Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We could be Heroes

It had been a while. Coren Starchaser, publically a General in the Alliance in Exile, and while not on the record within the Alliance public data, the acting Grand Marshal of the Shattered Jedi Order. And well, the one who was helping to tug the Jedi of the galaxy together, and working on gathering the rebels under the same banner. But today? He was making his way back to Corellia. Coren was a supporter of the Republic, helping with their Jedi Order, in addition to networking with the Silvers, and giving his hand where needed, as well as the Outer Rim Coalition. So many groups

Maybe because of what Zark had said, but also there was a score to settle. The First Order and Sith Empire were making life a bit harder. Stealing away the decision for most, and eating up so many planets into their tyranny. And with no one standing against them? It had fueled a second empire to pop up. And while the Confederacy, who he still hadn’t really gauged that well, teamed up with the Sith Empire of Taeli and Carnifex to remove it, it was still a problem. Sith were fighting Sith.

This galaxy was going to ruin itself.

However, the General had geared the Spear of the Alliance to meet with Nemo’s Revenge outside the Corellian system. Kiris Base had gone up as a recent location for the Alliance to gain a bit of prestige outside the Coalition space. With the Spear and the Revenge in system, it was clear what was going on, a meeting. But it wasn’t going to set off may sirens. It was the Alliance.

Still, he took a shuttle over, escorted by two X-Wings and made his way to the conference room.

“Admiral. Its been too long.”

[member="Mazik Stazi"]

Mazik Stazi

"General," Admiral Mazik Stazi of the Alliance Remnant Core Fleet barely looked up to acknowledge the arrival of [member="Coren Starchaser"], still engrossed in a stack of datapads piled up on the holodisplay console in front of him.

The Nemo's Revenge had already been in system for nearly twenty four hours, orbiting in the shadow of Soronia to shroud the battlecruiser on long range sensors. They would be moving out soon, the Revenge never stayed in one place anymore for long, she was already refueled and patched up as best as the meager services of Kiris Base would allow. Many Alliance pilots had given their lives to liberate Corellia once again from Sith domain, and there was much for the old duros to set right here before his return patrol to the Outer Rim.

"The latest intel reports from our agents in the Unknown Regions," he grunted, sliding a datapad across the display's base when he noticed the Jedi General was still standing there, "Zambrano's losses weren't as severe as I was hoping for, but it looks like these Jen'ari have finally been uprooted. Its almost a shame, they were doing our job for us. Of course, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you?"

Stazi slid another datapad across to Coren, this time so roughly that the device nearly flew off the table before being deftly caught. The Alliance commander narrowed his eyes. Even though he had served with one, Mazik had never really trusted the Jedi. After Coruscant, his paranoia seemingly verified, he had been against granting General Starchaser a position in High Command. The admiral had been overruled by Chief of State Sovv, and over time he had come to grudgingly accept Coren's loyalty, but he still did not consider the Corellian a friend.

"Have a good time on Copero, master Jedi?" Mazik sneered, "Catch up with your good friend the Vicelord?"

On some level he knew it wasn't an entirely fair accusation. Despite their idiosyncrasies the Confederacy had been their allies in the past, and between the three powers contending for control of Chiss space they were certainly the lesser evil. But the notion of Coren consorting with Sith even as a means to an end made him deeply uncomfortable, as did their potential ulterior motives.
The grand Galactic Alliance may have passed to the wayside, but the galaxy was going to need their services sooner or alter again. And it wasn't that there was anything inherently wrong with the New Republic, they had Corek at the helm and that meant a lot of good, and someone who Coren would vouch for if push came to shove. But they were working on setting up a government. The Alliance had failed at that several times, not willing to put aside the need to throw a fight as opposed to sitting around in a boardroom. It was why Coren had stuck with it for as long as he did, and became, to some, its face.

But he was only part of the equation. He had people he answered to. Jaius Sovv, the Chief-of-State and now Vice Chancellor within the New Republic, see, again, not going to the akkdogs completely, and the Fleet Admiral, [member="Mazik Stazi"]. Mazi commanded the Remnant Core Fleet from the bridge of the Nemo's Fury, the largest offering within the Alliance, and every time Coren approached the vessel, he realized his own Spear was a skirmisher, while this was a battleship.

Looking at the Admiral, Starchaser couldn't help but stand a little taller. A bit more ridged and on ceremony. Looking at the datapad, he nodded. "They went after the new Empire. Zambrano's forces though, they're more practiced." He said, in an even tone before the hammer fell.

Taken aback for a second, Coren didn't respond quickly, knowing there was a tension here. He heard the reports. He was a Jedi, and the General of the Alliance in Exile force. He knew that the former should prevent the latter, but Sovv stepped in. He thought he was winning the Duros over, but now he wasn't so sure.

"The Vicelord is no friend of mine. Mere... opportune moment to show the galaxy that Jedi, and Alliance forces are still in the fight. Still looking out for the best interest of the galaxy. And we owe the Confederacy. They pulled enough of our people out of the fire... But I can't sit in the Outer Rim when the galaxy is in turmoil.

"We have Sith fighting Sith, for frak's sake." Yes, he was breaking protocol here. but he needed to get his point across. "This is not the galaxy our friends have died for."

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