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War is a Racket [PM for Invite]

Capital of The Primeval

Bastion is a world of history... The former capital of many fallen empires including the Fel Imperium of old. Now this Imperialstic world was under the control of The Primeval, a religious order that believed somewhere in the galaxy their Gods lied in wait. Without much regard for politics, The Host Lord Anja Aj'Rou had given unique situations to surrounding buffer states in sectorial warlord space. These Warlords were allowed to rule independently in exchange for providing tribute and resources to the growing Marches.

Now once again the Host Lord seeks to have a new Warlord, this time in the heart of the Imperial Remnant. The two factions had broken out in skirmishes some years ago and resulted in initial swift victories for the Remnant but recent events have shattered their Empire and risk upheaval within their leadership. Empress Kista Fel along with three ambassadors: [member="Alva Calvarona"] , [member="Irina Calvarona"], and the Queen of Crina have made a deal with these zealots. In exchange for aid against the growing Mandalorian threat to the southwest and securing space in the eastern fringes, the Remnant seeks sanctuary under the resourceful and diverse power of The Primeval. Anja Aj'Rou and her council have concluded the beneficial arrangement of having a new buffer region against their enemies.

With that in mind the two groups are meeting this day in the Imperial Palace...

Imperial Palace
16:00 hours
Anja sat in a rather adorned meeting hall within the Imperial Palace that once was the seat of the Fel Dynasty centuries ago. Although she had little understanding of this, it was quite ironic that the Fel Dynasty would return to this world in order to strike a deal to guarantee the survival of their Imperial Remnant.

"Your Worship, the Imperial envoy has arrived; should I send them in?", one of her most trusted aids asked.

The Umbaran witch's eyes faced the door, "Do so... Make sure they're comfortable.", she replied. Despite their more hostile reputation; The Primeval believed in a certain aspect of hospitality with guests -- dishonesty was generally scrutinized and respect was of the utmost importance. Of course that did not mean they weren't here to negotiate. The Host Lord knew that their technology was valuable, after all one of her greatest Executors perished in a skirmish with the Remnant over Valc VII some time ago. Their starships were without a doubt superior to her own but what The Primeval had was the resources and means to establish hegemony in the region; something the Remnant needed to secure. Perhaps an arrangement was possible.

With that in mind she awaited the arrival of [member="Kadri Ughad"] , her recently appointed Grand Executor and supreme commander of her own forces. The Umbaran man was reaching his peak years but had vast amounts of experience and veteranship under his belt.

"Let's see what they have in store, shall we?", she said quietly to herself.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Well, considering the disappearance of half the Imperial forces in the wake of the supposedly galactic vanishing act that had claimed so many what choice was there. Personally, the younger of the Calvarona sisters acting as ambassadors in this endeavor wasn't even going to begin to dwell on it. When it had shown up even Crina had lost a few, but it was a hard thing to notice. What was a more responsible reason to prompt this action, was the deaths of both the Imperial Emperor and King of Crina at Valc VII in a recent combat against the Primeval. The Imperial Leader, Pallopides, having taken a bold and morale boosting plan of action to solidify Imperial power once more at Valc VII, only for the Primeval to also appear and engage the much smaller Imperial force at the site of an extensive military complex on the planet's surface.

While the battle had gone rather amazingly, Alva herself recalling the rather lovely display of the Crinan Royal Guard in action as the King of Crina led the charge on the battlefield and the Imperial Emperor commanded from the complex's command center from a strategist's perspective. True enough the Crinan Infantry was far better equipped and trained than those average soldiers in the Primeval ranks, the energy shields common in Crinan Armor and their Energy Swords making them prime forward units ahead of the Stormcommandos who followed behind to hold the front of the complex's courtyard. The Primeval had had numbers though, even the presence of AT-AW and Bixi Artillery units and an AT-FAT didn't tip the tide. The Primeval overwhelmed all with their sheer force, and their magic. . . or well force users as non-crinans called them, were more than able to act as champions.

Even with Duke Meridius, herself, Irina, and Crina's King championing their own forces, they just had not in the end been able to prevent enough of the Primeval's people from attacking the command center where the Emperor eventually fell to one of them. The main fleet had arrived to reinforce and evacuate them by that point, and they had decimated the Primeval's ships in orbit to force them to retreat or be stuck on the ground to be bombarded by the Crinan and Imperial Navy. However, it had not happened soon enough to prevent Crina's King from falling.

Alva was still furious over that.

Yet now they were making peace with these people and their mad cult. It sickened her, though perhaps her feelings were tempered by the shock of the recent marrige of Imperial Empress Fel to Queen Emilia Primrose Anca-Calvarona. She hadn't expected it really, though it seemed that Caius Flavian had had some prior knowledge of the two becoming close. Still, it seemed rushed, but at the same time she knew why. WIth the Imperials weakened through the loss of their forces by the event of so many disappearing, and the soldiers slain at Valc VII along with the Emperor, they simply did not have near the people they once had. It was better to solidify what they had left under Crina, and to also make it clear who was in charge as both the men had died. In truth Alva supported the relationship, it was just a bit sudden to welcome Lady Fel into the Crinan Royalty. . . .she wondered if she would call her mother?

