Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Do Not Forget - First Order Raid on Ossus


[SIZE=11pt]It was a pleasant day. The rolling green hills had a cool breeze flowing through them to off-set the sun’s mild heat in the perfect balance. In the forests, the passive wildlife called to one another in soothing tones of merriment, small friendly beasts hopping across mossy rocks, around shimmering streams. Amongst the ruins of the Ancient Jedi Temples, there remained a sense of tranquillity, of peace and warmth. It would come as surprise to no one who set foot here that this world had been a starting point for the Jedi Order. Their mutual serenity having surely influenced one another.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was a bitter twist of fate then, that the ties this serine world had with an organisation supposedly dedicated to peace would bring conflict to its otherwise unremarkable surface. Time after time, invaders seeking to bloody the Jedi would strike the planet. In the Clone Wars, Ossus quickly fell to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the following Republic counter attack became bogged down, extended ground warfare scarring the world. Later came the Yuuzhan Vong who brutally terraformed the planet beyond recognition, it took centuries to return to its original state. Today it was the First Order. Or was it?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The fleet that entered Ossus’ orbit to engage their defenders had no distinctive Star Destroyers. The shuttles, transports and drop pods descending to the surface had no men nor women glad in the infamous armour of an Imperial Stormtrooper. Instead this was a fleet of privateers and an army of mercenaries with an unknown employer offering a blank check. The only condition? Destroy the Silver Jedi.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Mixed in among these opportunistic thugs and murderers were the First Order’s finest. Battle hardened soldiers, experienced officers and highly ranked secret agents hidden among the ranks to deliver the most pain and guide the devastation down the intended path and, of course, directing it all were the sinister Knights of Ren.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Earlier, a prerecorded message would have been sent to all First Order personnel involved at their staging point in The Sith Empire so generously provided by the Dark Lord, [member="Darth Carnifex"], it was the voice of a young woman. Perhaps a few would recognise that refined Imperial accent and dry manner of speaking as belonging to Decitus Ren, otherwise known as Samka Derith, but to most, the identity of the woman would remain an unknown.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“If you’re listening to this, the actions you are about to take part in are top secret. Elements of the galaxy already seek to paint us as warmongers but while we know the truth, dishonest groups would seek to turn this incident against us. The Silver Jedi have overplayed their hand and the time has come for them to suffer the consequences. We are the victims in this tale, the enemy attacked us and brought war to our worlds. That war is ending, the Alliance has been bloodied but their allies remain untouched. What example do we set if a corpse of a nation can send an entire fleet to oppose us without answer? Members of the Silver Jedi Order from all levels in their hierarchy have stood against us as we fought to preserve our nation, the Imperial way of life, from those who would see it violently extinguished. Have their been reparations? As little as an apology? The faintest recognition of guilt?[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]There has been nothing. So they’ll bleed. The Sith and Galactic Empire are making their moves. In time, our brethren will have crushed this pathetic shamble of a nation so we must strike now before the opportunity is missed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The target is the planet Ossus, an ancient Jedi world. Temples and libraries of their Order cover the scenery, it’s time to take what is of use and burn what is not. Indulge yourselves, enact revenge upon those who thought they could wrong us. This time, we do not have to rebuild what we destroy, we do not have to win the hearts and minds of locals as an occupying force. We are raiders and we are here to pillage, burn then leave.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Oh but do at least try to keep any civilians out of harm’s way, we have plenty of military and cultural targets already.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Ladies and Gentlemen, you bring glory to the First Order today. Revenge is a powerful motivation, let it fuel you. Embrace your hatred and you shall be their reckoning.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Good luck. Fight well and be rewarded.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With that, the message would end and erase itself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]This is a small scale retaliation raid by the First Order to punish the Silver Jedi for their involvement in the First Order-Galactic Alliance conflict. Anyone with questions or running into issues on either side I encourage to speak to me through PM. OOC thread is here.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Tagging [member="Arisa Yune"] for her awareness [/SIZE]
Location: Ossus, outside the temple
Objective: Burn the temple
Preliat's Beskar'kandar Armor, Crushgaunts, Vibro-tomahawk, Ori'ramikad knife, M45 Assault Rifle, two Westar-34s, Jetpack (operational, full capacity)

False flags and burning worlds.

