New Member
Name's Ayçın, I'm just your average 19 yo Turkish girl who writesterrible fanfics to better her English and expand her vocabulary a bit. I've been writing for 2 years, though my first date with roleplaying is from October. After writing in so many weird places I thought it was high time to give Chaos a try.
I'm here to make friends, enemies, and teach y'all to fear the color of pink :^)
If you want to chat about the weather, discuss character development or plots, feel free to hit me up on my Discord, Ayçın#8573
Name's Ayçın, I'm just your average 19 yo Turkish girl who writes
I'm here to make friends, enemies, and teach y'all to fear the color of pink :^)
If you want to chat about the weather, discuss character development or plots, feel free to hit me up on my Discord, Ayçın#8573