Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wardrobe renewal

For all her Force-related (or perhaps Force-induced) malaises, one had to acknowledge that Jessica had a very good understanding of the Force by NFU standards, which are quite different (and most importantly considerably lower) than the standards of FUs. Her strongest area of Force-knowledge was by far the action of the Force when in use. But to Jessica, very few powers required a particular alignment so long as you understand the action of the Force on the target. Regardless of the results these Force-sensitivity tests, she had a sense that one administrator had an intellectual makeup very similar to hers, she just used her brain for different things. It was unsettling for Jessica, to be wracked by the same sort of Force-related malaises as she was back as a pre-teen, made worse by that particular administrator. Suspecting me of being a space... witch? That administrator was karking helpless and she did me no, and I really do mean, NO good. I came back from that appointment with questions left unanswered, and with my comfort having even decreased. And she had the sense that her space witch of a lover, while a wonderful pilot, also suspected her of such. But it was not because she was too smart not to be a space witch, like it was the case back as a pre-teen, but because she knew too much about the Force not to be a space witch. For the occasion, because she felt that, in the presence of that space witch of a lover, she had to behave as one, so she wore the Silver Jedi robe she wore for the first time on Elom.

"My wardrobe is a little, let's say, limited, and outdated also. Perhaps there are a couple of things to shop for on Hosnian Prime's Fifth Avenue. You always knew me as a woman that wanted durable clothing"

Now that she was the mascot of the Techno Empire, for many, many reasons, the most important of which was her technical expertise, but also that she was a truly gorgeous woman that symbolized everything the Techno Empire represents: sophistication, knowledge, technical excellence. She was about to form up with the Techno Empire forces on Hosnian Prime, from there they were poised to attack Vulpter. And she was well in advance of the schedule.

[member="Summer Sovereign"]
Summer would walk up behind her lover smiling. She knew since she had first met this beautiful she had fallen in love with her, there was something about her that had made Summer fall madly for her. She had, had a very rough childhood which had left her alone and missing one of her eyes which is why she had never found someone who would like her for her and not care about her disability but she had finally found the one in Jessica.

As she walked up behind her she would wrap her arms around her and say "Hello luv." She had always loved that word but she had never used it for she never had a significant other and this was her chance. She would then here the statement and smile "I'm always down for shopping but the real question is crown or no crown?"

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
"There's one thing that I don't like much about Jedi: they may be non-judgmental the way I am, but they struggle with love at best. I am definitely much closer to the light than to the dark though. Nevertheless, sweetie, to me most powers can be used regardless of which side of the Force so long as you understand what the power does to its target"

Meaning: Summer's lover was to be either a Jedi or her. But Jessica could get judgmental, just not over things like the loss of eyes, physical appearance or these things: actions were the basis for judgment on her side. Jessica found that several Jedi administrators shared one weakness: they were too heavily indoctrinated, and their ability to think outside the box was, as a result, a little limited. Too stuck-up, you would say. That's why Jessica couldn't quite get along with some of the administrators. They might know vast amounts of knowledge and whatnot, and at least one of them readily accepts that there are other people as smart as each other, just that thinking outside the box the way Jessica does it, sets them apart one another. Even if Jessica actually was Force-sensitive, she would rather be a Dathomirian witch than a Jedi: Dathomirian witches allow more technical and ideological freedom. And either her power would then be severely limited or she could naturally conceal her presence in the Force.

"I have seen my share of Force-users in my lifetime and I often get the impression that they fail to understand what their powers do. Do you agree with that? Otherwise if you want to shop for headwear, no crown, if you don't plan on new headwear, crown"

[member="Summer Sovereign"]
"I do agree full and totally with that statement dear. But I know I can do this." She said using her ability to pleasure her lover with just her mind and smiling before grabbing her tiara and putting it on "How do I look?"