Hardened men and exploitation of a cause. Order among chaos. Blood for blood. Flesh for flesh.

Revenge is something that Preliat Cassus Mantis understood very, very, very well. His armor was tightened to his body, the flight suit reacting to the winds crossing his face as he descended downward.

From heavens above, he sought to create hell below.

He was dropping in, along with about a dozen other mercs, in the first initial wave to the surface of Ossus. The wind swept across his visor, howling. Howling like an animal coming at him. He went into freefall, and then dived. He shot ahead of the other mercs. Batteries opened up. Bolts whirled past him, towards the sky. Towards the First Order's ne'er-do-well army.

Preliat Mantis spread his arms, and opened the chute. It jerked him back, and he landed on the ground with a heavy thud. He looked upwards towards the temple and stood tall as the temples guardian's came out in droves to defend their holy site. Preliat whirled a hand outward. He barked in his unholy growl, the voice of not a man, but an animal.

"Kill them! Kill them all!"

The mercenaries and vagabonds with him had no qualms about doing so. They rushed towards the temple, intent on nothing but doing as much damage as possible to it, and to earn hopefully, enough credits to retire from this job alone. Besides- most of them wanted a claim to fame about being part of the destruction of the Silver Jedi on Ossus. To kill a Jedi was to become legend. The guardians and mercenaries met, lightsabers igniting and blasters returning the intensity. Preliat let loose a volume of fire, taking cover near a structure that was once used to aid in meditation and peacefulness.

Preliat screamed, and turned the corner, and began to lay down a barrage of fire that would give the order more time to put more troops, and heavier hitters down to aid Preliat in his quest for blood.
Location: Ossus
Objective: Direct troops, Intercept enemy communications
Allies: FO
Post: 1

War is hell, so the old adage went. Emilia couldn't argue. The fleet of hired scum descended on the planet before its defenders even had time to react, even as they prepared for battle, activating AA installations, and mobilising troops, the horde was already upon them. The barbarians swarmed out of the landers and pods, a conglomerate mass of death heading straight for the Jedi. Almost as soon as the first troops stepped off their ship, the firing begun, on both sides, soldiers began to fall, the ground was churned up by blasters. Chaos reigned supreme. Immediately, the communications channels were thick with calls for medics, ammo, or reinforcements. The FOSB agents monitoring the radios did their best to handle the traffic, but were quickly overwhelmed with the sheer number of people that required help. In the distance, a few buildings were already on fire, likely due to a misplaced incediary round from the invading forces.

Cryptolinguistics Officer Emilia Ravel observed the battle from above, from the vantage point of a YJX-1200 freighter, she watch the ships land, and the brutal fighting begin. The advantage of surprise had tipped the scales in favour of the Order, but that might not last. At 5000', the freighter drifted over the battlefield. Occasionally, one or two of the ship's laser cannons would fire, to eliminate an enemy squad on the ground, or to lay waste to a stationary target. Around her, similar ships did the same, a few dropped flares and incendiary rounds, in an attaempt to start a firestorm below. Emilia sat at an improvised radio monitoring station, frequently switching between channels, attempting to intercept any communications from the planet's defenders. Even from this height, she could hear the battle, explosions rattled her to the core, and occasionally, a stray blaster bolt would ping off the underside of the freighter.

Emilia couldn't help but agree, war was hell.​

Location: Ossus.
Objective: Eliminate Jedi presence within the designated LZ.
Equipment: Click here
Allies: The First Order.
Enemies: The Silver Jedi Order.


