Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Wares for the Weary | Free Items For All!


Port Nowhere | Hangar Bay 07
The Jawa unloaded another vibrocart of containers off of his YT-1300 light freighter. The ship was still fairly new to him, so he had not put much thought into a name quite yet. Something would come eventually though. Regardless, today was a day to make some profit. Customers on Tatooine had seen all of his items by now and were no longer interested in conducting business. Hence why Erdish took to the stars. People all across the galaxy were now his prime buyers. People to hopefully buy the stuff he had.

Loader droids moved swiftly to unload the boxes and crates onto the ground, situating them underneath a larger banner painted with the word "SALE" in bright red. Sure, the S might have been backwards, but it did not matter. The Jawa still needed to practice his Basic. People would more than likely understand. To his left and right sat open boxes for people to rummage through. But he unfortunately did not have the time to check all of the items. He just needed them gone, and fast. Thus the "Handful Special" was born. Grab what you could in one handful and pay 1,000 credits and it was yours. No question, no complaints.

Were some of these goods stolen or illegal? Possibly. But that's what made them all the cheaper. The Jawa just hoped that the customers would come.

Hey y'all!

Just wanted to do a fun thread where you can earn some cool, free items! No need to pay the 1,000UCs like the post says. That's just fluff.

Here's how it will work: I'll be using the SWRPG Loot Table Generator to determine what 4-5 items you all will be buying. Completely randomized, but also a good chance to earn something valuable! I'll also throw in 1-2 Chaos items that are open market as well, just for fun. Overall this is a super chill thread. No need to write a whole essay for your post. Unless you would like to! Just write something easy and earn some free items.

Please don't feel obligated to use these items either! Do with all of them as you would please. Enjoy!

Also props to Sly Chance Sly Chance for creating Port Nowhere
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Being in between jobs was a pain. The setup, tear down, and the paranoid head on a swivel bit usually left her feeling adrift far longer than any kind of quiet spell of sitting ever could.

She'd caught a ride from someone not wanting to ask why she'd drop that many credits on a simple system-skip before dropping her off on this star-forsaken ship. Finding herself wandering and looking for a pleasant ride away from the strange ship. At least for the immediate future. Perusing the Hangars for different captains had found her watching the jawa and their droids unloading cargo while she slowly worked on the yellow viper in her lips. Unable to stop the slight giggle at watching the Jawa walk around as different people came to inspect his little 'Sale'.

Her eyes fixating on the backward s as she giggled a bit at it.

Far beyond amused by the scene, she finally pushed away from the wall to examine what was in the boxes. Her curiosity outweighing the need to be subtle as she looked to the Jawa, jumping into Huttese rather than Galactic Basic.

"Grancha, Grancha." Perusing through each crate before letting out a pleased hiss. "Chas kee nyowkee koo chooskoo."

Oh it was looking like a wonderful day to find strange new things.



Port Nowhere
Tags: Erdish Hane Erdish Hane , Yané Unassi Yané Unassi


"Zale, eh?"

Zel observed the sign made by the Jawa, giving it look over in a manner that was, perhaps, far too analytical for the sign's credit. He gave it a nod, understanding very clearly what the intentions of the poorly made advertisement was intended for.

"I see," the Mandalorian nodded. "Sale. What good luck."

The historian made his way up to the 'Sale' that was taking place, a young woman seeming to already be present at the event that was taking place. Yes, it seemed that he was fortunate enough to have arrived early to whatever this was. Good fortune certainly, and having traveled far and wide Zel had the credits to spare. The Blubreen made his way up to the Jawa, giving a respectful dip of his head.

"Greetings," he began. "I've come to partake in this 'sale,' should it be possible."

With a steady hand, Zel slowly removed his helmet...


Blue skin, messy green hair, and deep black eyes with vibrant yellow pupils. Gills could be seen poking out from the collar of his suit. He wore a grin on his face, something always below his helmet. Zel figured it would be easier to see the goods in question up close and personal with unobstructed eyes.