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
"Nice tiara"

There were few things more dangerous than a Force-user that understood how a given power operated on the target, and both Summer and Jessica knew it. When it came to the Force, neither Jessica nor Cathul bought into the more mystical aspect of it that much, and both seemed to understand better the action of the Force than the average Jedi. To the average Force-user these two ladies were geniuses and Summer was closer to Jessica's pre-Kuat self in this regard, that is, while not quite a genius, was still a formidably smart person. But because of the incomfort caused by an array of administrators, their names were on her mind when it came to dealing with her incomfort, how it came about and its implications. For Summer to suspect such wasn't that great of a blow to her, and she may have suspected such in jest, because they both loved each other for who they were, and Summer would love Jessica regardless of whether she was Force-sensitive or not. To Jessica, love was conditional, but the conditions greatly varied from a relationship to another. So long as these conditions are met, she was just fine. But Jessica was beyond irritated to come to the conclusion as to how the screening test she took as a pre-teen was improperly conducted. The main instrument through which Ringovinda StarYards would make sure both major projects fit into the 250M R&D budget was uncomfortable almost to the point of incapacitation.

"Now, Summer, let's go shop at Contessa: if they have anything Wookiee-sized that looks good, they are a likely candidate. And we can hit Quaint Gardens Beauty for cosmetics afterward if you want"

[member="Summer Sovereign"]
"Why thank you" She said smiling at the woman. When she had met her she knew there was something different about her, she was a pure genius and Summer loved that. Summer had always liked women with minds of their owns, but for some reason Summer felt very very insecure when she was in public with her lover for she might embarrass herself trying to speak on something for her lover was a super genius and Summer wasn't

"I think we should get moving luv." She said brushing her hair away from her eye

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
"Let's hit the shops!"

As the pair stroll through Fifth Avenue, Contessa was prioritized over Quaint Gardens Beauty along their list of shops. And, if she is not satisfied at Contessa, she would try Brint Mea or Galmia Pepe: to her these brands valued durability more than everyone else. Not only Jessica seldom felt the need for cosmetics but she knew Summer was more of a woman for that: it's the reason why QGB was nevertheless kept. But on Hosnian Prime, and on several Republican holdout worlds, such as Serpena, as well as in Ringo Vinda's hex, and Geonosis (by virtue of being the Techno Empire's mascot), Jessica actually had more fame than Summer had (the reverse is true on Mandalorian worlds in general). But what people liked in her it depended on where: on Geonosis or Ringo Vinda's hex, smarts and what she did with her brain were the main claims to fame (and, in general, on all planets holding a Ringovinda Systems or Ringovinda StarYards location). To people on most Republican holdout worlds, however, her last stand on the beaches of Kashyyyk, with Wookiee zombies at her side, was what endeared her to them. But Jessica had the potential to belong to a troublesome category of Force-users precisely because her own intellectual makeup makes it very, very easy to learn a lot of spells in a short amount of time - if she actually was a Force-user to begin with. The godawan. Jessica knew Cathul had to learn restraint when she was an apprentice: hopefully she would do the same.

"You're a tall girl too, you should go to Shyriwook as well as I: they sell stuff for extra-tall people. What would be XL or XXL at Contessa, Brint Mea or Galmia Pepe, would be XS and S respectively at Shyriwook"

Hopefully Shyriwook wasn't the same as the Mandalorian-run Meleagris Designs and have complete collections of turkey-inspired designs. Because Shyriwook is headquartered on Kashyyyk, one would expect Mandalorian armorweave, Wookiee-sized clothing and a healthy share of Wookiee and non-Wookiee models, the latter being exceptionally tall the way Jessica is.

[member="Summer Sovereign"]
Summer would smile as her lover regarded her and as they strolled down fifth avenue Summer would take her lovers arm. Looking in the windows of the shops and smiling "I'm not that tall am I?"