Omega Support stood firm behind Caehl Ren as they boarded one of the smaller craft leaving the flotilla of independant vessels ready to bring vengeance upon the world of Ossus for the Silver Jedi Order's part in standing in the face of the First Order during which the Galactic Alliance had initiated war unto the Supreme Leader's desire for Order in the Galaxy. As the heat of the aptmosphere rose up around the vessel, creating a well of turbulence shaking the hull of their descending metal rook, Caehl's eyes narrowed through the visor of his helm, standing now twice as strong as he had been during the battles he had taken part in for the honor of the Ren and the retribution of peoples demanding security from the false prophetic promises of nay-sayers and weak armed protagonists unable to deliver for fear of the consequences of their actions. The virtue of the Silver Jedi compromised the day they had rallied beside the Galactic Alliance, fighting the very progress that was meant to be the salvation of a galaxy suffocating within the chaos of senseless provocation, answers to the questions that only Sieger Ren held the potential to lead them towards; today was a day to strike back against the infidel, those unclean and unworthy of his vision of unity, strength and prosperity for all.

Delengtha Ren stood clad in the black armor of a Trooper, armed with his FWMB-10 Repeating Blaster of which he carried not upon a tri-pod but within both hands, the monstrous repeater was locked and loaded, the only one among Caehl's group that lacked in force sensitivity made up for in fire power and brute strength, he was the goliath tank of their unit ready to die for the Order as were they all. Standing to the right side of Caehl, he would be the first one off of the deck stepping into the battle-ground to clear out the first of their would-be resistance before the others would follow suit.

Nocturnus and Arkhaos Ren, the two brothers who had fiercely fought against one another all their lives, Nocturnus once by the name of Karrus Zorathi had been a student within the Silver Order back when it still reigned as the Coalition. Led astray by loneliness, his path had led him to the Grey Jedi Order before Arkaos had found him and the two had continued to seek the life of one another before Caehl had manipulated them into the indoctrination of the Order of Ren. Separated by selfish desires the pair were weak and yet united under the gaze of Sieger Ren they were powerful in the Force as they were in combat, both supporting Caehl while Delengtha would focus on backing up the mercenary troops that would flock to the coming battle, the Omega Unit finally touched down upon Ossus and all filed out looking to meet the Jedi Order in fierce battle. Their presence within the Darkside of the Force palpable and unrestrained, like a beacon announcing their entry unto the enemy territories, they craved the clash of arms and the cries of war for the glory that they would bring in the name of the First Order.
Location: Ossus
Objective: Break Stuff
Gear: Executive Protection Carbine, RR-1 Recoilless Rifle, Jar of Bees
Round Count: 5 HE, 3 Canister, 2 HVP for RR-1 | 5 Jars of Bees, 1 Jar of Ants, 1 Jar of Spiders

War is hell. But it's also funny as hell.

Bringing along the Jar of Bees had started off as a joke. Dresden had collected many, many eclectic weapons over the years, but this one, this one was special. The pneumatic cannon was about as simple as you could get. A can of pressurized air provided propulsion for a glass jar full of really, really pissed off insects. And, in one instance, arachnids. The bees, technically yellow jackets, but who's counting, were ultimately harmless, so long as you weren't allergic. Harmless, but painful. The ants were as well. The spiders​ were decidedly less so, but really, they were there for the creepy factor. Their hemotoxic venom could conceivably kill a man who didn't get treated, but honestly, they were just freaky.

And so, as the dropship touched down, Dresden calculated the distance to the nearest likely concentration of troops, tilted the muzzle of the air cannon upwards, and cut loose. For now, just with the bees. Well, yellowjackets. There were about 100 of the little buggers in there. They'd be all kinds of annoyed at being shoved into a jar and launched through the air. To make matters worse, about 20 of them were more or less guaranteed to go smush on impact. Their death would release attack pheromones that would frankly drive the others bonkers.

A broad grin split the lower portion of his face, the mirth for once reaching his eyes. They twinkled mischievously as the first jar sailed through the air towards the defensive position. War is hell, alright. But man it could be fun.

