Dark Messiah
Capital of The Primeval
Bastion is a world of history... The former capital of many fallen empires including the Fel Imperium of old. Now this Imperialstic world was under the control of The Primeval, a religious order that believed somewhere in the galaxy their Gods lied in wait. Without much regard for politics, The Host Lord Anja Aj'Rou had given unique situations to surrounding buffer states in sectorial warlord space. These Warlords were allowed to rule independently in exchange for providing tribute and resources to the growing Marches.
Now once again the Host Lord seeks to have a new Warlord, this time in the heart of the Imperial Remnant. The two factions had broken out in skirmishes some years ago and resulted in initial swift victories for the Remnant but recent events have shattered their Empire and risk upheaval within their leadership. Empress Kista Fel along with three ambassadors: [member="Alva Calvarona"] , [member="Irina Calvarona"], and the Queen of Crina have made a deal with these zealots. In exchange for aid against the growing Mandalorian threat to the southwest and securing space in the eastern fringes, the Remnant seeks sanctuary under the resourceful and diverse power of The Primeval. Anja Aj'Rou and her council have concluded the beneficial arrangement of having a new buffer region against their enemies.
With that in mind the two groups are meeting this day in the Imperial Palace...
Imperial Palace
16:00 hours
Anja sat in a rather adorned meeting hall within the Imperial Palace that once was the seat of the Fel Dynasty centuries ago. Although she had little understanding of this, it was quite ironic that the Fel Dynasty would return to this world in order to strike a deal to guarantee the survival of their Imperial Remnant. "Your Worship, the Imperial envoy has arrived; should I send them in?", one of her most trusted aids asked.
The Umbaran witch's eyes faced the door, "Do so... Make sure they're comfortable.", she replied. Despite their more hostile reputation; The Primeval believed in a certain aspect of hospitality with guests -- dishonesty was generally scrutinized and respect was of the utmost importance. Of course that did not mean they weren't here to negotiate. The Host Lord knew that their technology was valuable, after all one of her greatest Executors perished in a skirmish with the Remnant over Valc VII some time ago. Their starships were without a doubt superior to her own but what The Primeval had was the resources and means to establish hegemony in the region; something the Remnant needed to secure. Perhaps an arrangement was possible.
With that in mind she awaited the arrival of [member="Kadri Ughad"] , her recently appointed Grand Executor and supreme commander of her own forces. The Umbaran man was reaching his peak years but had vast amounts of experience and veteranship under his belt.
"Let's see what they have in store, shall we?", she said quietly to herself.