"Zel Sharratt," the Mandalorian greeted. "A pleasure to do business with you, Sir Jawa."

Tardy Cargo Pilot
The HCT-2001 Dragonboat-class freighter "Long Rain" approached, its sleek, weathered exterior glinting as it maneuvered towards Hangar Bay 02.

Inside the freighter, Aleko Forvel guided the ship with ease. This was nothing more than a blue milk run. The docking clamps engaged with a mechanical clunk, and the bay ray shields cracked with static. As the engines powered down, the usual sound of the bustling trade hub seeped through the ship's hull: the hum of machinery, the chatter of traders, and the distant echoes of countless deals being struck.

Aleko stepped out of the cockpit, stretching his limbs as he walked towards the vast cargo hold. The bay doors of "Long Rain" hissed open, revealing a cavernous interior packed with crates and containers. He activated his droid crew with a few quick commands, watching as they sprang to life, efficiently beginning the process of unloading the cargo.

Satisfied that his droids had everything under control, Aleko checked his chronometer. He had four hours to kill before his next stop. As he turned to leave the hangar, he noticed a flurry of activity in Hangar Bay 07.

He liked what he saw.

" Oh what do we have here." He said nodding at all the Load lifters handling crates with the word SALE on them.

Tags: Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt Yané Unassi Yané Unassi Erdish Hane Erdish Hane

A smile decorated the Jawa's face underneath his hood.

It always brought him great pleasure when people wanted to buy the items he had for sale. Like a proud father passing of his children to a university. Expect the children were illegal and outlawed goods, and the university was the hands of unsuspecting customers. Erdish had enough heat on his back as is, so the sooner he could get rid of these items, the better.

Various guests made their way into the hangar, gazing upon the boxes and containers filled with various wares. A kind nod was offered to the first person to walk in, who elected to speak in Huttese, a language the Jawa knew quite well. Two more entered in one after another. This was good, very good. Calling over one of his protocol droids, he spoke to it in Jawaese. Acting as a translator, the droid made an announcement to the crowd in Basic.

"Welcome travelers, and thank you for entering Erdish's sale."

The droid gestured to the Jawa, letting the people know that he was the individual that was named.

"He currently has a promotion going on for everyone. Anything that you can carry and bring over to this table, you may take home for one thousand credits. No matter what you are carrying. Some smaller items within these containers may actually be keys that unlock the bigger containers located on the opposite side of the hangar. But that is for you to find for yourself. One purchase per customer, no exceptions."

Quick question for Yané Unassi Yané Unassi , how did you code the translation for your Huttese sections? I have never seen that before, but I definitely want to try that out for future posts.


Electing to return the kindness of the salesman for the meanwhile, she let her eyes travel to the other two that joined after her. One another traveler that seemed completely new to her eyes. Blue skin and green hair weren't a strange combination in their own right. But it was when paired with what she perceived as a mostly humanoid figure. Certain she had heard his voice somewhere before, but entirely unwilling to be nice in the moment given the plethora of goods to ask for context.

The other that joined them was just a little bit taller than herself. Ruddy and rough from stars knew what but likely the culprit behind the loud noise that had announced the arrival of a new ship.

The introduction of a droid to speak common for the Jawa had her attention, eyes wide briefly as she listened intently before picking out four different items and looking between two different things before deciding on the final piece to round out her strange collection of items. Carefully setting all five items down on the table with a cheshire grin.

"I think this looks good." Fishing her credit chit out from the deepest corner of her parka pocket.

A slight wiggle to her frame as she danced in place with joy at finding new oddities to tinker with.


He currently has a promotion going on for everyone. Anything that you can carry and bring over to this table, you may take home for one thousand credits. No matter what you are carrying.

"How lucrative indeed," Zel nodded.

