but Srina had ensured he was well mannered enough for the occasion.

“They are coming,” he said flatly.

The sound of his steps echoed along the tile of the room in which they sat. Everything at the gates and airlocks were prepared. Jarek Voss Jarek Voss , Darth Ultramar Darth Ultramar , and @Kasir Doran, were all responsible for some element funneling the forces of the Galactic Alliance through the choke points which had been naturally built into the city. They had a surprise for the Alliance, and Gerwald was looking forward to it. They simply had to maintain control of the city, and keep the control codes out of the hands of the Jedi.

It was so very kind of the governor of Echnos to invite them all over for tea.

The hound smirked as he glanced over his cup, his eyes falling to Lord Carnifex and the Empress of the Order. Soldiers, agents, assassins, mercenaries, and other killers bandied about the city with the rest of her citizens simply living life as though nothing was wrong. The governor himself only just learned of the threat, and he had not been permitted to inform the city.

“We should do this again soon,” he said as he set the teacup down on the table. “However, next time I will bring some of my own brew. The mead is delicious. I promise you will like it.”

His words were for no one in particular. Having the company of both the Butcher King and the Silver Dragon in the same space was something which made the wolf feel as though he was less the lap dog others suggested and rather his own master.

The mansion shook as the continued arrival of the alliance sent shockwaves into the city’s shielded dome. They would need to get through the airlocks to get into the city, and the Sith were ready for them. The governor seemed to panic. It was pitiful, but he was also nothing more than a politician that enjoyed the lavish lifestyle his arrangement with the Sith afforded him.

Hysteria would break out once the population knew what was taking place, which was good. It would feed what they had planned for their enemy. The citizens were fodder, nothing more than kindling and fuel for the fire which they were about to ignite. The dark side was not kind, and the Sith were not heroes. Gerwald did not care if the Jedi wished to play savior or not. There would not be many to save.

“Is it ready, my Empress” his question was directed to his mistress ( Srina Talon Srina Talon ), the one who had saved his life.

He waited for her answer. The mansion would be their war room.

When her answer came, Gerwald nodded. They had to make an effort. There needed to be resistance. The Sith Order would not allow the Galactic Alliance and their Jedi to take what belonged to them. Other worlds lay open. Stewjon would be within Gerwald’s reach soon. This could delay that. Echnos could not fall, even if its people were sacrificed to keep it.

Gerwald tapped into the comms so that all of those under his command could hear him.

“Engage the enemy as they land. Funnel them into the passages. Lead them toward the city. Take no prisoners. We kill them all.”

The Jedi had come, and they brought their war with them. Gerwald would have to remember to commend Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr on this intel. The Tsis’kaar had done their job well this time, and the wolf was not afraid to give praise to whom it was due when it was called for. He turned back toward the city and watched. It would be time for him to leave the mansion and take to the streets soon enough. For now his place was in the command center.

Gerwald tilted his head toward Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and nodded.

“Whenever you are ready, Lord Carnifex.”

The Battle for Echnos City had begun.

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All had been made ready.

In the weeks and days leading up to this moment, hundreds upon hundreds of devotees flocked from every corner of the galaxy. They came in their great droves, unspooling from the airlocks into the wider domed city. Some wore rags, others wore nothing at all, but each and every one of them bore the sign of their faith; a black circle ringed by a thin strip of crimson -- the mark of the Totality.

The teeming masses crowded the streets, preaching their dark sermons with ragged breaths and bloodied fists. They spoke of a coming end, a great occlusion of dark over light. With impassioned pleas they begged to be swallowed whole by the coming darkness, to let the umbral waves wash over them and submerge them in the abyss.

Those who sought to put an end to their black masses found themselves on the receiving end of spiked clubs and dulled blades, their blood painting grotesque murals to obscenity and madness. They laid no finger upon those who did not impede them, for a dark edict had been spread among them to conserve their violence until the moment of true eclipse fell upon this world.

Thus did the faithful of the Totality await their salvation.

Darth Carnifex watched the indistinct crowds from the window of the governor's palace, His hard, unforgiving eyes scanning the city before looking back to His companions. What a motley gathering they made; the Butcher King, the Silver Dragon, and the Dread Wolf. Others lingered near, but few dared approach the towering pillars of the Sith Empire. Guards in crimson regalia stood near the entryways, electro-bisento held rigidly in their lobstered gauntlets.

In the courtyard below, a battalion of Blackblade Guard -- themselves part of a wider regiment dispersed throughout the city -- waited motionless even as the distant blooms of battle began to make themselves known against the city shield. Each of the disparate companies bore a standard emblazoned with the Kainate crest, the icon of their unwavering fidelity. They would be held in reserve until the opportune moment, when the enemy had ventured too deeply into their awaiting jaws.

"Do you know why your city must die, governor?"

The Dark Lord's voice came about suddenly, unbidden, and sharply addressed. In response, the governor could only stammer and stumble over his own words. What he said made little difference to the Butcher King, for He did not even perceive them. The question was never truly designed to be answered, only to be heard.

"Because we have deemed it so. The power to dictate the fates of others is our birthright, life is a luxury afforded at our discretion. Henceforth, this city shall no longer exist." The Dark Lord turned to face the governor now, whose face had been blanched of all color. "Your service has come to an end, governor. You are dismissed."

The man moved to protest, but was cut off by a sharp ringing in the air. He stumbled forward, not recognizing why his body was no longer obeying his commands or why a sharp pain flared deep in his neck. His head hit the floor before the rest of his body, cleanly severed by an unseen force. Blood pooled across the floor, a deep crimson contrasting against the pristine marble.

"Save his body," commanded Carnifex, "My pets are hungry." Then, with a knowing look to both Empress Talon and Lord Lechner, the Dark Lord made His departure from the room. He would prepare to face the coming conflagration, ready to revel in the violence that was to come. His forces, minimal as they were, had been primed and instructed thoroughly. They knew their place in the monstrous concert that was to take place.

And He?

He would conduct it.

Striding through the empty halls, the Dark Lord emerged onto an extended balcony that had once been used as the governor's personal landing pad. Now that he had been dispatched, he no longer had need of it. The Dark Lord would give it a new purpose, one that would serve the Empire far greater than its previous owner ever had. Seated upon the flat expanse were eight Sith, hooded and robed, arrayed in a circle at the platform's center.

Each had been specifically trained, certain talents honed to a razor's edge, primed for this explicit purpose. When all fell to madness and delirium, and the throes of chaos took root in the city beyond, they would be the anchor mooring the lucidity of the Empire's forces. Not only that, but they would bolster them as well, swelling their bodies and minds with purpose and faith.

Under the watchful gaze of their Dark Lord, the seated Sith made their final preparations and began to invoke the incantations of their battle meditation. As they drew themselves deeper into the meditation, they would be entirely vulnerable; exposed, unable to defend themselves. That was why He was here, looming over them.

To strike down any who would seek their end.

