Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I am currently working on a thread with [member="Darth Praelior"] in which she is turning Sophia to the dark side. We had spoke about this before and I wanted to do it all legit like so it happened in invasion.

Sophia is a master of the Force as well as being a distinguished Navy Captain. I'm sure you remember her being a politician as well.

I'm interested in joining. Seeing were I am needed and integrating myself within the Sith ranks. I was hoping to help the Sith Navy with its conquest of the Republic and maybe controlling a planet. A birdy ([member="Darth Praelior"]) told me Csilla was open. I have experience.

[member="Darth Mierin"] [member="Darth Isolda"] [member="Darth Junra"]


[member="Sophia Walsh"] Well, our navy is mostly being worked on by [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] and [member="Melakoth Tyrin "], with myself and a few other helpers designing ships for them to use(fleeting wise) to further help with that you can contact either of them and you guys can hash things out.

We have Navy Ranks and such worked out here, but more complex elements such as fleet structure, sector fleets, etc... haven't really been touched upon yet.

As for controlling a planet, were open to that. To my knowledge the only one controlling planets directly as Governor/ruler right now is [member="Silva Talith"] and [member="Sven Talith"] as Queen and King of Byss respectively. However if you roleplay it a bit, and manage to gain control of the planet through a faction or extensive private thread, Csilla could be yours to govern :)

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