Was it a bit chilly in the spaceport? Perhaps Zel was just used to, more often than not, leaving his helmet on. His nose scrunched up for a moment as he got used to the difference in the air pressure, stepping forward to begin examining the selection. It also gave him some good opportunity to examine the others present thus far.

One was a gruff looking fellow, clearly a hyperlane trader of some kind. He had an adventurous look about him and clear interest in the sale, perhaps looking for some economic angle. Or he was reading too much into it all. The young woman seemed greatly excited, likely by the low prices. It was a common reaction to a good deal, at least it was if you were to believe holonet commercials for the latest, revolutionary invention in home appliances.

Zel was happy to keep to himself as he began looking through the catalog, at least for now. Perhaps he'd find something of value that could assist on his project.

Time would tell.




It felt like stumbling on a coaxium mine.

Everybody heard the legends of armored, kitted up bounty hunters. Stone-cold killers plated in beskar, wielding flamethrowers and rockets and boot darts and jetpaks and portable carbonite projectors... a tool for every job, a weapon for every foe. Nobody talked about what it was like to start with nothing.

Rissk approached the Jawa's pop-up shop with sparkling eyes. He didn't offer glances to the others, he'd found out the hard way that criminal types didn't like being looked at, instead practically diving into the piles of junk, plucking out whatever bits and bobs he could find with long, clawed fingers. At one point, he tried to scoot past a large bearded individual with a tiny "'Ssscuse me."

I'll take this, and this, and... oooh, yeah, that.

With an armful of goods he barely understood, Rissk went and stood behind some sparkly girl, waiting in line with a giddy grin. He was living hand to mouth. A good deal like this was, literally, a life-saver.

- Erdish Hane Erdish Hane - Aleko Forvel Aleko Forvel - Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt - Yané Unassi Yané Unassi -
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Erdish watched as more and more customers entered into the hangar bay.

There was definitely a bustle of activity that was happening right now. Clearly the people were interested in his items, which is exactly what he wanted. As boxes and containers become empty, the loader droids would replace them with more filled with other goods. The quicker all of the items sold, the better.

As the Jawa looked around, he watched as two of the customers walked up to the checkout table. One of them, the tall girl, set her items down with a satisfied smile. Erdish's eyes dropped down to inspect what she had found. His gloved hand raised to stroke his chin, taking note of what was being sold. Offering a nod of approval, he opened his palm to accept the payment for the items. The protocol droid brought over a small box for her to use to care the purchased goods. Once again the droid spoke translated Jawaese to Yané Unassi Yané Unassi

"Thank you for stopping by. Hope you enjoy your purchase."

SWRPG Generator Items (with creative liberties):
  • A list of outstanding debts and where to collect them - Outer Rim - Videnda Sector
  • A love letter addressed to a "Gav Trobona" from a secret admirer
  • An empty bandolier, crafted from the skin of a Gundark
  • A stimpack containing five unused stims
  • A deed to an Astromech droid - Droid can be found in one of the large side containers
Chaos Items:

Creative credit to Kal Kal , Daiya Daiya , Inanna Harth Inanna Harth , Maximilian Baize Maximilian Baize , AMCO AMCO

Next in line was the Trandoshan. It had been some time since the Jawa had seen one, so it was an interesting sight indeed. Never knew who you were going to run into here in the Outer Rim. They set their items on the table as he inspected once again. Cursing underneath his breath, he saw one item that he wished he would have kept. But that was too late now. Once the credits were passed over, the transaction was complete for Rissk Rissk . The protocol droid spoke again, thanking the customer.

"Hope you found some items that will be of great use to you."

SWRPG Generator Items (with creative liberties):
  • A brand-new pack of five droid restraining bolts
  • A bounty poster for Morrow Morrow
  • A holomap to a Sith weapons stash at an unknown location - Makem Te
  • A large tuft of Wookiee fur
  • A stash of three ration packs, expiring in one month

Chaos Items:

Creative credit to Djorn Bline Djorn Bline , Skeevi Merrill Skeevi Merrill , Aeson Keel Aeson Keel , Captain's Choice LLC Captain's Choice LLC , Dash Kessler Dash Kessler , Credit Wizard Credit Wizard , Arcadian Arcadian

As the first two customers walked away with their wares, Erdish looked out upon the others, wondering what they would find next.

