Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Apparently the CIS made a deal with the Republic. Or rather the Republic got blackmailed into handing over its 6km ship in order to prevent a dissolution of the alliance and a declaration of war. Of course, treaties are only relevant as long as they are convenient.
What a drag. What sorta pansies are running the Republic nowadays? "Oh yes, untrustworthy people, I will give you this giant war ship so you don't go to war with me, never mind that I've just given you a war ship made for that specific purpose, or that our tenuous peace is still set to break. Here ya' go!"
Oh, I quite agree. Especially since it was presented as 'reparations' for attempting to arrest a single diplomat. A bit disproportionate. That said there has been a call for a vote of no confidence in the interim chancellor's leadership.
Well we were t the auction remember. I was taken into custody with while the raid happened. So lets see what we can get.

Also the 6km ship is a flying temple with a planetary shield it possibly the strongest defensive ship on the board to balance the Ascended demon's attack power.

Arken Lussk

Thrills, Chills, and Kills
Bellalika said:
Also the 6km ship is a flying temple with a planetary shield it possibly the strongest defensive ship on the board to balance the Ascended demon's attack power.
The Ascended Demon is a Nova-class Battlecruiser. The Astral Horizon is the Fringe's flagship.

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