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

LOCATION : Echnos City | OBJECTIVE : Secure Airlocks
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Allyson Locke | TAG (FOE) : @​



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


He hadn’t ever used the Force with this level of consistency to his memory, ever. Connel had been here for about a week already, using public transports, wearing non-descript clothing, and carrying nothing more than his Lightblaster. His gear was in a locker at the Starport which sneaking onto the planet was a chore all on its own, but that is a conversation for another day. He was busy looking for

Connel moved through the bustling streets of Echnos City, his senses heightened as he scanned the crowds for any signs of danger. Disguised as a merchant, he blended in fairly seamlessly with the local population, his lightblaster hidden beneath his cloak.

The city was a stronghold of the Sith Order, its dark influence palpable in every shadowed alley and imposing structure. Connel knew that the key to liberating the planet of Sluis Van lay in finding the weak points in the Sith's security and exploiting them to allow the New Jedi Order and Galactic Alliance to enter and free the oppressed citizens.

As he made his way through the city, Connel observed the Sith patrols and their strict control over the population. He knew that any misstep could lead to his discovery and capture, but he was determined to succeed in his mission.

One night, as he wandered the dimly lit streets, Connel overheard a conversation between two Sith officers discussing a secret entrance to the Sith stronghold. Intrigued, he followed them discreetly, his heart pounding with anticipation.

The officers led him to a hidden passage that led directly into the heart of the Sith stronghold. Connel knew that this was his chance to gather valuable information and strike a blow against the Sith's oppressive regime. As he navigated the treacherous corridors of the stronghold, Connel encountered two guards. With the art of surprise and speed as his ally, Connel fought swiftly, his Jedi training guiding his every move subduing the guards and dragging them into a hiding spot..

Finally, he reached the central chamber where a Sith Lord was holding court. With a fierce determination, Connel confronted the notion of charging the Sith Lord, but his will to think of the bigger picture won out. He needed to get all of the information that he could and doing this may be “fun” but would do little more than blow his cover. It took enough work to completely mask his aura and remain hidden..


In a fierce battle of wills and strength, Connel’s realization of the bigger picture emerged victorious and he did not give away his position. Not wanting to give that position away, he slowly retraced his way out and looked for more traces of opposition.

The Sith would not counter their insurgency…

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
The only easy day was yesterday.

You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?
Yeah, we scare them.


Weapons, and gear = Click picture in signature
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]

Weapons check!

Checking their gear, their equipment, and the HALO gear they had, the mission was simple enough. The Team was going to HALO jump and land eight to ten miles out of the target city and traverse the terrain to get to the destination. Their motive was stealth and secrecy as they were to Echnos City under the cover of night in a manner that would confuse sensors unable to discern them from local critters and flora.

Raguel came into the drop bay and began the final process of gearing up (his HALO gear). “Approaching the drop zone, estimate 2 standard minutes.”

That would be 2.3 standard minutes to be exact, sir. The only local communication traffic even remotely concerned with us has us confused with local constabulary and farming traffic.

Get’em moving Gabe…

Raphael! Door!

The “Heavy” of the team was closest to the loading ramp as he activated the “open” process. The rush of incoming air was enough to knock one back if they were not prepared, even with this level of gear on them. Once the pressure was stabilized and their oxygen masks were operational, comm-links were in use at that point.

[Alright, stick close, but don’t bunch. They’re prepared for an attack, but not by a small group of idiots.]

[Rules of Engagement?]

[Do not fire unless fired upon. If we’re discovered, subdue non-lethally if civilian… catch and release…]

[”Catch and release…” then they go back and tell their boys where we are…]


No argument could be quelled as quickly as the effervescent green light signifying that the team was over the drop zone.

[Sir, we are over the drop zone.]

[GO! GO! GO!]

One by one the team members lumbered down the ramp and off, they were jumping from almost 50,000 feet, much higher than the gear was normally spec’ed for but this is not a normal period in time. The air was thin up at this altitude but offered a crispness that almost enhanced one’s normal eyesight. The view of the landscape was amazing. It’s too bad that it was about to be lit up in a short span of time.

Their ZOOP (Zone Of OPening) was 2,000 feet, but Remiel was the earliest to open in that regard and she opened at 1,700 feet. The Zephyr that came with them slammed into the water, of course it was a block of foam and rubber at this point but the impact activated the devices that filled the inflatable with air. Hooking the outboard repulsorlift engine onto the raft and they were off.

Only two of them were on the Zephyr as the others were hooked to either side and hanging on. This was not by any means a fun way to travel but the sensor signature was masked by the ground clutter, as per the plan. Reaching the shoreline by morning was only a part of the plan and by no means successful, they still had miles to go, but Omega Squad was on the ground.

Their gear was not vacuum sealed but the nitrogen rich atmosphere was cool and the rebreathers suffice for now. This will not last by any means, but will hold them until they enter Echnos City. Omega Squad knew they had to move fast and make effective use of the terrain. They needed to get to Echnos City before nightfall, otherwise their mission would be compromised. They trusted their gear and the plan they had set in place.

Finally when able to ditch the Zephyr, 6 individual silhouettes made their way through what little obstacles and terrain they could use as cover until finally reaching an airlock. Remiel Raguel and Uriel each settled into prone sniping positions. The rest of the team spread out, taking cover and advancing cautiously. They were mere minutes from their destination and the initial part of their mission was almost complete.


[Contact Left. Looks to be non-combatant].

[Two tangos right.].

[“Contact deep“, non-combatant.

[Non-lethal on Non-combats, Remiel, take the tangos out.]

Quickly, two of the three Snipers changed their magazines to non-lethal ammunition. Those hit would be stunned and knocked out cold, but would wake up within a standard hour with little more than a splitting headache. The armed individuals were not going to be as lucky. The two guards were not Sith Order Aligned, they were honest, hard working individuals but there was no way any of them could have known and the chance could not have been afforded.

[Move move move!]

One by one each operator stood and began to move with purpose headed for the airlock. They would get inside and move the bodies outside of the dome so as suspicion might be aroused to their position, but speculation of simply going AWOL could be an explanation. When the final member (Michael) was inside was when Gabriel sliced into the system to get a layout of the city. G.A.D.F. forces had orders to secure the Starport, but what about sensors? They would be detected before any chance of securing them could happen.

That was where Omega Squad came in. Those were their orders, take those sensor stations out.


[Red Team (Remiel, Raguel, Uriel) get to higher ground. Blue Team(Himself, Gabriel, Sariel and Raphael), let’s move.]
As Blue Team set a perimeter, Red Team moved silently into the city and onto a rooftop that could provide them with a view, or “Overwatch” for the assault team.

[In position.]

[Alpha, go…]

Quickly in a controlled “powerwalk” that looked like they could be confused for a run, each member formed up and moved building by building to their next objective.

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Standing beside her master, Kaila could already feel the Dark Side swelling, promising calamity. They had arrived sometime prior, and one could feel in real time as the machinations of these dark lords and cults changed the very living force over the course of their stay, hanging over the city like a miasma of foul intent and Prophetic End.

It was ironic in a twisted way, to provide a city with such premonition of the mouth only to make it reality.

