Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*waves hello*

Christian Slade

In Darkness I Thrive
-is huggled- What on Sol do you think you're doing, @[member="Katarine Ryiah"] ? o_O

@[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"] - I've had my fun with her. She's old news. She can have her husband.


Well-Known Member
I'm in a few threads here and there ^_^ @[member="Sokara Vu Noi"]

@[member="Tahira Solo"] TAHIRA!!! *pounces and huggles* How have you been?

@[member="Ket Van Derveld"] 0___0 have we not? I could have sworn I met you IC... hmm we must change this!

Hamish? Hamish. Hamish! Hi!! *waves*

omg there are way too many people to individually mention so @everyone Hi and thank you for the messages and I <3 you all!!

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