Sol Damerin
The Grumpiest Merc
Planet: Dantooine
Location: A farming village out in the boonies
It was a bright sunny day on Dantooine which was one of the more pleasant planets in the outer rim. The whole thing was pastoral and pleasant the kind of place you might want to retire to after a lifetime on a city planet like Nar Shaada or Coruscant. The air was clean, crisp and felt good in your lungs and there was a sense of peace when you were on the planet that was nice. Probably thanks to the Jedi Enclave that had been on it in the days of the Old Republic.
Sol had often theorized that, what you might call, the ambient Force of a planet took on characteristics dependant on what happened on it. Most, he thinks, would agree though some argued that The Force was just energy and couldn't take on such characteristics. However, The Force was more than just energy. It moved through every living thing in the galaxy and it connected everything. He suspected that it formed something like a mass subconscious for the universe at large. Shared impressions and beliefs creating truths from nothing so to speak.
These are the thoughts that occupy Sol's mind as he sits on top of a grain silo, legs crossed in the lotus position, and stares out at the rolling prairies. Between jobs, he often came out to places like this to sit and think, meditate, and relax. It felt good to be away from the often hectic lifestyle he had as a wandering mercenary. He'd stumbled upon this town just wandering about and one of the farmers had offered him a place to stay and a hot meal for some help. They were good people in this part of the galaxy.
Which is why his brow furrows when he sees a great plume of dust in the distance, something about it gave him a bad feeling. He narrows his eyes at it trying to discern what it before he realizes he will have to use Force sight. The Force flows through him and the distant objects get closer, closer, closer until. Well kark, that wasn't good now, was it? It looked like a group of raiders, not uncommon in the outer rim. Criminals who attacked small outpost towns like this to kill, rape, and steal.
Getting to his feet he presses the knuckles of his right fist against his jaw applying pressure until. *pop* *pop* *pop* All of the knuckles in his hand crack as does his neck. It was going to be an interesting and unpleasant afternoon it seemed. He drops down from the silo to go warn his farmer friend and to have them pass along the message to the rest of the small town. They were about to be attacked.
[member="Nima Tann"]