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
"Clearly I'm the taller of the two here, and Shyriwook is going to fit me and not you. I have the body of a Wookiee, that's why Shyriwook makes sense for me to shop there. Everywhere else will have stuff more your size, so I'd better get my own wardrobe done first"

Jessica was almost 20 cm taller than Summer, and she always seemed to be so much taller than everyone else and larger than life. While Summer loved Jessica for what she was, Jessica knew her near-Wookiee body frame was going to cause wardrobe problems, especially since the Anastasian Creations, Brint Meas, Contessas and Galmia Pepes of this galaxy were all designing their stuff for smaller women, usually between 5'3" and 6'0". Shyriwook usually dealt with the 6'2"+ crowd when it came to women, and now she understand who would the clients of the Mando modeling agency that courted her back in the day would be. Shyriwook and the like. Now that was a big girl. And Shyriwook was one of the galactic go-to brands for the very tall people (especially those who enter the realm of Wookiee dimensions).

[member="Summer Sovereign"]
"I could not agree more luv." As she said this she would smile letting her lover lead the way. Summer had always been kind of tall but when she was with Jessica she finally felt normal for once in her life. "Can I make a request? Would you stay on my right side so that I can see you?" She felt weird asking but she loved seeing her lover

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
Jessica was used to being abnormal one way or another for her whole life: she not only seemed to be so much taller than everyone else, she actually was taller than almost everyone else she knew. She didn't choose to be that tall either. Nevertheless, she didn't need to be reminded of why Summer wanted Jessica to be on her right: it was her only eye left. On Hosnian Prime, Jessica left no one indifferent in the street, and Summer was just a socialite like another. As they enter Shyriwook, Jessica know more or less what she wants: two or three mini or midi dresses, an additional business-casual outfit. Hopefully Jessica would look good wearing that wine-red dress: she might have been among the prettiest women in the Techno Empire, or in the Ringo Vinda hex, but she chose to go with the small size here at Shyriwook - these were Wookiee standards one was dealing with and Jessica was a little petite according to Wookiee standards. If about two-thirds of the males were between 2.23 and 2.54 meters tall, the corresponding size distribution of females was 1.95-2.30 meters. Plus she found another white dress she liked...

"Do you like the red one or the white one better?"

[member="Summer Sovereign"]
"I think the white." Summer would say still at her side smiling at the dresses in front of her, she liked shopping and she liked it even better with her luv. "So what else are you thinking?"

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
"All right, you think white is a color that fits well with me, and you know that standards of beauty are quite different from a culture to another. Mandos would fall for women my size, whereas Naboo denizens would find me unattractive if they otherwise know nothing about me"

Jessica knew that the deal was sealed with the white dress, which looks a lot like a BB-8 unit, but the burdens of genius began to weigh all the more heavily on her: if what she knew about these people she once thought of as being her intellectual equals was correct, then they no longer were. Siyndacha is featured in dark-sided tabloids as one of those capable of standing toe-to-toe intellectually to the likes of Jessica, also saying that there were two light-sided geniuses of that kind to one dark-sided, and two additional names in the footnotes (Tionne Thanewulf and Anna Sachae). But tabloids were designed for a readership whose intellectual abilities are far worse than even Summer's, let alone Jessica's. If she could actually trust those tabloids, especially the article titled Oversize-Brained Ladies in a Catfight, published in the Sith Inquisitor, Tionne would be the closest thing to her, that third person was a little less well-rounded but could nevertheless offer some insight as far as the design of medical ships are concerned, despite her being more versed in biomedical sciences, and Anna was too one-dimensional. Surprisingly for a dark-sided tabloid it was close to accurate.

"I'm almost done here. What would you like to shop for?"