Projectile launched, he hauled ass off the ship and raced for cover. Dresden was not, by any means, a fast man, or a graceful one, and the sheer weight of the ammo he carried in his pack was enough to slow him down. But, in the confusion, he was just another man, and seeing as how he wasn't wielding a magic glowstick, not much of a target. The rounds whipped past him, but they didn't whip through him, and that was the important part.​
Location: Ossus
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Silver Jedi
Objective: Raid the Jedi Library, Kill Jedi, Make sure mission goes according to plan
Equipment: In signature
Finally... After months of waiting Kyrel's plan was finally approved by Master Derith and the upper echelons of High Command, most of all the Supreme Leader himself. He had prepared himself for this moment for a long time, weeks before this and proposing it to his Fellow Master who could bring this knowledge to the Supreme Leader, Kyrel was looking to strike at the Silver Jedi, and what better way to have the Ren grow as Jedi Hunters and striking back at those who interfered in the War against the Galactic Alliance then the ancient world of Ossus. Ossus from what he had studied of the Jedi especially what he could find regarding the Old Republic which was rare was that it was a sight of a Jedi Library filled with knowledge along with several temples as well. It was the perfect opportunity as well as finding out of the Imperial Remnant's preparations in attacking their territory the perfect opportunity to get revenge for Skor II.
He trained and dreaded for those weeks until he was given the Ok for the plan. The plan was to use small vessels and transports, some would say mercenary, pirate, or even Civilian origin to provide the cover for an elite team of Ren and FOSB Agents to destroy and raid temples and the Jedi Library. Kyrel would be leading them, and his main priority would be attacking the Library and securing knowledge that could be useful for the Ren. Of course he would murder any Jedi in his path as well of course. It was unavoidable and it was the part that he relished the most about this entire operation.
He watched the message that Master Derith had left as the transport made the jump to Ossus. The feeling of excitement coursing through his veins, the screams of dead Jedi, the burning of their temples, the smell of fire and the clash of lightsabers. He could see it all as he meditated during the trip. Within hours the transport appeared above the world and made a slow descent to the world. He had chosen a landing area not far from the library. When the craft finally touched down, he emerged from the transport, his heavy boots clanking against the landing ramp, his cape swaying with the wind, his breathing a mere icy chill and then slowly but surely a walk that would herald the end of the peace and prosperity for this world. It was time to begin.​

Location: En route to Ossus
Allies: "Sith"
Enemies: OSJ



After breaking several Silver Jedi on Kaeshana and hearing about their brutal intervention over Skor II, Zmej could hardly wait for another encounter with the order. Revenge was a dish best served cold and this operation would make an exceptional meal for the Silvers to choke on. A little cut in the grand scheme of things, but painful enough to remind them of a simple fact; they were weak, a bastion of opposing ideology, and had no right to exist. Furthermore, the mission also presented Zmej with a good opportunity to see battle after recovering from injuries sustained on Mustafar. It’s been too long since the petite, yet battle hardened warrior wore the plated battle armour and crossed her crimson-hued blade with that of a Jedi. Craving battle and war, all in the name of Sieger Ren and personal glory, the young woman’s form slightly shook in excitement and fury every now and then.

A cup of caf in the morning, one dose of symoxin to save her shoulder from painful spasms, and the blonde agent of Sieger Ren had enough energy to take down the entirety of the Silver Jedi. Immersed in the dark side of the Force, shrouded in her own anger, the young knight absorbed the last bits of power her body could take. Like an unstoppable champion of the dark side, she found herself filled to the brim. Perfect. Behind the faceless helmet, two sulphur yellow orbs awoke from meditation, watching the inside of the transport. The rest of the team felt this cold, unnatural uneasiness wash over them as the Ren’s mask slowly turned, addressing each without a word. Everyone knew the stakes. Everyone was ready. Checking her equipment one last time, the knight’s lips curled in an uncontrollable grin as her gaze slipped to the rightfully feared weapon hanging on her belt.

Just one, without a friend, yet the Vee Ex grenade did not mind, knowing it had enough potency to kill anyone who failed to wear adequate protection. Admittedly, Zmej had taken a liking to these little buggers. Those who have seen the result of her handiwork, also known as the Marzoon academy massacre by some, certainly understood why the Jedi killer would be fond of such weapons.

“May the Supreme Leader watch over you,” declared the blonde Ren, “From now on, we are Sith. There is nothing connecting us to the First Order. If any of you gets captured, I expect you to slash your own throat or maintain the ruse.”

