Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Warriors of the Sword (Dante Zankar Vs. Mrrew)

I smiled.

This would really test the ability of my pure strength without the force against a being that stood almost a good two feet over me. However, I had been fighting with melee weapons of all kinds since I was 18 years old. Now that I am 45 years old, I have had almost 30 years of fighting experience under my belt. I would be fighting a friend within the Rebel alliance, but I was out to get that damned title of being a Swordmaster. Using swords in a Non force environment would prove that I really as good as I said I was. On my back was a short sword version of a Sith sword. But in my right hand was a Sith Claymore. A beast of a thing. while I stood almost seven feet tall, the blade I had was just under six. it was a beast to my size. However, it was short compared to the size of [member="Mrrew"], the man I was fighting.

I swung it around letting the Whomp whomp sounds ring out in the air as they sliced at a phantom foe. Walking out, I wore a simple set of leather form fitting gear. Moving out into the light of the arena, I looked to the other side to see when the hulking man would walk out and face me. Seeing as how I have had to fight men before with the force against me, he should be easy. But I didn't want to underestimate him.
(Sorry for late reply, notifications glitched)

Mrrew frowned slightly when he was told who he was fighting. He'd seen the man around the Rebel Alliance headquarters, on Heklor. He was not looking forward to fighting him. The guy was a master of the force, and could probably hit a gnat with a lightsaber. Which would transition to a sword. The Togorian frowned as he glanced down to his dauntless combat blade, swishing it in the air a few times on the far end of the sandy arena. This would be interesting. [member="Dante Zankar"] was a lot smaller then him, yes, but he had a big sword... And probably a lot more skill. He'd have to be careful. Mrrew glanced up to Dante from across the arena, frowning deeply, before nodding to signal that he was ready. This would be interesting indeed.
Looking to the Togorian as he had his own sword out and ready. With a nod, indicating he was ready, I began to walk forwards. This battle would not be evenly matched for the Large Feline. Yes, he had strength and speed on his side, however, I had experience. Simply walking towards him I spoke out loud for his benefit. "Don't worry, I'll pay for your medical bill should anything happen to you." Deciding that now was the time, I rushed forwards, using both hands to cleave in an uppercut the blade came full circle around my head to come straight back down.

WIth the weight of the blade, I could easily telegraph my attack, and would be easy for him to see what I was doing next, but he was a larger target, meaning that dodging was most likely not in his best interest. But with the sheer weight, momentum, and force that I could drive behind a sword, blocking was not going to be fun for him.

[member="Dante Zankar"] made the same mistake that he was doing his best to avoid; he underestimated Mrrew. Yes, he was much larger then most sentients. But that didn't mean he was slow. That was not something Togorians were known for. Quite the oppisite, in fact. Mrrew moved rather quickly, much lighter on his feet then one would be able to tell at first glance, and stepped to the side. After that, the Togorian took several steps back, creating distance between the two. He wanted to see what Dante's manuvers were, before he actually fought him. So, for now, he hung back, and bent his legs to prepare to move quickly if needed.

("He moves like a cat! Oh wait..." XD)
[member="Mrrew"] had moved back from my blade rather quickly. I did underestimate him. I smiled lightly as I let the sword swing out to my right hand. Holding it out to my right, I then swung it in towards him with one arm, really it was not a tactic to get him to block, but to back up. If he could keep backing up and watching me attack him, then I would feed him moves. Even now, I could see soft spots in his proverbial armor. I had done that many times in my past where I would just instantly read people and how I could beat them in one hundred ways with a pen.

The Feline wanted information, and so I gave it to him. Swinging in wide arcs twice across his chest, as my arm came back from a followthrough I sent the blade in a stab towards his stomach. With a over five foot long reach of the blade, he would have to significantly jump back if he chose to go that route. But there was more than one way to skin a cat.
(Sorry for late reply, got sidetracked irl.)