Regardless, she would protect of Crina's Queens now in case this agreement to talk by the Primeval was a ploy to kill them as well. They had arrived over Bastion, not in force, but in a show of power as a front to their still acknowledgable strength. The Imperial ISD III was the strongest ship on this side of the galaxy, and it was flanked by two Crinan Heavy Cruisers and Carriers packed with elite TIE Seekers and Crinan Interceptors. Their shuttle had a light escort of such fighters as it made its approach to the landing coordinates. Within the transport itself were both of Crina's Queens Fel and Calvarona, Irina and Alva the two eldest princesses of Crina, and a cadre of Crina's royal guard. The soldiers were the elite of Crina, resplendent in Phrik Armor, enhanced with energy shields, and wielding Crinan Energy swords that could even withstand lightsaber blows for ten minutes of strenuous combat. Between them and Irina and herself, as both of them were certainly accomplished Practitioners as their mother was as well, hopefully the security and escort was an impressive one.

Once they landed Alva had little to say as they were guided to the room where this conference would be held. She wondered how this all effected Lady Fel, since Bastion was historically the old Fel Imperium's capital and throne. The late Pallopides likely would have loved to have eventually gained this under their control themselves. Likely working with their husbands killers was going to be hard on both women in power, but they were admirable for their care for their people and drive for the future. The Primeval could be influence at this stage. As they gained new worlds and perspectives, and began to rely on the superior devices and technology of the Imperials and Crinans, perhaps they could slowly become the Imperialist faction in some spirit in at least a similar fashion albeit not the same as what was once had. Besides it would it grant them needed support against the Mandolorians and keep them from thinking they were weak and a free conquest.

They just needed to secure these talks right so that they didn't lose much, but gained much more without seeming out of hand. There was only a whispered comment to her older sister that Alva made as they walked to the room where these negotiations would begin and be handled by Queen Emilia and Empress Kista. "Half of me wishes. . . .we could just kill their leadership like they killed. . . .never mind. I feel it will be hard to be silent while they talk don't you?"
"It's no time to kill anyone until we've made them suffer," the elder responded, eyes focused straight ahead as she marched into the Imperial Palace with all the pomp one could muster in this time of surrender. No one was going to take any more dignity away from her than had already been stolen. Her father had died, and now her mother was on some odd venture with that Empress hag.

After all they had done to revitalize Crina under the blanket of some Empire, this was what it had come to. They were soon to be subjects of a network of warlords. The terms--as she had so far understood them--would not exactly be bad, but any sort of subservience to another authority was no less than irritating to Irina.

"Hail," she said upon arrival in the great room, noticing the 'Host Lord' lounging away in the throne that only a true Imperial should abide in. This was going to be teeth-grinding.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Alva Calvarona"]
The Host Lord's gaze met [member="Irina Calvarona"] when the woman entered the room. Despite being now under The Primeval's authority, the Imperial insignia was still adorned to details inside the palace. That might have struck some odd but symbolism was never terribly important as a grand scheme, as long as people knew who ruled that was all that mattered. Besides, it served its purpose well. It was reminder that this once invincible citadel had now become little more than the property of someone who did not appreciate its luxury.

"Allow us to conduct arrangements, shall we?", she gestured to seats for the four to sit. [member="Alva Calvarona"]
Irina begrudgingly took a seat, but made sure to keep her head and shoulders high. Her Imperial insignia had been polished to shine defiantly before she had arrived, and she made sure to hold the straightest of posture so that all of the badges were visible.

"Don't think I don't realize most of the arrangements haven't already been taken care of. So skip over what has already been preordained by your imposition and proceed to whatever can be discussed." She knew she had little leverage here, but if the conquerors wished to prevent internal troubles, then they would attempt to appease the Imperial Remnant on a few of the issues at hand. A faction as zealously driven as the Primeval would absolutely understand the significance of allowing the resistors a martyr.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Anja was someone who tended to be straight to the point so this time was no different. The Host Lord continued, "Your leadership will be given control of the sector of space concerning the few worlds that are under your current authority. A small portion of vital resources will be distributed to us and military support will be granted to you and to us as mutually needed. That is the deal. Your subjects are not enforced to convert but any who do break our laws in our presence will be dealt with accordingly." , those were the terms the Host Lord had given to them.

But there was something else... Something she would wait until she could understand what position this one had taken. [member="Irina Calvarona"]
Almost amusingly, this negotiation process had a feeling of deja vu to it. The kingdom of Crina had gone through talks not dissimilar to these with the Imperial Remnant previously. They would provide tribute in exchange for protection and the freedom to continue as they were, provided nothing violated this overshadowing government's tradition. Irina disliked these terms, but it would not be any significant change in the long run. Crina was and would be dependent upon whoever was charged with defending it. They had no power to fight the Primeval. It would all be for naught.

