Rynn Vizsla
// Unknown Regions // Undiscovered Sector // Uncharted System //
// Terrestrial Planetary Body - Type I Atmosphere: Habitable //
// Continental Classifications with Variable Biomes; Predominantly Jungles and Oceanic //
// Terrestrial Planetary Body - Type I Atmosphere: Habitable //
// Continental Classifications with Variable Biomes; Predominantly Jungles and Oceanic //
It was a vicious cycle that ensnared even the most progressive of the Mandalorian peoples. They believed that with time and effort, their world would be reborn again like the Phoenicians of Old; and that through their fiery rebirth - their culture would be pulled from the abyss's edge. While noble in their intent, their methods were suspect. Some sought to placate their demise by making deals with their inevitable destroyers. Such pacts had only ended in bloodshed and despair, as it brought about the most recent genocide against the Mandalorian people. It was an evil act that proverbially cemented their place in the universe; scattered pockets of a once-proud civilization, forced to survive off the scraps from another's table. That was no way to live, not as warriors nor as conquerors. Their martial prowess was blunted, and their culture became one of subservience - as they sold their blasters and blades in return for paltry sums of wealth.
Such scraps, be it of food, glory, or wealth, became intrinsically linked to their cultural values. Gone were the honourable days spent in the pursuit of glory on the battlefield. Their proud warrior spirit was broken and forced into a deathless slumber. But, some hadn't been broken by the weight of their forebearer's sins. They refused to inch themselves towards oblivion. These proud warriors were the Death Watch, Scions of the Taung's legacy, and the Mandalorian people's Avenging Sword. They refused to follow the Unworthy's path and escaped the terrible fate that befell a majority of their disparate people. Through their return to the Galactic stage, the smouldering embers of hope were rekindled. These Crusaders, as they were, sought to lead their people to a new and bright future.
To that end, many of these Warriors took up arms and led the charge against the Sith. They believed that more of their scattered kind would rally to their cause in avenging their fallen brothers and sisters. While noble in many respects, it did little to foster the longevity of their people. Sure, one could spend countless eons living aboard starships, plundering whatever worlds they came across - turning every avenging crusade into a battle for their very survival. But, in truth, such piracy could only get them so far. There would come a time that they would run out of worlds to ransack or face an enemy that they couldn't beat. And in defeat, there was a chance that the spark of hope - that better future the Death Watch yearned for, could be snuffed out in a heartbeat.
Thus, something more permanent was called for. Like the ancient Taung before them, the Mandalorians of the Death Watch would take to the stars searching for greener pastures. Many unpopulated worlds were suitable for their needs. Still, all paled compared to the system that would come to be known as Rakata Secundus. The other worlds they found were home to secret pockets of civilization, be it unregistered mining consortiums, black market operations, or even pirate alcoves. But, Rakata Secundus? That was a system that was found wholly by accident and chance. A minor malfunction in the Purgatory's hyperdrive had sent them careening off-course into an uncharted sector of space. The dungeon ship then found itself surrounded by mineral-rich asteroids and a distant bauble of a world - which painted itself as lush and vibrant against the backdrop of infinite night.
Some within the ranks of the Death Watch believed this was a sign of providence from an uncaring universe, that this world would inevitably herald their salvation. The rest were just thankful that they found a world that was seemingly untouched by the Galaxy; where they could lay down their arms and rebuild without outside interference. That reprieve would be precisely what many within the ranks would need, as they had been fighting for as long as they could possibly remember. Besides, many relished the notion of taming an entire planet - making it their own, and even reliving the ancient tales of how their ancestral homeland was founded. Some even wished to find something akin to the great Mythosaur, those ancient creatures that thundered across the plains of Mandalore-that-was.
The anticipation and thirst for knowledge only mounted as the Purgatory approached the distant and wistfully spinning sphere. As they loomed ever closer, the sensor suite of the modified Dungeon ship began raking in more details with every sonorous sweep.
Such perfection made several Mandalorians suspicious. When everything began adding up, it all sounded too good to be true. There had to be something wrong with this world, something that the Death Watch wasn't seeing. But, as they anchored themselves in high orbit and completed their latest run of sensor sweeps - nothing evidently stood out to them. The atmosphere was classified as Type I and supposedly safe to breathe without the use of a breathing apparatus. There were no known contaminants or viral pathogens in the air, either. So, many began to ask - if a place as perfect as this exists, why hadn't it been exploited by the Intergalactic powers that be? There were so many questions, and sadly - too few answers.
That was when a small handful of Crusaders and Rally Masters stepped up to the plate. They would never get the answers they sought by remaining trapped in orbit. There would be no other way to confirm their findings. Thus, an expedition was marshalled with willing souls to occupy the seats of a handful of transports being sent down towards the surface. They were venturing into the unknown, with little more than the planet's topography in hand. In many respects, such an adventure was on the verge of suicide. But, therein lay the thrill of it. This was to be their first steps towards a bright and hopeful future - so why wouldn't they revel in this newfound challenge? It was their nature, after all, to struggle against impossible odds and emerge victoriously. Such was the Way of the Mandalore…
They would either tame this planet as Hunters or be consumed as Prey...
This is an Undiscovered World with untapped and unlimited potential. Take the time to explore this world and help us, as a Faction, develop our new Homeworld into something worthwhile. Danger lurks around every corner, and there’s a plethora of mysteries that need to be solved. The answers are out there, and it’s up to us to find them - together.
For the Watch!~
For the Watch!~