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Tardy Cargo Pilot
Aleko Forvel strolled into Hangar Bay 07 with high expectations, his mind buzzing with possibilities. The hustle and bustle of traders and buyers created an almost overwhelming atmosphere, but his trained eyes quickly began scanning the various stalls. At first glance, it seemed like a treasure trove. But as he moved from one vendor to the next, his excitement started to wane.

The first crate he approached had a haphazard assortment of small to tiny ship parts, most of which were in his eyes only odds and ends. He sifted through a bin and after a minute of this stopped. Disappointed, Aleko moved on, hoping for better luck.

Next, he came across a crate selling medical supplies and rations. While these items were essential, Aleko knew he could procure them at almost any port. He nodded politely and continued his search.

Another bin offered an assortment of what were claimed to be... relics?. Aleko sighed, feeling the weight of wasted time pressing down on him. He wandered further into the marketplace, hoping for a hidden gem among the clutter. Why do I feel like I am wasting my time? Aleko's optimism had completely drained away. His credits would be better spent elsewhere, and he knew just the place. The local bar or club, where he could at least get a decent drink and perhaps hear some interesting stories from other travelers, seemed like a much better option.

" Some sale." He commented with a squint and walked away.

OOC: Exit Thread


Port Nowhere
Tags: Erdish Hane Erdish Hane


Zel returned his helmet to his head, stepping forward to be next in line. Old relics may have had no value to the random traveler, but to a historian like him it was of the highest. A scribe of Mandalore was expected to seek out knowledge in all forms, no matter which it may take. To that end a thousand credits was little more than an expense in the furtherance of knowledge. The Blubreen stepped up to the Jawa, giving a dip of his domed helm to make it clear he was ready.

"Let us begin, Sir Jawa."


The remaining customers brought their items to the table, eagerness filling their eyes.

It was clear that his "legal" items were of much interest for those that decided to stop by today. He just hoped that they would offer great use to them in the future. No point in seeing a good ware go to waste. While the Jawa thought the large warrior of a man was going to stop and purchase something, he left with a grunt. Unfortunate. Guess the sale had no items that caught his attention. But unbeknownst to Erdish, and to Aleko Forvel Aleko Forvel , a few souvenirs found their way into the coat pocket of the pilot. It wasn't theft, but just the will of the Force.

SWRPG Generator Items (with creative liberties):
  • A pack of deathsticks
  • A small vial containing the blood of a Sando Aqua Monster
Chaos Items:

Creative credit to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

Seeming to be the last customer, Erdish watched as the armored individual approached the table. Once the items were set upon the table, the Jawa gave a simply nod of approval. It was clear that these items were going to be of great use to Zel Sharratt Zel Sharratt . The Mandalorian would use them well. The protocol droid collected the credits from the man.

"May these serve you well, mighty warrior."

SWRPG Generator Items (with creative liberties):
  • A deed to an abandoned, yet well kept, shack - Located on Wayland
  • An empty utility belt
  • A vial containing dirt from Csilla, before its destruction
  • A lottery ticket, redeemable for 340 credits
  • A large scale of a Dewback
Chaos Items:

Creative credit to Kal Kal , The Quartermaster The Quartermaster , Gilamar Skirata Gilamar Skirata
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Jao grunted as he shoved the pallet of produce up the ramp of his beat-up freighter. He whistled, and got the attention of the loader droids stashing away the other goods. They beeped and booped as they moved towards the Gossam, bringing the crate to join its brethren in the freezing cargo hold, stuffed to the gills with fresh food, an assorted collection of droid parts and other... Legal-adjacent items in the secret bulkheads.