"You mentioned breaking laws 'in your presence.' When would that qualify? How imposing can we expect 'your presence' to be?" The corner of her lip twitched upward in what may have been a checked sneer. "And what do you expect of us in times of war? I'm not exactly enthused at the potential for my people to be called to arms on the opposite side of the galaxy. That doesn't sit well."

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
The Host Lord was a bit happier with this one... Afterall their previous skirmish was not fruitful for The Primeval, Anja assumed they would use that single victory as a way to hold it against them but when people suddenly disappear and your enemy's expand towards your weakened empire, it makes sense that they would seek alliances -- just in this case such an alliance would entail stronger ties.

"I only ask that you aid us militarily against the Mandalorians; your territory gives us an advantage on fronts... Our fleets are spread thin but yours is not, it's concentrated and may very well be the deciding factor. Of course as concentrated as it is, the full front of a Mandalorian assault would require resources that your people do not have. It produces a mutual arrangement, your aid for our protection.", the idea was not to make them feel in a position of strength but neither to belittle them. At the end of the day, this Witch only cared about her crusade. The administration of planets, the ideals of people, they meant nothing; having warlords maintain the peace and prevent an uprising... Not to mention to make an example... That is where they draw their strength from.

"As for laws, our presence is merely when your people travel to worlds under a more direct control. You may keep your customs, just don't expand them.", she added.

[member="Irina Calvarona"]
In the back of her mind, Irina was undecided on whether or not she would actually prefer the Mandalorians take over. However, the current situation was dark--what with so many people mysteriously gone missing and the entire Remnant in panic--and the Crinans had already lost too many in recent combat against this Primeval. They would have to submit to the higher power, regardless of however mighty and ingenious the Crinans could be. They simply had no hope in a war now.

Accepting this 'deal' was going to weigh hard on her, but they would need protection from the Primeval by accepting their reign, and subsequently require protection from the Mandalorians. It was a hard choice, but a simple one. "What do I have more than your word? At this point, that is all I can really ask. Give me something tangible, and I will sign what must be signed."

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
[member="Irina Calvarona"]

Well that was it, quite simple really...

The Host Lord's eyes glanced around the room before fixating themselves back on the princess. "My patience stems from understanding -- don't mistake it for equality. We're offering our assistance as well as asking for yours. Otherwise we would've continued our invasion and purged your entire world.", she boldly claimed.

If that wasn't unsettling, then Anja didn't know what it was. What purpose could one have from intimidation? Well, unless it wasn't meant to be intimidating; making a deal with your enemy is not an easy task but when two paths align then a bargain can be struck, this wasn't a friendship. This an ecosystem. The strong needed the weak for something... Whether to clean the scraps out from between the sharp teeth or to be a buffer against a more powerful enemy. "The tangible details is that if you don't agree it will be your burden when people die. I'm offering you peace not out of my heart, but out of an arrangement; it's beneficial to both of our people... You get to rule them freely as long as you aid us.", she added onto her original statement. It was less intimidating now, if anything it probably was meant to sound as if the Host Lord was trying to pull on the woman's sense of duty to her people.
Irina nodded, unimpressed but incapable of leveraging anything her way; her people's way. She was well aware of the more-or-less hidden intimidation that was spoken. Might makes right.

"Whatever you want--I'm sure it's yours anyway." Her heart dropped as she said these words. The Crinan Crown was little more than a pet as soon as she had uttered them. "If you do as you promise, you shall receive what you expect. But any more, and Crina will see to it that this 'empire of empires' implodes.

"I have nothing more to offer, nor anything I can take." The princess arose from her seat and waited to be presented with both the digital and physical copies of the documents she would be forced to sign. The Imperial Remnant had thus perished, and Crina would yet wait to rise to its glory. "May my people forgive me."

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
The moment she submitted, Anja knew that the heart of a nation was crushed. Better so was that in their survival she assured they would submit; people like this princess would set an example. Allegiance was better than opposition, that much remained clear.

"You've made a wise decision.", the last words Anja would mention in this discussion. She too rose from her seat, several servants provided the key documents of obligation for the woman to take back to her people... The others were likely shocked -- upset even -- by the deal at hand. What was done is what must be done, but that was not all... The Host Lord had a plan. Few knew who ruled Bastion out of the chaos, with their forces at her command she could enact an event to upset the very foundation of the galaxy. To create leverage for her and her allies, but most of all to lead from a position of power which few would oppose. The Imperials may not know it yet but in their defeat today they have been fortified, and their banner would not bow. Instead it would become integrated slowly, a more meaningful and fearsome power than it has ever been before.

A deal was done, signed in the blood of fallen heroes. Heroes whose names would be forgotten as the Imperial Remnant submitted itself to the will and integrity of The Primeval.

[member="Irina Calvarona"]

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