Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public We Are Young


Location: Coruscant
Event: Grand Opening of the All Valley Teen Youth Center


“This is Holly Starstorm reporting live from the brand new youth center in the entertainment district of Coruscant. As you can see behind me the new center has a variety of options to offer young adults. There is a fully stocked sports complex offering shock boxing lessons , and basket ball. The indoor skate park rents roller and hover boards. The snack bar features a variety of different foods that cater to the young or young at heart. The complex also offers swimming, cooking classes, a video gaming room, and a study center for help with class work.

All of this was made possible by the generous outreach program of donors. The complex would like to take time to offer thanks for the support of the community. Flashing across the bottom of the screen are all the businesses and individuals who donated to this important contribution. Having a rich and thriving activity center should help bring youth drug and crime rates down, or so the city hopes.

More to come after a word from our sponsors.”
Young adult. Such a concept was one that meant you were not a juvenile and yet you were not really viewed as a legitimate adult amongst some individuals. Trystane grimaced at a broken memory - something between a lecture and half-whimsical trolling session with Hansel Aulin, his pseudo-uncle. It was akin to one of those coming of age lectures when he was viewed on most planets as being an adult and yet others he was still a "child"; it was infuriating for as much as Trystane wanted to be an adult, to be free from beneath the thumb of Hansel and that of his mother-figure, Raine Marzullo, there was a part of him that wanted to stay that juvenile much longer.

Days and nights were filled with anything that was actually fun, and everything seemed to be more of an obligation and what was deemed as his duty or rightful place. And he knew that his family-any that were still alive-had the best intentions for him, but at times he was exhausted of living up to the expectations, which were absurdly high, of all of them. Such was the reason he had come to Coruscant- to free his mind of the daunting conceptualisations that plagued him for awhile.

A youth center seemed to be opened and what had been offered seemed to pique his curiosity. Just inside the complex, Trystane cautiously looked around. In his experience, nothing was as it seemed and while something was honestly innocent, he found it hear-difficult to relax. Muscles tensed and he could feel the flesh tightening at his jowls for a moment until the pressure subsided and he decided to make his way to the skate park which divided his attention from being skeptical to being curious.
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Dreidi had been invited to some kind of youth centre, it had been advertised to her likely due to her age and her attempts at trying to find a new drummer for her band since the old one left. Something about having to move planets with his parents or some such nonsense, she just remembered being clearly very disappointed in him as he continually attempted to persuade her that this wasn't something in his control or choice. Didn't matter too much since she decided to check it out. Coruscant was the home of the Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order, she had heard a lot of mixed things about the NJO as of late, people were whispering about war crimes and assassinations. Dreidi felt sure that the Jedi were just as peaceful and boring as the Jedi in the SJC and elsewhere in the galaxy. Jedi tended to stick to a type, boring, old and very judgemental. At least a lot of her experiences taught her that.

However, coming to the city planet had been exciting and she spent hours looking around and doing all kinds of touristy stuff while she was visiting the planet for the first time. She even went and checked out the Jedi Temple, she didn't see much due to restrictions and such but she got a few good selfies in there so she was pleased. It was been exciting coming to a place that was filled with people and activity was busy, super busy. The atmosphere was very different to where she came from since Dreidi was use to fewer people and less people looking stressed or tired from work. People here seemed to be constantly moving around and there was a very different energy here.

When she finally arrived at the centre, she noticed Holly Starstorm was doing a piece to camera about the centre, part of her was super tempted to sneak behind and do a wave to everyone. She had seen it done before and found it hilarious, perfect prank. However, she felt a little too nervous to actually do it now that she was confronted with the perfect opportunity. Instead, she headed inside the centre and looked around the place. It seemed decent enough, there seemed to be a sport section and some activities that suited others. Dreidi wasn't too sure what to do since she wasn't the sporty time, too focused on her music, Jedi training, learning more on Witches, video games and sleep. Sleep was currently her favourite hobby, though Asaraa repeatedly argued it was not a real hobby.
It was always exciting when something new came to town, and at a planet like Coruscant and blocks like this it happened quite frequently, wether it was some famous artist that performed at the arena, a happening at the event center or like this; something new and much bigger and better opening its doors to the public. Their visit to this brand new youth center was a perfect start of the weekend, Zoey thought as she jumped out of the airspeeder taxi just before Caleb windsdale, the schools pretty boy and her date for the night. Zoey had dressed rather casual for the night, as this was a place for fun and fast times. Also, the red retro slogan t-shirt and blue denim trousers was not an unusual attire for the tomboy girl.