She knew of the device. Frankly she could never decide whether it was a stroke of genius or a work of utter madness, knowing that she and so many Imperials would be caught in the same maelstrom of totalitarian insanity. Yet she had no choice. Nothing she could say or even do now could possibly matter in the end.

She had absorbed the very essence of a powerful spirit more ancient than even her master such that he may even feel the power that clung now to his apprentice, clawing at walls unseen to no avail as she sapped it's strength for her own, and yet she was powerless to escape the promised doom that he had brought her and so many others to fulfill, which had all been made possible by the Empress. She was but the apprentice, Darth Carnifex the master holding her chain much the same as she held the spirit of Parasideus trapped within.

She was thankful that her mask hid her thoughts so well from the force.

Kaila could only imagine what they might think otherwise, as she watched them from the doorway next to which she stood, dutifully waiting for the dark lord of the Kainate to summon her for battle.

It was her first war, really. Not the first fight, today would certainly not be the first in which she had killed another, but this was her first siege, her first taste at what it truly meant to serve the imperial war machine. Outwardly she appeared like a statue clad in black, a two piece cloak wrapped around it's body, one could have even mistaken her for a droid if not for the long golden hair that spilled from the bottom of that mask and over her shoulders. But inwardly? inwardly the dark side swirled and fed off her emotions like a happy leech drunk on a corpse, just as she drank from the corrupted force around her.

Fear. Fear that she would look weak in front of so many dark lords of the Sith. The Dread Empress of their great empire, members of her Dark Council, And Darth Carnifex, the most powerful being in the galaxy...

One misstep, one hint of failure, and her dreams of becoming a Darth, her insatiable craving for the recognition and power that would one day free her from her master's long leash, would be shot. Perhaps she would die here in the palace long before her blade could taste republic blood for the first time.

Anger, to which all fear leads. Anger at her own weakness, her inability to simply free herself from these chains.

Hatred of the republic dogs for putting her and Echnos City in this position in the first place. They could have stayed in the core and pretended to be pacifists with their pathetic monks if they wanted to, maybe go back to fighting Mandalorians for dominance over empty agri-worlds in the rim if they really had to fight something, OR maybe they could do something about their corrupt and bloated senate

Instead they were here. Instead she had kill them. Those were her only options now; Kill until her master saw fit to leave, or die with them.

This hatred would no doubt be useful. Hatred such that when she glanced over as the governor's head rolled by, Honestly she didn't even care. She was used to the pointless murder now, she had seen plenty in her time as his student and even more on Dathomir for the past few years. She had a mission, and she wanted nothing more than to do her job and go back to her studies. Thankfully her master seemed as impatient to destroy as she was.

And at long last, it was time.

"My lords. My Empress" She bowed deeply to all as Darth Carnifex strode past, then turned to follow him, that black clad tower whose shadow loomed greater than any building in Echnos.

Now it was time. She would either endure the test atop a mound of republic bodies or die with them, Nothing else mattered now.

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Tags: Jarek Voss Jarek Voss Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Amidst the constant struggles within the ranks of the Sith Order, a rare sense of unity had been felt recently. Yet, despite all attempts to push away the feeling of detachment, it still remained. As such, during the preparations for the Galactic Alliance's arrival, he found himself isolated from the majority of his own kind. Engaging in battle side by side was one thing—but the facade of camaraderie until then was not something he was keen on entertaining.

Surprisingly, among the many faces who made up the populace of Echnos City, there was a single individual he recognized, one he recalled seeing in recent events. It wasn’t an ordinary citizen; this was the acolyte who made a bold appearance on Eiattu 6 and fought alongside the Lord Inquisitor.

Kasir exuded a calm demeanor; a midnight cloak billowed behind him as he closed the distance in an unrushed manner. He cradled the helm of his armor against his side. Stopping several paces away, he paused to study the gates in the distance. His gaze then drifted to one of the many airlocks. As his amber eyes continued to sweep over the surroundings, they absorbed every detail; he was creating a mental map of the city's layout. His pale complexion was ghostly under the lights of the giant dome, his expression emotionless—a mask that often hid the darkness beneath. "I remember you well from the citadel,” he said in a nonchalant tone. The assassin finally looked at the younger figure. “I sensed many emotions in that battle, and fear from you was not one of them. It is clear that there is a great deal of potential within you.” Perhaps even a simple compliment from Kasir would reveal his social awkwardness, yet it somehow managed to seem fitting in the situation.

A second later, the announcement from Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner that everyone had been anticipating through the commlink finally arrived; the enemy had landed. The Sith could sense their looming presence, even before the confirmation. His gloved hand reached up, tracing along the design carved into the Phrik of his helmet. Slowly, he lowered the headpiece. It was pressed down against his tightly kept brown hair; not a single strand would hinder his vision. With a hiss, it sealed, making the world around him fade away, and sending him straight into the depths of his malicious thoughts. While the onslaught from their opposition had begun, it seemingly carried no sway over him at that moment.

Up until now, he had not devoted much time to planning in advance, something that could have easily been mistaken for carelessness. But that was far from the truth. His mind was constantly filled with plans, but he chose to keep them hidden, and they would be revealed only when necessary. While his work was often shrouded in secrecy, today he had no desire to conceal himself.

His lips curled into a cruel smile under the helm as he felt the growing tension in the air. “I suppose it’s time to greet the Galactic Alliance and their weak minded Jedi once more," he said, turning slightly. “They think they can take this city, but they have no idea what awaits them."
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Objective II - Echnos City
Tag: Sara Roche Sara Roche OPEN FOR OPPOSITION
Arriving on Echnos was a hassle. Moving through Sith Space was a quiet calm. They were on the offensive. For the first time since the Second Great Hyperspace War, they were attacking enemy territory.

Before they mounted their vehicles, being delivered down by Cardia Class Ships, Gress had gathered his leadership together for a briefing.

"We'll be assaulting Airlock 7. The Sith have heavy defensive lines, and armor. We'll to expect AT-AEs, and Barrage Tanks holding the first line of defense. Sphinx Ion Cannons will be opening holes in enemy lines and prioritizing heavy armor. Thunderstorm, you'll be the forward spearhead. Sara Roche Sara Roche and Helldiver will be pushing in behind them as infantry support. Remember, Ravens are your best friend, and fire support is all around you. Firestorm will pull up the rear and offer whatever heavy support we can. Understood?"

As they landed, Gress felt a chill down his spine, as the Sphinx walked slowly out of the troopship. They were in enemy territory. For the first time, they were pushing the line.

"Sir, initial battle lines are forming. Shall we order an initial barrage?"

"...aye. All turbolasers on Cerberus and Kraken, preliminary bombardment on enemy position. Put the fear of the GA in them."

They weren't trying to be precise. They weren't trying to weaken the position. They were simply trying to scare the enemy.

And one last touch, one Gress had planned. "Radar, message across all Alliance walkers of the 34th. Set loudspeakers to max. We're tuning up the band."

The loudspeakers of the Sphinxes, Thundercats and Tigers opened up, the sound of Alliance Radio blasting over the them.


