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Approved Tech Watchtower collision avoidance system

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The different processing components of the small craft version of the collision avoidance system: landing gear router, display processors, sensor data processors
Image Source: Honeywell Aerospace


The 2D display vidscreen for the small craft version
Image source: Genie out of the Bottle?

Intent: To provide a collision avoidance system that is compatible with variable-geometry landing gears
Development Thread: If necessary
Manufacturer: Ringovinda Systems
Model: Watchtower collision avoidance system
Affiliation: Open market
Modularity: Yes: can swap 2D vidscreens for 3D holoprojectors
Production: Mass-Produced.
Size: Starship-mounted; four variants are available: small craft, corvette, frigate, cruiser (the cruiser variant is also designed to be used on Star Destroyers such as the Indispensable-class or Venator-class)
Material: Standard electronic components


- Lightweight
- Can be used in synchronizing variable-geometry landing gears when landing on uneven terrain
- Can equip a wide array of spacecraft (so long as you outfit the correct version for its size)
- Compatible with all existing landing gears


- Cannot be used for targeting
- Cannot be mounted on Battlecruisers and larger (they can make do with only a traffic collision avoidance system)
- Range is limited by sensor range

Description: Designed concurrently with the Jessica variable-geometry landing gear, the Watchtower was borne out of the need for variable-geometry landing gears to synchronize with the ground warning systems so that they can land on uneven terrain and still be able to keep the ship safely on the ground. The cruiser variant of the Watchtower makes its operational debut at the same time as the Jessica, that is, with the Maersk-class bulk freighter, although the newer units of all known Ringovinda StarYards models will be equipped with it.

The Watchtower combines two critical collision avoidance systems into one avionics package: the ground proximity warning system and the traffic collision avoidance system. As with all collision avoidance systems, the Watchtower takes its feed of information from the sensor array about the terrain surrounding the ship and the traffic surrounding the ship. Specifically the radar altimeters in the case of the ground warning, but also other sensor systems in the case of a traffic collision avoidance system. The landing gear router takes the information relayed to the ground proximity warning system and uses it to actuate the landing gears into shape if the landing gears are deployed, according to the terrain on the landing site. If the ship is on a crash course, a droidic vocabulator will scream at the pilot(s) any one of the following warning messages: "Pull up, sinkrate, too low, terrain, too high, traffic alert, evasive maneuvers" as well as a variety of other possible messages. One can swap a 2D vidscreen for a 3D holoprojector to suit the needs of its operator.
Primary Source:

Ground proximity warning system
Traffic collision avoidance system
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Charzon Loulan said:
Manufacturer: Ringovinda Systems
Please hyperlink this to the approved company submission.

Charzon Loulan said:
It was found that the collision avoidance systems currently on the market (specifically ground proximity warning systems), while mandatary to mount on all capital ships capable of landing on planetary surfaces are not designed to actuate variable-geometry landing gears.

Please do not define things that are not yours.

While it's perfectly fine to make this technology, and even had it be more advanced than its competitors, we start to have issues when other people start defining how other people's technology works or what its capabilities are.

Once the reference to other people's technology is removed and the company is hyperlinked, this will be ready for approval.
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