Except this repulsor-pallet broke. It dropped to the ground with a heavy clank, and the loader droids stood confused. Great.

Jao tried the comms, but with the budget in Port Nowhere, he knew they wouldn't work. Miracle this place still turns a profit... [/I]He waved the overworked dock clearance agent over, who told the trader they'd look for a functioning power cell for the pallet. Estimated time: an hour. Then he ran off.

Jao cursed his luck. What was he to do? The patented refrigerant technology on his ship did not work well with the ramp jammed open by a crate of food. Well, nothing to do about it but wait. Activating the security systems, the trader slinked off.

Jao didn't want to spend more credits in the cheap bar. Or getting into another brawl... Coalition doesn't have medical comp! the cargo was much needed for the Tingel Arm Coalition's upcoming operations, and while the trader appreciated the lucrative contract, it did come with some things left to be desired.

With some time to kill, Jao loitered near the other hangars, keeping to the shadows to make sure he didn't cross some trigger-happy smuggler tough-guy. That's when he saw it. The greatest single word invented by sentients.

Some of the crates had been picked clean, but more were still there. Jao saw the Jawa selling the items- and a thought crossed his mind. Hurrying back to his ship, he grabbed a small box of fruit and returned to the makeshift stand.

A few wanderers had carted their wares off already, so Jao hurried over before the Jawa closed up shop. In broken Jawaese:

"Good meeting, fellow trader! Good to see... Much of... items and good commerce!"

Jao put on his best salesman smile and thrust the box of fruit at the Jawa. Jogan and desert plums, freshly stored, were visible from the plasfilm cover.

"Credits for you, and also some barter, yes?"

Sorry for late entry. Also, UC donation sent

Just as Erdish started to pack up his boxes and containers, another customer wanted into the hangar bay.

Quickly yelling commands, he ordered the droids to set all of the items back, giving the newcomer as many choices as they would like. No need to hold something from them if they were interested in buying it. Especially if the item was one the trader needed gone as soon as possible reasons. He watched as the man spoke in broken Jawaese, which Erdish appreciated for the honest attempt. Not too often you found someone this far into the corner of the galaxy that knew the language. Turning to the protocol droid, he spoke into its ear for a translator.

"The fruits and credits will do fine. Take as much time as you need searching for the items you wish to purchase."

Jao nodded and picked through the items- this was quite the trove of knick-knacks. Jao felt a bit bad being the cause of the stall re-opening even for a short while- as a tramp trader he knew the pain of setting up and packing up. Hell, he was feeling that pain right now with a failed repulsor pallet in his ship.

But a grab-sale was a grab-sale, and Jao got to work.

"You have... good leads?" Jao picked out a few items into his arms, inspecting the baubles. "I have some business out in Tingel Hand- ah, Arm." The Coalition was preparing something big. No risk in trying to network with fellow entrepreneurs.

Jao filled up his arms with the last few baubles and returned to the Jawa, placing the pile onto the makeshift counter.

"Name is Fong Jao- friends call me Trader Joe. Fresh produce, scrap parts, legal surplus meds from all across the Galaxy. If you need any of that, my ship is in the hangar over there!"

Always Be Hustling.

Kaz Zorbas

I hope for nothing, fear nothing. I am free
Just another port of call.
Port Nowhere.

But it offered a chance to blot another name from his Benefactor's list. Ven Farr of Clan Farr. A forty something year old human mandalorian in algae colored beskar. Known for raiding, smuggling, drinking copious amounts of liquor, and trading miscellaneous bits. This last bit was the component to finding the marked Mando.

An indistinguishable shuttle of ill report was his ride to the port. O2 scrubbers were poorly equipped to filter the smell of crap from the nerf herd being transported in the belly of the rusting beast, but it got from point A to point B. And it cost less than a nerf steak dinner in a fancy skyhook. Not that money mattered. Anonymity did. And the listing ship on sputtering repulsors served its purpose well.