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Lyrana: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze Varys Amun Varys Amun
Monsters: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
"I don't feel that I'm any kind of hero. To me, the work had to be done. I was asked to do it. So I did. When I lecture kids, I tell them the same thing."
--Private First Class Joe Lesniewski
The Reaper was quiet most of the trip. Stealth systems set up, and the bedrooms, save for the ones that were already occupied, had been converted into temporary barracks, much as they had been all those years ago. But this time, instead of Stormtroopers, Mandalorian warriors took the rooms.

Back when she was a rebel, Jonyna wouldn't relished the chance to go on this sort of offensive action. The full might of the Galactic Alliance, the fruits of her work as the head of Si Tech, put to bare for the first time. And yet...

She didn't feel it. The fire inside was a campfire. She didn't hate the sith. She didn't fear them. She saw them only as a stain, waiting to be removed from the galaxy. Subjugators and Genociders. She could bring herself to, but she didn't want to.

This wasn't personal anymore. This wasn't a rebel knight raging against an undying empire. The sith weren't Imperials, they were a cult of evil.

She had spent the day learning to know Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze 's troops. She had made them all a long meal, at least the ones onboard. The Kitchen was honestly the place she spent the most time on the trip there. They had convoyed with her sister ship, the Tenacity, which she had loaned out to Jenn's troops to allow them safe passage. Both ships were prepped to leave as soon as they had unloaded. She made sure to memorize them all. Every soldier. She knew she wouldn't ever see some of them again. She knew this lesson well. Plenty of friendly faces within the Rebel Alliance she had lost. Sylvar knows what happened to that Antilles guy that Zash hated so much.

She had given Aris Noble Aris Noble a hug before they left, knowing he was going off on his own for the first time since she took him on. She had done her best to prep him, and now was the exam. Just as she had done with Ko Vuto Ko Vuto and Rayia Si Rayia Si on Ukatis and Tython, she made sure to know Aris wasn't forgotten in all of this. He might not be her son as Ko was, but he was under her care.

The last few hours though...

Jonyna spent it in her room, with Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze . Ever since the ball on Hapes, Jonyna couldn't keep herself too far from her Lyrana. She had asked Jenn to join her, just so they could lay together. It was stress relief, desperately needed.

Jonyna could feel it in the Force. Something was waiting for them. Fate had destined them to face something awful. She wasn't sure what yet, but she knew she'd face it with the same daring and spunk she always had.

"...I love you..." Jonyna whispered into Jenn's ear one last time as they exited hyperspace.

Jonyna wasn't going to allow her love to die. She wasn't going to allow herself to die.

She just wanted to come out of this alive.

It wasn't personal. It was liberation.

This was a matter of fighting the good fight. And...for Jonyna, that was routine.


Location: Echnos, aboard The Tenacity
Equipment: Senaar'gam (armour) | Varys' songsteel javelin |
Senaar'sen kite | Jetpack | Twin maser pistols
Objective: Follow her Alor
Allies: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Enemies: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons


Varys screwed her eyes tightly shut and hugged her knees as cruiser began its descent. From the whine of the engines behind her and the rattling of items sliding around the cargo hold, the speed of their fall downwards must have been stupendous. The ship shuddered and groaned, and more than once Varys wondered if they had been shot down already, and without her knowing she had made a coffin of the rations box she hid inside. But there was no fiery oblivion, and after some inexorable time, she felt the vessel settle onto its landing legs.

Moments later, Varys heard the clatter of boots descending the stairs to the cargo hold. She held her breath, listened in silence while they strapped belts of ammunition across their chests, readied their weapons, and spoke grimly of the fight ahead. These were the warriors of Clan Kryze. Her own kin, and yet she had to hide from them, lest she be sent packing back to Onderon at the last moment like a runaway child. Varys' cheeks burned at the thought.

Gradually, the sounds from the hold faded. The brave mando'ade of Clan Kryze had spilled onto the battlefield to begin their advance on the city. Varys opened the crate a crack, squinting at the sudden brightness. She was alone.

She stood slowly, stretching out limbs cramped by hours spent hiding in the crate. With a groan she bent over to retrieve her equipment, slipping the helmet of her beskar'gam over her curls and placing a twinned pair of masers in each side holster. Over her shoulder Varys threw a jetpack and rucksack containing her kite. Finally, she hefted her spear, a prized possession recently forged by the Alor at the Clangrounds. Fully equipped, Varys peered out of a porthole to make sure that anyone that would recognise her was gone, then lowered the gangway and hurried down the steps.

"Wayii. Oh wow." Varys murmured under her breath. The the land before her was a dry and barren waste, littered with the wrecks of ships both new and old. Ahead, Echnos city rose like a monolith, its protective dome curving to either end of the horizon, like a black hole that swallowed the landscape around it. She looked around, but she couldn't see Jenn's ship. Was Varys early, or late? Worse, the line of soldiers had already disappeared over the next ridge. Stars, why were things never simple?

Varys picked her way across the waste until she reached the smouldering wreck of a starfighter, perched upon a small rise it had ploughed into in its final moments. From amid the twisting wreckage, the young Amun laid on her belly and watched the battlefield keenly, waiting for any sign of Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze 's familiar blue-toned armour, or the striking orange hair she knew the Alor's companion Jonyna Si Jonyna Si possessed.

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Nearby Allies: [SO] Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Kaila Irons Kaila Irons Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Distant Allies: [SO] Jarek Voss Jarek Voss Darth Ultramar Darth Ultramar Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron QK-2510 QK-2510
Enemies: [GA] Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor Lt. Bren Alazar Lt. Bren Alazar Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Varys Amun Varys Amun
Location: [Echnos City] - Governmental Residence/War Room
While they anticipated the coming assault from under the dome..

.She did not speak.

For those who knew Srina Talon to the slightest degree, it wouldn’t come as any surprise. The pale creature was always watching, waiting, while peeling away the veil that separated her world from the present. She did so with the same precision, and singular focus, that it might take a renowned surgeon to remove delicate tissue from the surface of an exposed cornea. One layer at a time.

She perceived too much.

She perceived not enough. It was never enough.

Ever since this resurrected Empire had fallen beneath the purview of her husband the Dread Queen had pushed and pressed the issue of their northern neighbors. This was the very reason that in-fighting and politicking left her with such sourness and disdain. While they fought themselves and stood in one another’s way to chase an imaginary golden ring—The Jedi would not be idle. It was not in their nature to accept abject tyranny so close to kissing their unblemished borders.

It was not in the nature of the Sith to accept unwanted trespass, to accept, and embrace insult of both intellect and sovereignty. They were two volatile substances crammed into the same jar for the sake of happenstance and feigned balance. Eventually, something would give. The pressure caused by two superpowers colliding so savagely would force the situation to exceed critical mass and the glass would be forced to break. To shatter. The jar in this instance—this unfortunate fortress of duracrete and transparisteel—Was Echnos City.

This severing of a relative impasse?

This war?

Inevitable in every sense of the word.