The grand opening of the All Valley Teen Youth Center had reached many if not all schools, kids and teens in the sector of the ecumenopolis planet that never went to sleep. The advertising had been grand and the final construction, weeks before the opening had covered on the Holo News. Zoey, being a teen, was a rare watcher of the news but this had not passed her without notice.

''Wooow...'' she uttered in awe as her gaze looked up at the impressive building. ''This place is amazing!''

Zoey noticed a Holo News team covering the opening by the enterance. The reporter looked familiar from the one she had seen on the holotelevision at home. She smirked and turned her head to Caleb when he came up behind her.

''Don't ya think? Let's see if you're better at flipper than on the hoverblades, Caleb?'' she said and turned her head to the enterance and the news team again.

Holly Starstorm Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Caleb windsdale Trystane Seidon Trystane Seidon

Caleb windsdale

Tag: Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss | Holly Starstorm | Trystane Seidon Trystane Seidon

Caleb let Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss get out first his date and in his eyes the most beautiful girl in his class. He had heard about this place on the news and from school most of their class where probably going to be here. Or atleast a solid amount of them where going to be here he had heard through the grapevine.

Looking at this place "this place is amazing" he said looking at her " I wouldn't be surprised if we saw your sister here she did help fund over half of this and is paying for the holo-news coverage of the building and grand opening tonight" he said.

"And your on for flipper and your going down Zoey" he said with a smile as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders he had taken a shower and smelled amazing tonight all for her.

Jane lovett

Tag: Holly Starstorm , Caleb windsdale Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss Trystane Seidon Trystane Seidon Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Wearing: xx

Jane stood outside she donated fifty one percent of the credits for this project do to that meant she had to deal with the politics. "Yes Mr Jonas I understand but the shock gloves are at the lowest possible setting and padded so no real harm will come to the children" she said as Mr Jonas looked at her. "Fine then Ms lovett I will take your word but if anything happens this place will be shut down" he said as he walked away.

Jane momentarily messaged her head she hated government officials sometimes. As she stood there she hadn't sensed Zoey at all even though she woud be completely in view of Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss She didn't look her way Giving Zoey the first opprotunity to scare jane ever. She then corrected herself smoothing out her white suit the billionaire model wanted this place for the kids and teens or the young at heart to enjoy it and have somewhere to hangout. She stood within view of Holly Starstorm as she was about to go inside.

Alexander Keene

Alex was in a bad mood. Now not only did he have to train to be a Jedi by but he had to be babysat at some youth center. It was all lame and it all sucked bantha butt. His idea of fun had been tied up in gangs and other bad influences for so long he had no idea how to have PG good kid fun.

“This bites.”
''What? How could you-?'' she uttered surprisingly, as she spotted her big sister being all caught up in the media coverage of the grand place. Caleb was a smart boy that stayed up to date with the latest news.

''Yeah, I guess you're right. Speaking of the devil.'' Zoey said as she observed her loveable sister attending to the opening. She loved Jane above all else, just as much as she loved her mother and father, and she knew those feelings was mutual. However, she also felt that this night would be the night that Zoey shared to Jane that she was finally meeting Caleb, and that it hopefully would be kept a secret between themselves. Just for the moment, as Zoey's parents didn't think she would be fit for a proper relationship just yet. ''She's one hell of a beauty, isn't she?'' Zoey rearked, thinking how much she wanted her sisters blonde hair and fine details.

''You keep saying that, Caleb. Yet, you're not giving me any competition!'' she said and hugged his muscular arm, swaying and smiling at the playful taunt. Zoey was quite anxious that Lora would show up seeing them together. The former girlfriend of Caleb woud surely have something to say about them seeing each other. Lora was one of the popular girls in school, blonde and very pretty with a large following. The fact that Zoey and Caleb had begun seeing each other had caused quite the fuzz at school. In a way, she had surprisingly stealed the attention of the schools jock and pretty boy and it was not to be taken lightly by Lora and her friends at school.

''What about somethin' to drink first, huh, Caleb?'' Zoey said and looked up to her date now holding her tight.

Caleb windsdale Jane lovett Trystane Seidon Trystane Seidon Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Alexander Keene

Caleb windsdale

Tags: Jane lovett Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss Trystane Seidon Trystane Seidon Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Alexander Keene Holly Starstorm

Caleb smiled "my father donated five percent of the cost that's how I know I'm surprised she didn't tell you" he said looking at her with a smile.