[member="Summer Sovereign"]
"Let's say that these Shyriwook staffers all talked about the newest tabloid article with me as they all seemed to recognize me around here. It's a little weird, especially since it came from a dark-sided tabloid. The tabloid article in the latest issue of the Sith Inquisitor called Oversize-Brained Ladies in a Catfight. This article is about four women I once considered to be as smart as I am, in addition to me. This article says that Sindy is closer to highly-intelligent level than to super-genius level, Anna is really bright when it comes to the mechanical and the computing part, but her knowledge base is too narrow, Tionne is in the footnotes because there are too many unknowns about her but tentatively is placed between Teynara, that Jedi lady that first suspected me of being a Force-sensitive, who is somehow in this article, and me. I am the real deal"

Dark-sided tabloids (in the sense that they are published by companies based in dark-sided territory) rarely publish articles about how smart celebrities were, much less portraying dark-sided celebs unfavorably compared to light-sided ones. In the galactic tabloid marketplace, only a few species actually valued smarts enough to even publish tabloid articles about that and they were both based in Alliance territory, hence considered light-sided. Givin and Omwati tabloids did that, based on Yag'Dhul and Omwat respectively. But both that third person in the Sith Inquisitor and Jessica escaped their radar for some unknown reason.

"I might have a big brain that glows in the Force, but surely I'm not the only one in the galaxy that is that smart. Much less used as a computer in the Force. Maybe I feel that way because I am mentally sick, maybe it's an illusion of the Force, maybe I really am Force-sensitive. I know I'm a genius, just that being suspected of being Force-sensitive is far more uncomfortable to me than actually knowing I am Force-sensitive. Or not. They are turning the knife in the wound like Tey did; I only wished I met with her under different circumstances. I don't like tabloids very much, I have a love-hate relationship with them. But do you feel as if someone else used you as a computer in the Force, when I'm not with you?"

The trick is that virtually any Force-user that would have used Summer as a Force-computer when Jessica is not with her, would use Jessica instead in that capacity if they had access to her. Jessica knew the ins and outs of Summer's intellectual makeup, and vice-versa: Summer was more of a visual artist, if only deprived of depth perception. But Jessica was a poor judge of fashion and hence she trusted Summer to make all the clothing decisions between them.

"Contessa is just next door, they probably won't recognize me because I don't usually shop there. They are better with dresses and leggings than T-shirts"

[member="Summer Sovereign"]
"now that you mention it yes I do feel like that quite a bit but when I am with you it goes away" She would hesitate while saying it but then she would smile as they checked out and headed next door

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
Contessa: while her size would make her stand out very easily, people wouldn't recognize and call her by name the same way they would at Shyriwook. That, despite its owner having met with Jessica in person back in Cloud City. As Jessica said earlier, Contessa sold dresses more at Summer's size than at Jessica's size: she even described the differences between Wookiee and human/Near-Human clothing sizes from the moment she set foot on Hosnian Prime. Money was of no concern: Summer and Jessica both earned 1/7 each of the profits on the hypervelocity cannon that had Summer's name on it. Whereas Shyriwook's decor looked much more like what she would expect in Kachirho (or just about any Wookiee city, like Okikuti, Tunnatutikan, Kepitenochan) than on Hosnian Prime, Contessa was much more conventional in comparison, both in terms of stock and decor. As they enter the next shop...

"Now, Summer, I trust you can choose a dress or two, and a T-shirt with leggings without asking for my advice about it. Even so, I would like to see you wearing some of these at some point"

[member="Summer Sovereign"]
Summer would walk around looking about smiling as she found a few things she would look good in and she would Hold up a few options for Jessica to look at "What do you think this one? This one? Or this one?" She would hold them up waiting for an opinion from her lover

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

(Last link doesnt work heres a pic)

"The first one is more sober than she second - I'd probably get the first and the third. I don't like the second very much"

Too many shades of color: it would look like some acid was thrown onto an armorweave dress. Maybe, maybe that would dispel the whole notion that Jessica has no fashion sense whatsoever. But she has never been a fashionista. She always thought Summer was more fashionable that she was herself. Sure, Jessica wants only what's best for the couple, but perhaps her lack of taste is due to the scarcity of clothing her size! Such was the trouble of Wookiee-sized humans/Near-Humans. But even Summer, who was rather tall by most human/Near-Human standards (she is a Near-Human because she is an hybrid of Near-Human species), may have had some challenges at times. As the pair prepared to check out...

[member="Summer Sovereign"]

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