Her eyes closed while Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner prepared themselves in whatever way they saw fit. Her mind touched that of her other half. Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean was space-bound. Distant—Because there was a literal star between them. But not so far that they could not communicate. What the Order required of her was no small feat. It was not without danger, without cost, but, being one of the few trained Dread Master’s left…Offered no choice. Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex would do his utmost to provide a layer of armor for their people...But such privilege could not be extended to her. To carve her away from the source would lessen the strength of the device. That could not be. Sacrifice, was required.

It was a test of her sanity in exchange for their success.

A test for them all.

The wintry woman could feel the city humming with nervous energy and activity that was both an everyday occurrence and in silent expectation of the coming conflict. Hidden defenses bristled. Ready, to repel invading forces. She knew how Jedi thought. Her first love had been a shining example of one before the loss of their child drove him to succumb to madness. Weakness. Perhaps it was fitting that FEAR had become her chosen tool. The Empress knew…That they thought themselves to be liberators. But to a Sith? Such noble deeds had a bleak outlook.

They were unwanted intruders on a self-righteous quest to impose their will. In truth, they were two sides of the very same coin. Srina merely knew which side she belonged to. Her thoughts were cold and calculated, quite similar, to the large weapon she now held power over. It floated in the center of the massive hall in the shape of a dodecahedron, anchored, by her blood.

By her will. It was inert and obedient at the moment. It could have even been mistaken for a piece of eccentric artwork. Harmless.

And it was indeed, harmless, until she deemed otherwise.

“They are coming,” he said flatly.

“I am aware.”

They were being shelled, obviously, and if the sound of artillery hitting the dome didn't tip her off the sudden rise of panicked voices and screams were more than capable of filling in the blanks. The average citizen wouldn't be able to comprehend why the life they knew had been turned on its head. They wouldn't be able to comprehend that the Alliance had come to save them while simultaneously firing at the airlocks and dome that kept them safe. They were trapped between two behemoths with no way out, no warning, and only the cold comfort of proselytizing cultists to ease the burden among an already overworked and overwrought populace.

Which—Was no comfort at all. Fear swelled in the masses...Rising like a dark tide from an endless ocean. It pulled them down.

This meant that her work could begin.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had words for their unwitting host that culminated in his head rolling several times across lavish flooring. Lavender eyelids fluttered and hawkish golden orbs focused on the first casualty with an empty expression. There was nothing home while her mind was focused on the task at hand. She did not enjoy taking life unnecessarily…She did not condone it. But—such loss did make excellent fuel for her designs. The former Lord Commander asked if her work had reached completion and she replied without missing a beat. Frozen. Precise.

“It will be.”

Cruel eyes fell on the Butcher King like rain while he took his leave and the battle plan began to fall into motion. She did not wish him nor his apprentice luck. It was not needed, as that suggested that they operated under the guise of chance. However, she did offer Kaila Irons Kaila Irons a pale nod for the respect that was freely given. It would be understood that she could not lose focus. Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex would lead this dark orchestra while she provided the music. At least, until the composition could carry itself. Her voice was low and soft when she murmured that which the Force whispered around her. Pulling at the edges of reality until it frayed…With every passing moment making her device stronger. “They believe they can alter the fate of our worlds…But they forget their place. This is not their sanctuary. This is where fear will reign and power is law.”

She spoke to everyone and simultaneously no one at all.

“Our enemies wish to bring peace, but they will only find devastation. They wish to bring hope, but they will only leave behind despair. The clock is descending, zero, our herald.”

Her eyes burned, darkened, and her head bowed low while the shadows in the manor bent toward her at unnatural angles. The seated woman stole the oxygen from the room, as if, she had tied a rope around the lungs of those present and pulled with all her might. What little air remained became so cold that it would hurt to try and breathe. Like a thousand needles piercing soft tissue. Red fell from her palms like the tears of a bereft mother who had lost their child. This was not a joyful moment, not a proud moment, but a necessary measure. There was the sound of a drum in her ears that only with time would she understand was the beat of her own heart. Such a deafening thud that settled while she began to guide the darkness.

“…Anyone not required here should be leaving. Now.”

She opened the metaphysical door—Inviting the end with a banging pulse that could be felt by any force sensitive in the vicinity. It would feel as if a frigid hand was squeezing their hearts in time with a sordid countdown. Bringing a sense of something they could not see, but would know intimately, as her weapon already lived and breathed inside all of them. Fear.


Equipment: Robes | Saber | Ring | Ring
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The only easy day was yesterday.


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?
Yeah, we scare them.

Weapons, and gear = Click picture in signature
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]

Lt. Bren Alazar, code name "Michael", stood at the edge of the rooftop, overlooking the bustling streets of Sluis Van Capital. His team, consisting of Gabriel, Sariel, and Raphael were at the first location of a sensor station to which Gabriel was shutting it down quietly. The other half of their team, the sniper/overwatch unit consisting of individuals known as "Remiel", "Uriel", and "Raguel" respectively, were spread out in strategic sniping positions, ready to protect their comrades as they moved through the city.

Their mission was simple yet crucial - to take out the sensor stations scattered throughout the city, allowing their Galactic Alliance Defense Force allies to move freely without detection by the Sith Order forces that occupied the area.

As the sun began to set, or at least look as such in the dome city, sending a golden hue over the region, Michael gave the signal to his team to begin their descent. This was only when Gabriel ensured that the hard part was indeed done. With silent precision, they rappelled down the sides of the building and through the shadows, avoiding detection by the enemy patrols that roamed the streets.

The closest station to the team was impossible to reach on foot, at least without being seen. Sariel had an idea that a “stun” shot could take it out and no one would be the wiser as it could be written off as a “glitch”. Gabriel, with his expert marksmanship, took out the next sensor station with a single shot, causing a chain reaction that disabled the three others in the vicinity. Sariel and Raphael provided cover fire, taking out any Sith troopers that dared to approach.

As they made their way through the city, Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his team. They moved as one, their movements fluid and coordinated, each member trusting the other to have their back.

But just as they were about to reach the final sensor station, they were ambushed by a group of Sith assassins. The team fought valiantly, but they were outnumbered and outgunned.

In a desperate move, Michael called for an exfil, knowing that their only chance of survival was to retreat and regroup. They were highly skilled combatants, but these Schuttas were proficient in the Force and had those stupid laser swords. As they made their exit one by one, Michael had noticed Sariel leaving behind a shaped charge. Smiling, he dropped a smoke grenade hoping the assassins would take the bait.

They did.

The smoke masked the explosive which was set up with a proximity sensor, if one had gotten close enough… “boom”.

As they moved away from the area, Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. They had failed in their mission up to this point, but he knew that they would have another chance to make things right.


Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the Warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.