Watching her stare at her sister He smiled he could tell she loved her sister very much he figured she talked to jane about her crush on him he could tell she was nervous. "Why don't you introduce Me to her you clearly want to go see her" He asked Looking at her with a smile and giving her a light squeeze then he heard her comment on her sisters beauty. "Yeah she's a looker but in my opinion you are twice as beautiful as she is I mean it" he said honesty with a smile.

"Oh that's because I let you win before Zoey it's on now" he said feeling her hug his arm and swing he smiled and hugged her with his muscular arm she was hugging. He knew Lora didn't take it well when the school Learned he was dating Zoey but he had made it clear to Lora that there was nothing left between him and her and he was with Zoey now. But he knew it still bothered Zoey "hey you don't have to worry Lora or her followers won't bother you anymore okay so don't be anxious let's just enjoy tonight" He offered with a smile.

"And a drink sounds amazing zoey" he said holding her tight.
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''Uhmm, yeah... Sure!'' Zoey said to the boy's suggestion introducing him to her sister. ''You probably got a photograph of her in your locker, just like everyone else in school!'' she said and shrugged, as she made her way over to Jane.

Jane was a very popular poster for every boy to have in their locker. Zoey, being the younger sister of the supermodel, of course was not that impressed by her big sisters popularity in school. Sure, Jane was beautiful in every way that she could think of, but it was also common and not out of the ordinary that Zoey recieved questions and inquiries regarding her big sisters where abouts.

''Hi, Jane!'' Zoey said and hugged her big sister tightly for a moment, before letting go. ''Uhmm, this is Caleb...'' she said and looked at Jane, hoping that she would not say anyting embarrasing and motionet at the boy. ''A friend of mine. We're goin' to check out the new airspeeders!'' Zoey uttered and tried to find some kind of coverage between their date,

Caleb windsdale Jane lovett Trystane Seidon Trystane Seidon Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Alexander Keene

Caleb windsdale

"This may come as a surprise but I don't have a picture of your sister in my locker i have a picture of you in my locker i just want to meet your sister" he confessed. Looking at her clearly seeing this bothered her "I'm sorry if I bothered you by asking zoey" he said as he followed her over.

He felt bad for asking as zoey hugged her sister and Introduced him 'a friend' that hurt. "Jane nice to meet you" he said. He regretted even asking more now "um yeah I better take zoey to meet the airspeeders" he said knowing he hurt zoeys feelings and he hated himself for it.

Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss Jane lovett Trystane Seidon Trystane Seidon Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Alexander II Alexander II

Jane lovett

Jane saw Zoey walking up with a cute young man she met them half way and hugged zoey tightly but sensing something wrong. Between them then zoey explained who he was and what they had planned "oh this is Caleb nice to meet you I see why zoey has a crush on you" she said smiling as she hugged zoey with one arm.

"New airspeeders did mom finally let you get yourself license? Or just looking for fun" Jane asked looking at the both of them. She pulled zoey aside "he ls cute and he really likes you zoey more then you realize" Jane said looking at her seriously which is something Jane hardly ever did with zoey. "If he asked to come meet me he probably just saw you staring and wanted you to come say hi" she said Honestly. "Now go enjoy your actual date I won't tell mom I promise" she said giving her one final hug before walking her back to Caleb.

"Well Caleb she's all yours for the night but take her back home by an honest time" she said with a smile that would send shivers down a sith lords back but yet looked innocent to zoey.

Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss Caleb windsdale Trystane Seidon Trystane Seidon Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic Holly Starstorm Alexander Keene
Everything happened so fast now when they met up with Jane, and Zoey had not really prepared an introduction of Caleb for her big sister. Jane knew fully well who Caleb was, and she was not late to point it out by revealing to him that Zoey had told her sister about the crush on the pretty boy. It did not really matter that much, as Caleb had been very open about his interest in her as soon as that shyness that he possessed had settled some. However, Zoey noticed that he did not take the modest introduction that well.

''Uh, no. Not yet. We're just lookin' for fun.'' Zoey said, pulling a strand of hair out of her face and nodded in affirmation, before Jane took her to the side for a private chat.

''Yeah, don't you think I know that?'' she hissed close to her sister, as she pointed out the obvious fact. ''I can't for the world understand why, but...'' she continued and threw a side glance at the dark haired boy when he looked away. ''Yeah... he's really cute, isn't he?''

Walking back, Zoey ended up beside Caleb and took his hand gently without looking down.

''Don't worry, sis. I think I'm in good hands.'' she said and smiled up at Caleb, wanting to comfort him some before they would head off and let Jane tend to her business. They would certainly bump into each other again during the night.