Spat out of hyperspace, the transport ship went for Ossus, trying to reach the planet before someone shot them down. Landing was going to be rough for sure.
Location: Ossus, at grid reference 99 by 33
Allies: First Order
Equipment: Antique rifle (in character page), bayonet, x1 DL-22, x2 Flashbang, x2 Thermal detonator.
Objective: Support First Order raid
!BUHDAAAAMMMMMMM-oooooshhooooooooooo. . .

Thunders the rifle in her hands as the recoil works it magic against her shoulder. 700 meters ahead and below laid the waste that was the foot of the Silver Jedi temple. Guards struggled against the raid party -clashing in a chaotic swirl of thumping grenades and firefly stabs of light tracing about. One foe in decent armor succumbed to this sniper's .50 BMG round, since the bullet had pierced the target's chest piece: tearing into the lungs and pulverizing the unfortunate bone that dared to block its flight. The prey was thrown back, where presumably it fell into shock.

How tragic. . .

The Major licks the edge of her upper teeth, and begins to cycle the bolt of her weapon. It could only hold one round in the chamber. Up here in this concrete tower, barrel laid against a loophole caused by a wayward explosive bolt, that was no problem. She commanded a good view of the temple's facade from this vantage, but viewing its roof or rear would require a repositioning. Pleased by her side's progress, the hunter finished her tool's cycle, and drew her eyes across the opening in predatory fashion. No scope was attached to wooden rifle, so instead the Major used her data-glasses as binoculars, zooming in as needed. Adding to its functionality was a program that tagged enemies with similar precision to radar. This automatically linked with SB SIGINT and [member="Emilia Ravel"] up above, providing yet another means of target acquisition in real time. Just in case they wanted to douse a large clump of enemies in orbital hellfire.

A adolescent Jedi brandished his lightsaber and began doing the customary deflective dance which took out the closest group of FO raiders. A smile stretched across the sniper's face. She leveled, aimed, and squeezed the trigger after the exhale.

!KRAAAACKKKOOOOWWWWWW-SHushuushuuahhhhhhhhhhh. . .

It appears the boy was adept enough to realize danger was coming, and he instinctively tried to parry with his silver saber. The .50 round became a molten shotgun spray as it struck the blade, and the boy's neck and upper torso promptly exploded.



Well-Known Member
Outer Rim \\ Auril Sector \\ Ossus
Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle \\ Unmarked, Stealth Variant
Allies: [member="Ara Ren"] \\ Enemies: Silver Jedi Order
In Atmos \\ Headed towards Jedi Academy
"For their transgressions, they will bleed..."
~ Sieger Ren
The voice of Sieger yet resonated within the man's mind, a quiet moment before the hell that was waiting to be rained down upon the Silver Jedi Order. They were behind schedule already, the assault on the Jedi Temple was set to begin shortly - and they yet had a significant distance to travel. A twitch tugged at the corner of Castor's lips, his firm grip on the shuttle's controls guiding it carefully as they slowly began their approach to the planet. The Knight was not alone as he had been more frequently as of late, instead he was accompanied by one other - [member="Ara Ren"]. Silence had reigned supreme throughout the majority of their journey, the stoic and often impassive presence only now beginning to emanate excitement.

Ahead of them lie the dusky orange orb that was Ossus. It didn't look like much through the viewport of the unmarked and unregistered shuttle. The Transponder codes had been wiped, identifying marks scored completely from the vessel, it had even undergone a few structural changes - namely shorter wings and a slimmer profile. It negatively affected the performance of the ship, though if everything went well, the reflec covered hull and solitary entry would go unmolested as they descended towards the surface. Their objective was different than those tasked with raiding the Jedi Temple or the Library, something more subtle but just as much a strike at the heart of the Order. The Jedi Academy.

"Prepare yourself for descent."
His voice low, Castor brought the vessel into a shallow dive towards the surface, his hands briefly coming off the controls to secure his helmet. The RX-1 buckled nicely, the seal hissing as it set. It had been a long time coming, but now they would repay the Silver Order - in fact the Order would not only suffer at the hands of the Ren, it would pay reparations for their assistance to the Galactic Alliance. Reparations in a form yet to be revealed...