Objective II — Echnos City:

Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Srina Talon Srina Talon
Enemies: Gress D'ran Gress D'ran , Lt. Bren Alazar Lt. Bren Alazar , Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor ,
Engaging: Gress D'ran Gress D'ran , Sara Roche Sara Roche | Open​

Chervertim-Colonel Asenath looked out across the city from the balcony of the Great Hall he had made his headquarters. He could hear the distant shrieks and screams of the terrified populace fleeing to their ratholes in search of any modicum of safety. It was a miserable sight. The Pact Commander found himself being reminded of the warren tunnels of the sacred homeworld Pandaemonium where prisoners of war, bloody and barely able to stand, were packed and forced deeper into the mines to be worked to death. Just like those prisoners, the remaining lifespan for these citizens of Echnos would be measured in hours.

Asenath sighed. What a waste: all this skilled labor perishing needlessly in this holy war that could have been brought to Pandaemonium to fuel the great Forge Monasteries. But the Warmaster had told him to leave these miscreants to their fate. The Sith Lords needed toys to play with. The Chervertim-Colonel then found himself amused. Sith or Jedi, these force-users were fething pathetic. The mere knowledge they existed sickened him to his stomach. Their kind had plunged the Galaxy into its wretched state that the Pact was now fighting to rescue its denizens from.

The only thing stopping him from ordering his forces to cut down the Sith where they stood was the Warmaster's promise that this illusion of alliance with the Sith Order was only temporary. He yearned for the day to come. The day when the Pact of Apophis could finally throw off the shackles the Force had put on the Galaxy. The day when the bodies of those who opposed his Goddess - Carnifex and Valery Noble, to name only a few - laid broken before her throne. The day when they would finally have peace.

That and the promise of vengeance against Gress D'ran Gress D'ran . The 7th Corps had been devasted at Mirial at the hands of the cursed hellstompers. They would have been annihilated by the Alliance if not for Asenath executing their commander for incompetence and retreating their survivors into the wildlands. For years they had survived isolated and under constant siege, only managing to escape that accursed homeworld recently. Reformed into the 89th "Taskforce Mirial" Mechanized Division, Asenath once more found himself face to face with that bastard.

Reports were already coming in. The Walker Battalion was in the process of blasting their way towards Gate Seven. Already cultist militia and mercenary scum were fleeing just at the sight of them. Front trenches full of worthless meatbags and scrap droids were being vaporized underneath their turbolaser bombardment. It would only be a matter of minutes before they were knocking on the doors of the airlock. Victory was running hot through their veins.

Asenath sought to chill them. The goal of the operation was to trap the Alliance forces into the city before a supernatural weapon would be unleashed upon them. There were many Alliance forces already penetrating the city but the Chervertim-Colonel knew the Devaronian would be foolish to commit his armoured forces into an urban arena. They could not be allowed to secure another beachhead and throw a wrench into Sith plans unharassed. The airlock would have to be Asenath's battlefield.


He ordered the 789th Armoured Regiment to reinforce Airlock Seven with all haste. Even though they were armed and armored with fifty of the new Pravus-Class Assault Walker, Asenath was aware that he couldn't match his foe's technological might. So he sought to outlast and outnumber them. Forward elements of the 789th had already reached the airlock and were starting to establish repair stations. Save vaporization, these stations would be capable of restoring any damaged walker into combat condition. Any captured Alliance walkers could be converted in a matter an hour thanks to the skilled Combat-Pioneers of the Pact. The pressure they could exert would be constant. Eventually, the enemy would have to either shatter or retreat.

Aware of the strength of the Alliance surveillance droids he had attached to the 789th an anti-air detachment of twenty Loculus APCs mounting AG-2G quad laser cannons and concussion missile launchers. They would act as a rear-line sweeper unit to sanitate the airspace wherever these damned droids appeared while remaining safe behind a protective screen of walkers.

Draped in camouflage ponchos and trained in stealth tactics, Pact Tank-Hunters waited in the rafters above the airlock for the enemy to pass wielding powerful satchel charges and rocket launchers. Several of them had been judged skilled enough to wear optical dephasers.

Facing the Hellstompers was an undead unit. Believed destroyed years ago only to return to the fold. Despite how many times they had been crushed, Taskforce Mirial always came back.

The Pact is looking to "meat wave" the hellstompers by applying constant pressure. They can do so thanks to repair stations established in the airlock that will bring all but the most damaged walkers back into combat conditions. They've deployed tank hunters and anti-air units.

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Location: Echnos City - Airlock 8
Armour: Personal Armour
Weapon: Rotary Cannon, blaster pistol, thermal detonators, beskad.
Tag: QK-2510 QK-2510

The mission was simple. Break through the defences at the airlock and get access to the city for the Alliance to liberate the civilians from Sith dicatorship.

It was also the first time that Tarw was testing out his new armour that he created as well as his rotary cannon. He was finally settling into his role as a heavy trooper, working on the front lines and pushing forward. He held the cannon in both hands, it was a heavy weapon but breathing in deeply, he felt confident in his capabilities. He had trained for this moment and the dropship to the airlocks gave him time to think over the mission. He just needed to help his team punch a hole into the city and they could take it from the Sith Order's control.

He needed to push them through the city.

Over the comms, the pilot called out to the team, "get ready to deploy soldiers. T-minus 5." Counting down till they reached one and then the doors opened. Tarw jumped out of the dropship and landed heavy on the ground. Being on solid ground, it was a solid sensation and he called out for his group to charge forward. He wasn't the highest ranking person around, nor had he been assigned to be in charge but Tarw was keen to demonstrate his skills and demonstrate his abilities to lead.

As he got closer to the airlock, Tarw was panting since running in his armour was not the easiest job. His cannon was trained forward, prepared to fire at any opponents that he caught sight of.
Objective: Echnos City - Airlock 7(Knock Knock)
Loadout: Battlefield
Forces: 1X GADF Regiment(Spread throughout Battlefield. Personally Leading Cyclone Battalion) 1x Company of Veran Royal Guards(Trident)
Enemies: Sith ( Festerruman Sachiel Festerruman Sachiel )
Allies: GADF ( Gress D'ran Gress D'ran Sara Roche Sara Roche )

Vulpesen's eyes narrowed as he watched his men fire flutily at the massive doors that made up airlock number 7. Even with the aid of the hailstompers and their barrage, the airlock was still managing to keep its integrity. "Well, this is annoying," the Zorren growled as he leaped atop one of the behemoth machinations of destruction that was the GADF Sphinx. With every shot, he could feel the walker shift beneath him, bucking with the power of its blasts. "Time to give a bit of help." His men were restless, and now, with a new rank pinned to his chest, the GADF's newest colonel was eager to get his boots dirty. Time for a few tricks offered to those who were gifted beyond the average infantry.

Taking a deep breath, he channeled the force through his body then up to a darkening the sky. When the time came for his men to strike, they would do so with the full tempest wrath of nature at their backs. [Trident to Hellstompers. Put some dents in that door and I'll see what I can do to bring them down. I'd rather not spend too much time out here in the cold. I'm ready to start this house party.] As if to emphasize his point, the Colonel reached out and sent down his first bolt from the heavens, striking it against the frame of the airlock.
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Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Factory Judge

Objective: 2, Airlock 5
Allies: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , Kaila Irons Kaila Irons , Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , Srina Talon Srina Talon
Forces: Black Bane Spider Company, Starweird Shock Jumper Company, 23rd Blackened Infantry Company
Enemies: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze , Varys Amun Varys Amun

Teresa walked through the hall hand moulding the lamanium metal into an endless array of shapes. She had just returned from watching over her own units move into defence ready positions. Personally after hearing the captain's explain their plans, Teresa could not help but feel giddy at the potential bloodbaths. Even after leaving the FOB they continued to scheme plans of traps and more. These where the forces He gave her and some had already fought battles with her already.