''A picture of me??'' Zoey suddenly turned to shockingly look at Caleb, as soon as they had left Jane. ''How'd you get that?? My, Caleb... Should I be worried or somethin'?'' she added with a touch of shenanigans in her voice. The fact that he somehow had aquired a picture of her was definitely qualifying for the wierd department, but she also guessed that it was rather harmless. She waited with great anticipation to hear the boys explanation.

Caleb windsdale Jane lovett
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Caleb windsdale

Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss
Caleb stood wondering why she lies to her sister when they where here to be at the youth center bit didn't say anything figuring she knew her sister best "it's a pleasure to meet you Jane" he said. He then saw Jane pull Zoey away he stood there looking around for a moment before they returned he felt his hand being wrapped around by Zoey. "Yes miss lovett I will get her home safely" he said watching her walk off for a second.

"Yes a picture of you it's harmless" he said figuring out how to explain. "Remember for the year book when they had the class pose individually for the year book for our pictures and you posed in that bikini that's the picture I have" he knew it was wierd but he didn't know how to explain it well "all I did was look at it while looking through my locker I didn't do anything else with it I had a crush on you and I liked that photo" he explained as he wrapped his arm back around her "If you want I can take it down tomorrow between classes" he offered looking at her.
''That one?! You gotta be kidding me!'' Zoey blurt out and stepped up in front of him, stopping them in their tracks and faced him with a dropped jaw. She did remember that somewhat different but also unique and actually pretty fun photo project at school. She had been reserved and more negative towards it from the start, but Stephanie had convinced her into it saying that she too was going for the beach and swimwear theme. She saw the picture and bikini of her choosing before her. A light blue and white striped one of halterneck model. The world and everyone around them seemed to go into slowmotion as Zoey could not really comprehend that Caleb had such a crush on her that he had nicked that picture out of the year book, and secretly kept it in his locker.

As the initial shock started to slowly settle, Zoey felt both flattered but also embarassed faced with that fact. Between the overwhelming emotions, she picked up his offer to take it down later. She felt herself blush some and squeezed his hands, which she had held onto almost thinking that she needed to keep him from running away, and she didn't want that, she wanted answers.

''Uh... no... I mean, it's...'' she begun while looking down. ''It's okay. Now that I know that ya got it...'' she assured, looking up at him with a less shocked but still rather serious face. ''It's a little wierd, but ah...'' she chuckled. ''I guess it's kinda cute too.''

Zoey smiled coyly and looked around at the crowds that now were moving in normal speed again, trying to get the blush to go away and focus on something else. Yet, she would certainly not comprehend it fully in the first place.

''Oh... yeah...'' she remembered. ''Didn't I mention the airspeeder exhibition here tonight? They're hosting one later with all the new models on show. Jane... well, Jane knows that I kinda like airspeeders.'' she continued, not wanting to reveal their secret about Zoey's fathers airspeeder for the boy. ''Thought we could go and check it out. But lets get somethin' to drink first, huh?''

She offered him a brighter smile and tugged at his hands to come along. They were not going to miss more of this party.

Caleb windsdale

Caleb windsdale

Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss
He smiled at her reaction and blush he watched her "I'm not you look stunning in it" he said with a coy smile looking at her. Waiting for her to speak he held her hands letting her squeeze his hands as she stammered through thoughts he smiled at her " So is cute as in keep it or get rid of it" he asked looking at her.

He smiled "no you didn't and you like airspeeders so do I" he said wondering if she was keeping a secret from him but didn't pry "I would like that but hopefully no beer or cider like last time" he jested.

following her along as she pulled him towards the party he smiled he enjoyed her personality and just being around her.
''Yeah...'' Zoey chuckled again and threw a smile back at him. ''You can keep it, if ya want...''

Of course, the boy would like to keep it as he had for about maybe the last six months.''You better do, as you're not seeing me in a bikini ever again...''

Zoey smiled broadly at the boy, knowing that she pulled his leg. On an artificial beach with Caleb would even make Lora jealous, Zoey thought as she dragged the boy along. As they walked, she noticed Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic and waved greetingly at her. She was a year younger, but still an aquaintance, even if it was a faint one.

Caleb windsdale
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Caleb windsdale

Zoey Bradiss Zoey Bradiss
He smiled looking at her "Alright I will then" he said looking at her As she pulled him along.

He cried sarcasticly when she said he was never going to see her in a bikini again "no why did I have to bring it up" he said jokingly.

He got the feeling she was pulling his leg but he played along smiling back at her he waved at Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic as they passed not caring if she was a year younger wanting to be polite.

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