Mrrew held his phrik blade in his right arm, carefully watching [member="Dante Zankar"] as he lunged at him, forcing him to leap backwards. Two slices at his chest, he stepped back once more, keeping his blade handy for a follow up that was sure to come -- And there it was. The Togorian quickly swiped his blade down in order to meet Dante's, hopefully intercepting it before it hit his gut. He could feel the very tip of the blade cut against his abdomen, but nothing to deep. He was more or less alright. The Togorian stayed on the defensive, quickly stepping backawrds once more.
One mark. I could see the small amount of blood as it was flung from the tip of my claymore. Nothing much, but enough just to make it irritating. With the man staying on the defensive, I thought I might as well make it my job to be the aggressor. Instead of using both hands, I held the sword now in my left hand, and as I almost lazily swung it towards his right side, I pulled my second sword from my back. The ring breaking out as I drew the WIcked blade named Despair. Cleary from the blade design, it was made to inflict pain.

Stabbing forwards with Despair, I then came in with an overhead slash with the claymore, using weight and the one handed strength behind it to simply overpower the Togorian with two blades in rapid attacks,

Mrrew noted the ragged blade that he drew, and quickly stepped back again before he had the chance to strike- effectively doging his attack before he had the chance to make it. The Togorian kept his sword in his right arm, quickly taking several steps back to cause distance between them once more. It dind't take much energy to stay on the defensive; and his plan was to wear out his oppenant. He doubted he could actually beat him in fair sword combat, but he knewof the Yslmari lizards that sat around the arena. He knew that they caused absence in the force. So it stood to reason that without the force [member="Dante Zankar"] would run out of energy faster. The Togorian took another several steps back, bending his legs again to be ready to dodge quickly, and holding his sword ready at his side. Just a little longer.
I smiled as the Togorian stayed back away from my blade, He was doing well in dodging my attacks. He continued to try and let himself back up, but eventually he would come to the wall, or my arms would give out. The first was most likely going to happen. Walking forwards, I swung my swords again. First with the claymore to his right, and my second sword in an uppercut followed with the claymore once more in an overhand followed by a backhand uppercut. While they were not powerful attacks, they were made to simply back him up. Not hurt him all that much.

[member="Dante Zankar"] was expecting defence now. He'd fiogured out Mrrew's strategy. Perfect. After the first strike with teh claymore, Mrrew quickly stepped to his left with agility that a creature of his size shouldn't have, and grasped his sword in both hands, bringing it down with the strength of a Togorian- a rival to that of a Wookiee- onto his outstretched arm's hand. This gave him two choices; drop the sword in order to retract his hand fast enough, or lose his hand. Either one worked fine with Mrrew, as the blades were coated in a dulling substance by the tournament masters to avoid major injuries. But still, it woudl injure his wrist enough to put it out of the rest of the fight. Mrrew smiled as he made his attack; he was confident that Dante didn't expect it; he had expected defence, dodging. If the Togorian was correct, he had made the mistake of underestimating him again.
While I had taken the part of the aggressor of the fight so far, Expecting him to fight back sometime soon when I would send another flury of attacks was a form of fighting I had used many times in my past. One thing that you learn of the lightsaber form Jarkai, is that both blades can be used on either side. And being ambidextrous was a big help with either swords or lightsabers. With his attack to my arm, Instead of simply swinging up to where he once was, I continued to swing, twisting my hips, and upper body in one smooth motion to have my short sword slide over the top of my arm. When his blade made contact with the flat of mine, I widened the surface area of the sword to lessen the impact, however, I winced in pain as metal had hit my arm.

My arms were, almost, crossed over each other now. Twisting both wrists down, and slashing out and up from myself, I used both swords to push his own away from me. Following up with a spartan kick towards his chest. Well more towards his stomach and lower portion of his diaphragm. If I made a hit, then he could lose his breath, if I missed, I could be unbalanced. That was part of the risk. In war, or a battle, you had to take risks, or die doing nothing.

He was completely suprised to see that [member="Dante Zankar"] hadn't fallen for his trick, therefore was eaisyl thrown offguard when the kick to his stomach hit. This hit home, sending him stumbling backwards, having to use his arms to steady himself. This, much to Dante's advantage, caused him to drop his sword. But the Togorian quickly righted himself before his oppenant had the chance to follow up on his attack, stepping back once more with a wide frown. Now, he was unarmed. This was not good.

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