Approaching the room to where she was supposed to meet Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was, Teresa stood quietly at the entrance even after the doors had opened awaiting Him. Luckily it was at the opportune moment of a wonderful display of beheading performed by her master. Thought the execution was quickly over her attention moved past that to see her Husband give a look to both Srina Talon Srina Talon and Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner .

It took a second longer to notice Kaila tailing behind her Husband, as she began to follow at His side closely. "My warriors are in position. If the enemy try's to attack from sector five then they'll surely pay in more lives with every step than what I expect to loose," she reported to Kaine. "I see why you selected such captains for me, I found their plans quite amusing as they explained in detail their vision of the battle ahead."

Shortly they'd arrive at a landing pad where eight of the Kainite's sith chosen for battle meditation. It was hard to ignore the energies welling here only amplified by the amount of strong dark side users around. Her attention finally laid onto Kaila Irons Kaila Irons , her golden orange eyes burning into the smaller woman. "Do be sure to come back afterwards, Kaila," Teresa teased with a slight giggle. "Regardless, have fun, let loose, it's not every day the enemy delivers themselves into our hands for slaughter."

Once their meditation had moved into full swing she moved to the left side of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex as He overwatched His sith. Her hand reached for Kaine's, the tips of her fingers pushed along his palm and found their way between His intertwining their fingers together. "By the way, I don't think you got chance to see the new lightsaber I made before Galatea was born." She said sliding the auxiliary out from her side and held it out so Kaine could draw it for Himself.



Wearing: xxx
Allies: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor | Lt. Bren Alazar Lt. Bren Alazar | Gress D'ran Gress D'ran | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Varys Amun Varys Amun | Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr | Vulpesen Vulpesen
Enemies: Srina Talon Srina Talon

War. Judah had been absent from its stage for some time. The last time he organized with the Galactic Alliance it was to defend Tython from the Brotherhood of the Maw and their super weapon. It had been an interesting conflict, his ally in the fight was Sith, but not loyal to the Maw. It forced him to think about what he thought was true. The dark side was a disease which threatened the galaxy, but that did not mean everyone that relied on it was wicked.

These Sith, the Sith Order, were vile. Judah knew of them, had run into some of their ilk before. Word had spread about the genocide which their leader had committed, and for what reason, because he could. Darth Carnifex was still among them, and his sins were well known. One could not breathe his name without thinking about the atrocities committed by his hand.

The shadow touched the image of his late wife on his datapad. Every time he entered into conflict the thought of reuniting her played in the back of his mind. Losing her had been the most painful thing he had experienced in his life. A severed arm and torn fingers dulled in comparison to the void her death had left behind.

The Jedi could not fill it.

Other women could not replace the loss.

His children had not been enough to soothe the pain. Judah Junior often reminded the elder of Katara. That made the pain return like a scab that refused to heal.

Judah was not in a hurry to die, but he was not hanging on to life either. If this was his last mission, the Jedi would be fulfilled. His destiny was to give his life for others. It was the debt he owed to those he had cheated when he was younger. Many would say he had more than paid for it. Judah never felt as though he had.

Echnos was the stage today. While the Galactic Alliance planned to bombard the airlocks, Judah had arrived early along with other Shadows. He had been at the game long enough to know the Sith often performed a bait and switch. They would have a control center, but they would other operations as well. These were not the arrogant Sith of old which put all their resources in one place. They had redundancy upon redundancy. Judah would follow the force. He knew the darkness intimately, not because he had succumb to it, but because he had resisted it for so long.

There was a dark void near the center of the city. Sith Lords had gathered, and did nothing to hide their presence in the force. While Judah did not know what they were up to, the force did show him where to find them. He pressed through the crowd which went through their lives as if they were safe.

Pity tugged at his spirit. War was coming to their city and they did not even know it. They were innocent, and some of them would die today.

This is why Judah hated war.

His eyes looked toward the governor’s mansion. He could see the shadow of the dark side hanging over it. Cultists and black guard poured into the streets to announce the presence of the Dark Lord they belonged to. It was as good a place as any to investigate.

Staying in the shadows, Judah watched as Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and his apprentice ( Kaila Irons Kaila Irons ) made their appearance. Suddenly there was a synchronization, a dark unity which rattled against the Jedi’s nerves.

Battle Meditation.

He would be untouchable, and challenging Carnifex while surrounded was a death sentence. Judah may have longed for his wife, but he did not have a death wish. When it appeared no one else would exit, Judah entered the building.

That's when it shook.

It started small, but grew. For a moment it felt as though the ground had turned to liquid, and rather than standing on marbled floors he stood on a ship being tossed by waves.


The Jedi continued further into the mansion. Each corner became a stopping point to ensure he was still unseen. Even as he continued forward the sense of dread which settled in his gut grew. He was unsettled, and the Jedi could not figure out why. The dark side was palpable, but this was…


The floor shook again.

He could smell the iron , the scent of blood, filling the corridor as he continued toward the center of the mansion. They had killed the occupants of the home. Judah’s pace increased. If there were survivors he had to find a way to help them and stop whatever version of hell they were being subjected to. Judah had to help if he could, but he also feared that he would be too late.

Judah ran into something solid, though there was nothing in front him. The obstacle was not a wall or force field, but rather it was a shield conjured by the force. A Sith Master remained in the governor’s residence.

<< “Go no further. >>

The voice was like ice in his mind, cold and precise. It was a command.

Judah Lesan was not alone.

Telepathy written by permission of Srina Talon Srina Talon


| Location | Approaching Airlock 5
| Objective | Assault Airlock 5; break through the defenses

Jenn was not here for a righteous cause.
Striking back against tyranny, assisting the Galactic Alliance in this decisive battle... none of it truly mattered to her. Oh, she had tried to change, to become something more than what the purge had made her. Great efforts were made to open her heart, to stand against injustice wherever she found it, no matter its form, nor its origin - but no matter how earnest, her best efforts were washed away by the fire inside her.
Now, more than ever, Jenn realized that she could never outrun the woman she had once been. The angry child, whose family had been murdered before her, left alone in a cold and uncaring Galaxy, lashing out blindly at all those who came close. The rage she had kept suppressed for so many years roared anew within her heart, and she embraced its flame all too readily. This would not be a day for justice, nor honor; neither were her people here to protect or save anyone.
This was her chance at vengeance.
It consumed her every thought, her every waking moment. Even now, as she embraced her cyare in her room, the tender warmth of love could not banish the darkness looming over her mind. How was she to enjoy the presence of the fierce, yet protective Cathar, when every fiber of her being screamed for retribution? The Ersansyr wanted to snarl, to sink her fangs into flesh, to howl and let the Galaxy hear the animalistic depths of her bloodthirst!
Jenn had always reviled the very idea of fate; her hatred of Force users had been steeped in it, once. The notion of there being a preordained fate for individuals was horrid, and the proposition that some were "chosen" by the unseen hand of destiny and blessed with sorcerous powers left her furious.
Tears welled in her eyes, then, for she was not yet so far gone as to ignore just how unhinged she came across. Incapable of controlling herself, unable to enjoy her last few moments of peace with the woman she loved so utterly. Jonyna's declaration was met with a desperately hungry kiss, before the Mandalorian parted from her side, desperately hoping that the Sentinel of Harmony could not sense the truth of her intent.
The Alor of Clan Kryze knew this battle might very well just be her last, and accepted that truth into her heart. Win or lose, her name would be sung for centuries yet to come...

