Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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They called it Ziost, though Birathen could not bring himself to call the place any name other than the bane. It, like many of the worlds in this part of the greater realm, had been unanimously banned by the various kings, lords, and emperors that made up Meridies' civilized population. It had powerful connections to the spirits worshiped by the barbarian hordes, and so it was a place of treachery.

Unfortunately, some form of malpractice had taken place. Six sons of Meridies had been set loose upon these worlds for their trials in what was almost certainly a death sentence. Whomever had paid off the traders that had served as their primary means of travel clearly wanted at least one of them dead, and for that one, all would suffer. It was only Birathen's good ears that had allowed him to know this world's name. It was here that one of the reachmen had been left to fend for himself; one of those few that clung to totemic promises and ritual sacrifices to appease their idea of the old Jedi. The men of the north had always been wary about such folk, but they were bound to the reachmen by similar values and a common enemy.

Because of this, Birathen felt compelled to seek out the unfortunate soul left on Ziost. He knew the general area that the stranger had been left in, and securing a transport from Korriban had not been particularly difficult, though it was costly.

With his cowl drawn about his features, and a calloused hand resting upon the hilt of his longsword, Birathen trudged through the tundra that was Ziost's surface. Despite appearances, Ziost was not freezing -- at the very least, he could make due without heavy clothing. The trader he'd hired would return to their landing point in three days; not particularly long, but it was all Birathen could convince the man to agree to.

Three days to find the stranger. Three days to bring him back.

Alkin Stunmurk

Alkin landed his ship in the snow, the old YV-929 armed freighter groaned and clicked as as the heat from re-entry radiated off of it, he had chosen his landing zone carefully Lord Aximund was paying handsomely to have him track down his son [member="Birathen Aximund"]. As an outsider and a mercenary Alkin was in a better choice that any of the smaller lords or knights as he was very unlikely to have been involved in any of the backstabbing and backroom deals that resulted in the those being sent on their trials being given suicidal missions.

Gunnulfsson came up and nuzzled his leg prompting Alkin to get up and scratch the Kabairan Snow-Wolf behind it's ears before moving off to grab his gear; heavy durasteel armour, a large vibro-ax, a few self heating preserved meals, a heavy fur cloak, and a double fist full of spare chlorine canisters for his re-breather. Gunnulfsson could hunt for himself if he needed to but he didn't expect to be gone for more than a day.

Alkin pulled a small airtight box from his belt opened the lid and let the wolf come sniff the contents, a piece of cloth that was once part of a shirt. "Gunnulfsson. Track."

The wolf took off into the tundra following some sort of invisible trail, Alkin resealed the box and clipped it back on his his belt giving chase to Gunnulfsson at a brisk jog, bordering on a run.
Ziost was a desolate planet, and one that the Miraluka would not set course to lightly. It was a world of death, and of the Dark side. But everything she had found had lead her here. Somewhere out in these wastes, hidden beneath the tundra's sheen, was her goal. Quietly, she walked from the ship, a robe and cloak all that covered her figure. As she took those first few steps onto the damaged world, an involuntary shiver ran down her spine. Tangible darkness crept towards her, and it was all she could do not to be overwhelmed. As the ramp to her ship retracted, she shook her head. She had to focus. The tombs were the centers of the darkness. If she was right, the only one within a about five kilometers was the one she wanted.

The problem was, which way was it?

Throwing her senses out, she staggered. There was something else. Untapped Force users. That couldn't be good. If the planet got to them...

Well, there were enough sith in the galaxy. They didn't need any new additions. She'd have to check on them at some point. She called the force to her, letting it flow into her arms and legs. She needed to find the tomb. And she'd need to move fast.

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