The halls of the port stank of oil and burnt circuitry. A haze of smoke drifted near the ceilings. Illicit drugs exhaled on vaporous tendrils mingled with the plethora of scents. Soured ale wafted from inebriated patrons in the press of the crowd. Scantily clad figures beckoned potential customers into ships. Privately conducted business. One port looked much like another but the atmosphere here was as unique as any populated planet.

Layers of intrigue and suggestively seductive opportunities.

Weapons and other technology lay open on tables, booths, and drop cloths. Expensive jewelry and trinkits of questionable ownership. Several hangers were filled with rough men and women looking to make their mark on a contract and their mark on the galaxy at large. Mercenaries, hitmen, bodyguards, and smugglers looking for their next score. Everything was for sale for a price.

Kaz grinned and straightened the crimson tie of his black, three piece suit. He was a rarity here. The tailored suit clung to his form as only a designer made work of art could. Every article of clothing pitch black. Except for the tie. Why black? Because blood wasn't noticable. And he was here for blood. Teeth gleamed once more beneath the artificial lights of the port.

He'd spent time wandering the open spaces looking for his target to no avail. Now it was time to pursue a more thorough search in the various hangars. First up was Hangar 7 which offered several opportunities. It would be just the place a man like Ven Farr would visit and frequent. Close to the pubs and bars and central to the many offerings of the other hangar bays.

Inside he cruised the potential hidden gems and obvious junk, collecting a smorgasbord of items all the while slyly scrutinizing his fellow customers. No one matched the description of his target. With a sigh he approached the jawa beginning to pack several of the items up. Perhaps he could get some information on the Mando. And maybe he managed to find something worthwhile in the sorting of items.

"Any chance you've seen a Mando in puke green armor and a tendency to cheat honest sellers like yourself?"

The credits palmed in his hand amounted to far more than the price of the items. It was just credits after all, and not even his. So what did he care? A friendly smile was offered beneath glowing blue eyes.

Erdish Hane Erdish Hane
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Erdish watched as 'Trader Joe' set his items upon the table in front of him. The little scavenger listened at the talk of business out in the Tingel Arm. It had been quite some time since he was on that side of the galaxy. If things didn't pan out over here, maybe it would be worth paying this coalition a visit. Maybe there would be some profitable work there. Seeking translation once more from his droid, the Jawa replied to the newcomer.

"A pleasure to meet you, Trader Joe. This here is Erdish Hane, scavenger and inventor. If time allows, he will enjoy taking a visit to your hangar to see what you have to offer."

Looking down at the items, his two yellow eyes quickly took note of what was being sold. Some good items indeed. They would be of good use to Fong Jao Fong Jao .

SWRPG Generator Items (with creative liberties):
  • An eye of a Dianoga in a jar
  • A list of rebel sympathizers who are fighting the Sith Order
  • A deed to a protocol droid
  • An emergency field medkit
  • A map to an abandoned Alliance corvette in moderate condition - Located on Affa
Chaos Items:

Creative credit to Rhys Swynol Rhys Swynol , Credit Wizard Credit Wizard , Sly Chance Sly Chance , Eocin Chiyat Eocin Chiyat

As the next customer approached, Erdish could not help but notice his sly behavior. Almost as if they were trying to remain undetected. But as long as they were not causing trouble, the Jawa did not mind. Credits are credits. The protocol droid spoke out for the trader, answering Kaz Zorbas Kaz Zorbas 's question.

"Erdish has not seen anyone with that description enter the shop. We shall be on the lookout though."

SWRPG Generator Items (with creative liberties):
  • A canteen filled with Liberty's Flame Whiskey
  • A data chip loaded with 500 AvCoin
  • An autographed picture of an unknown Jedi
  • A deed to a ruined cantina - Located on Codia
  • A new set of vibrocuffs
Chaos Items:

Creative credit to Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian , Avernus Avernus , Kal Kal , Kizar Okins Kizar Okins , AMCO AMCO , Dash Kessler Dash Kessler

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