Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty WASTELAND SHOWDOWN - Defending the Stolen Android

Location - Daxam IV
Now Playing - Leather Teeth

In a discreet bunker within the Western Wastes, Sha'ri hid safely behind a small militia of security personnel.
In her care, a "Fleshgait" model android lay dormant inside a small cell. Its body had pulled concave into itself - the limbs nestled in the chest piece like sheathed blades. It sat unbothered in the middle of the concrete floor of a prison located in the basement.

Sha'ri diligently patrolled the area of the bunker, giving apathetic glances towards the security personnel as her Chakram rattled their metallic battle song. She couldn't stand still. The bounty was placed on her as an individual, and not on the organization that controlled her. Despite her cold exterior, she was livid within. She had suffered enough - and forgotten plenty. On top of this stir of confusion in her mind, now the chaos of invaders plagued her anxiety.

She could only wait as the desert fell colder from Sha'ri's fear-inspiring presence.



Tag: Sha'ri Sorkh Sha'ri Sorkh
The Daxam System wasn't one Drego was keen to visit on the regular. Bounty Hunting was more a hobby for him than anything, his family back home more than welcoming to keep food on the table for him.

Still, a bounty was a bounty. A lone probe droid scanned the target area from high above. Plenty of Security.

The hunt had asked for the target alive. They didn't specify they needed everyone else alive.

The sound of a
THUD! could be heard from outside the bunker, as a Personal Walker fell from the sky, and landed outside the bunker doors, landing right on top of the guards that had been tasked with defending it.

"Come out come out wherever you are!~" The gruff voice of the mandalorian could be heard echoing through the wastelands.

The screams of the unsuspecting entry guards supplemented the unceremonious squishing of flesh and breaking of bones. A few voices stirred from inside the bunker, and an alarm began to sound throughout wasteland.

The three additional guards stationed behind the sealed iron door shuddered in fear. They pressed their bodies against the concrete walls of the interior and aimed their blasters at the entrance in anticipation. They were under-equipped for their task - they were only a skeleton crew of disposable mercenaries. A cruel joke by Sha'ri's employers - they ill-equipped her for this scenario on purpose. They were gauging her usefulness as an assassin personally, and if she couldn't survive this encounter, she might as well be dead anyway.

The whereabouts of Sha'ri was undetermined at the moment. The probe droid couldn't locate her presence outside the wastes, so the only conclusion there could be is that she was deeper in the bunker. As the guards formed their thin firing line behind the door, they waited with bated breath for the invader's reaction.



Tag: Sha'ri Sorkh Sha'ri Sorkh
The sound of banging grew louder on the blast doors, before suddenly...

The walker that had landed rammed it's way through the heavy durasteel, and the Mandalorian followed. The sound of a scattergun being racked fill the room, as Drego worked his way through the bunker. Blaster bolts pinged off the armor of the man, as slug pellets flew through the air, and into the chest of the men.

"You'd best surrender, all of you. Either way, you'll either surrender your will to fight, or surrender your lives."

The Bunker extended into a long, cold tunnel. The walls were uncovered, revealing the bare electronic wiring that lit up the interior of the complex. The guards were left with golf-ball sized holes in their frail bodies, and none were left to stand in Drego's way.

The red hue of spiraling alarms suddenly lit up the shadows that seeped into the main hallway. Just as quickly as the overhead alarms flashed, Sha'ri's lithe figure suddenly materialized from somewhere among the red overcast. There was no sign of her entry; no broken hinges or collapsed ventilation doors - just her, and her dangling chakram, chiming their war song in tandem with the emergency broadcast.

They clinked, and clanked together. Thin, sharp spirals that comfortably decorated her arms and shoulders. With the crimson red lights casting over her body, it made Sha'ri looked blood soaked, or even devilish. She moved in a slow, uncanny gait towards Drego, walking from the opposite end of the hallway to the middle. One leg gracefully stepped over the other, and her shoulders slightly shimmied with every movement.

"This... is a test."

"Wouldn't you agree?"

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