Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wax On, Wax Off, Flame On, Flame Off (TSE Open Training)


Heavy breathing into my mouth, and out from my nose. Throwing another series of punches at a punching bag, the solid thud of my wrapped fist hitting the stupid thing kept my anger under control for now.


Punching harder and harder every time my fist connected with the bag. Swinging back and forth from me as I took a second to cool my temper by forcing myself to train. I stopped my pacing of my "hops" back and forth as I threw my punches to center the bag. I then went into another fit of punches at the bag.

Thud-Thud-Thud, Thud-Thud, ThudthudthudthudthudTHWACK

The last punch I increased with the force. Knocking the bag clean off of the hinges it was hanging from. Falling to the floor, and sliding a few feet to rest up against the wall. Sand or whatever that was in it was now spilling out. I was still bouncing as I was just tired of being treated like a child by a person who was tasked with watching over me. This wasn't right. Why was Kinta, a slave of my father, given domain over me? Why?

I never knew the reasons my father did anything. Nor why he left me. I still remember the letter he left. My mother not thinking of it. Yes she was disappointing, but she always told me that what Nick did was for a good reason. I stopped my "dancing" and looked down at my wrapped hands. For boxing one would take a wrap to protect their hands from scuffing while practicing on a bag. However, some of the wrapping was coming undone, or was tearing.

I walked away from the broken bag, and over to the bench where I had a bag with my stuff in it. Along the way, taking my wrapping off while a bottle of water floated towards my face. I took one moment to take a few gulps of water. Shaking my head, some sweat flung itself from my brow as I reached my bag.

"The queen thinks she owns me because of my dumbass of a father."
"Who does she think she is? My Master?"

Grabbing the bottle from the air, I threw it into my bag as I grabbed a towel and wiped myself of the sweat. I just really wanted to punch someone's face in. Just anything to be in a fight at the moment. I hated the idea, but these Sith sure do know how to fight. I just hoped that they were up to my challenge.

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