The ships touched down without a hitch; a small mercy, perhaps, that the full might of Clan Kryze would reach their destination in one piece.
Filled with rancor as she was, the Alor could not deny the sheer pride she felt at the sight of her warriors as they assembled before her. The battle ahead of them would be fierce, and they would lose many vode before the day was done. Death was, by now, an old companion... but for Jenn, they would face it again.
When her voice finally rose to address them, her jetpack carrying her above them as the avenging angel that she was, it rang with conviction, and the warriors beneath her drank in her every word.

"My vode! For too long have we allowed the Sith to escape retribution for their crimes; but today, we will show them the heart of true Mandalorians! Do not relent in your assault, do not falter! We will avenge our fallen kindred -or die trying!"
The assembled forces of Clan Kryze screamed their approval, their Alor's bloodthirst echoed within their own minds; in truth, the sheer power behind her voice was hardly needed. Children of Mandalore they may not be, the Hastati had been integrated deeply enough into the Clan to share the righteous wrath of their instructors, the fire inside them stoked by the many stories recounted to them by the Rallymasters - of the faded might of the Mandalorian people, and the ones responsible for their genocide.
Drawing her beskad from its hilt, the Mandalorian lifted it high, the blade gleaming in the light as she pointed it towards the airlock.
Her voice was nothing but a roar now, drowning out all other sounds. It was raw, naked power, and, for good or ill, it left the Clan's warriors invigorated. They lifted beskad and spear alike in response, and howled out their response loud enough for their ancestors to hear from the Manda itself.

Jetpacks roared to life, blasters were readied, and shields were activated as they rushed forth to challenge fate once more.

Echnos City
Assisting GADF in Airlock Six
x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x | Weapons: x x x
Allies: GADF Forces
Enemies: Kasir Dorran Kasir Dorran

Just breathe.

Zaiya repeated the mantra silently, standing among the GADF forces assigned to breach the airlocks of Echnos City. It was her first solo mission, and the weight of it pressed down on her shoulders like a lead cloak. Aris Noble Aris Noble was off on another assignment with his mother, and Mahsa Mahsa and Vera Noble Vera Noble were over at the Dorvalla mines. So here she was, alone in the fray for the first time.

Curious glances flickered her way from the soldiers around her. She couldn't really blame them -- after all, it wasn't every day you saw a Jedi Padawan with skin that shifted colors like a living light show. The swirls of jewel-toned iridescence rippled across her mottled spots and stripes, a telltale sign of her nerves no matter how much she tried to steady herself through meditation. She caught herself fidgeting, forcing her hands to still at her sides.

To blend in -- or at least to stop drawing so much attention -- Zaiya tugged her cloak's hood up, tucking her thick plait of magenta, cobalt, and teal hair neatly beneath it. The cloak was specially designed with a shadow silk liner that absorbed light, masking her bioluminescence and shrouding her in a swirling, billowing darkness. It wasn't perfect, but it was enough to hide the more distracting parts of her when the heat of battle started.

A sudden call for attention snapped her focus back to the task at hand. They were just minutes away from their destination: Airlock Six, the entry point they needed to secure to let the rest of the GADF forces into Echnos proper. Zaiya's heart beat a little faster, anticipation buzzing under her skin.

As she scanned the group, she spotted slicers and demolition experts gearing up, ready to do what they did best. But Zaiya wondered if maybe, just maybe, she could lend a hand with the Force. Combat had never been her strongest suit, even with all the extra training with Aris. She was better as support, and that's what she was here to do.

She just hoped that, this time, things wouldn't spiral out of control. Zaiya took a deep breath, her colors steadying to a calm blue as she prepared herself for whatever came next.

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Location: Approaching Airlock Eight, Echnos City - Echnos
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Objective: Control Enemy Movement
Engagement: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

QK-2510 prayed. The rites of arming were spoken from her lips in a soft, yet unflinching tone as she mag-locked armor plates over her body glove. First came the legs, then her torso, her arms, and finally, her head—the helmet. With that done, the strand-cast locked her jetpack in place over her back. Its large wings were an impediment for the moment, but the jet trooper had no intention of staying boots to the ground. In that regard, her cheeks flushed with equal parts excitement and anticipation at the prospect of flight. She would finally be able to unfold her wings, after so much time spent infiltrating the city and setting up the forward operating center for her squad.

And yet, QK-2510 felt something else as she finished preparing her equipment—an icy chill running down her spine before terminating at her feet. Her body twitched in response, compelling the jet trooper to shake her head in a futile attempt to ease the discomfort. She reflexively checked her equipment again, before moving to take up her rifle and her pistol, both of which were pored over with relentless precision to ensure that nothing of their design was out of place.

Still, the chill remained.

Of course, she had already suspected that a significant event was poised to come underway. The Blackblade Guard would not have been in the city if this was just a normal operation. However, the jet trooper could not shake the feeling that a terror was at hand. An icky discomfort caused sweat to break out from her pores as a pounding headache seized her skull. In response, her armor’s medical suite automatically injected her with a tiny, ultra-diluted dose of kouhunin. It seemed to work, offering the strand-cast renewed focus where previously there had been trepidation and doubt.

Temporarily relieved, QK-2510 closed her eyes for a few long moments, before opening them again. It had been a momentary crisis, which would ultimately serve to strengthen her faith in the Father and His Eclipsing Mission.

And so, at the behest of her squad’s commanding officer, QK-2510 allowed her body to drop down from the roof of the building before unfolding her jetpack’s wings as its twinned engines roared to life in her wake. The jet trooper rocketed skyward, before maneuvering her body in a prone position relative to the ground beneath her, thus launching her forward as well. All the while, the other jet troopers in her squad raced high over the streets, to the awe and terror of the civilians trapped within the dome.

<<Our target is Airlock Eight. Remember the objective. Area denial. There’s a kill zone waiting for the enemy. Funnel them inside and destroy any of their number who attempt to break out.>> The squad leader's voice crackled over the comm. <<Once the rats have infested the kill zone, the next stage of the plan will commence.>> He finished.

And just then, a fresh chill seized QK-2510’s joints.

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