[member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]
OBJECTIVE: Evacuation facilitation

The baseball arced up, ran out of momentum just short of the cockpit ceiling, and plopped back into Jorus' hand. Toss, catch, toss, catch - his preferred form of meditation. This time he ended the cycle, put his pilot seat back upright, and toggled the reversion controls. The attack boat shuddered as it reverted from point-two hypertransit into realspace.

A hostile fleet couldn't get too far into Silver territory without registering on the hyperspace monitoring network that blanketed their turf. The Underground had tapped two poorly placed monitor coordination units, very far from here. If anyone asked, the Force had brought him to Ossus. Totally.

The little ship accelerated for atmosphere, looking to bypass the mercenary capitals and their dropships. The goal was to reach the temple, evacuate anyone who needed it, and bail.
Location: Aegis Base, Ossus
Objective: None in particular, probably duel some Master Ren.
Allies: [member="Jorus Merrill"]
Opposition: First Order [member="Samka Derith"]
Directly Engaging: [member="Kyrel Ren"]​

After the latest attack against the Jedi Academy, Arisa had ordered the evacuation of students and researchers. Any remaining artifacts and loot from the Academy and The Great Library had been transferred to various mobile praxeums and stations controlled by the Silver Jedi. All that was left at Aegis Base and the Academy were hardened soldiers and Jedi warriors; these days it was little more than a frontier base and staging area for incursions into Sith space.

Already on a heightened state of alert from the recent Sith raid, the response of the Third Ossus fleet was swift, destroying many of the marauders transports before they could even hit atmo. The sky would fill with the visage of hundreds of fireballs of molten metal and burning fuel.

Vessels that made it planetside would run into a hail of AA fire from automated quad laser and SAM emplacements or smack right into the deflector shield that protected the base complex. The shield would shimmer with a faint blue color from the repeated high-speed collisions.

Attackers that managed to make landfall in one piece by some mystical means would find themselves faced with the unfortunate prospect of barreling right into a division's worth of soldiers, war droids, and armored fighting vehicles. Many of the mercenaries and FO regulars sprinkled in the pack would be vaporized before they could even take their first few steps off the landing ramps.

Standing out among the smoke and fire of battle would be the familiar blue and green flashes of whirring lightsabers, Jedi warriors cutting down the mercenaries and FO soldiers in droves. They worked in tandem with their Ysanna rifle teams, creating flashy distractions with those iconic weapons while hails of telekinetically guided flechettes whizzed through temples and eye sockets of enemies. From the sky, Yinchorri Dragoons gleefully mowed down all enemies as they took to the air with their flutter packs. Phalanxes of heavily armed battles droids and hutts literally steamrolled screaming men and women as they charged them in fast moving blast shield walls.

Soon the distinctive silver light of Arisa's light saber would be visible as she took to the field in full kit. From her very first bound from the temple entrance, she would become a blur of gunmetal as the Jedi Master channeled her power to greatly enhance her speed, becoming a deadly twister of blade and shattergun (firing pellets coated in Tsaisi venom).

As mercenary and soldiers fell to her furious attacks, she could feel that all too familiar sensation of fear. Not from her own people, all too used to the horrors of the Sith, but from the raiders, who had made the grave error of underestimating the Silver Jedi just like their Imperial and Sith benefactors had at Skor. They would pay dearly for their mistakes, she would make sure of it. Already her forces were rallying and surrounding the enemy, with reinforcements on the way. The Jedi and Rangers weren't the ones who were going to require evac here.

Order of Battle

Regular Units

SJO Regulars
Yinchorri Dragoons

Special Units

Jedi Padawan and Knights (~100)
Ysanna Riflemen (~500)
YVH-2 Droids (~500)
Silver Lancers (2000)

((Busy with an invasion and some other threads, so my posting will be slow. Apologies for any delay in further responses. I'm just here to duel Kyrel, so feel free to blast/dice NPCs to feel awesome. I'll post a full equipment list on my next post.))​

Location: Drop ship above Aegis Base
Allies: The First Order?
Enemies: Who ever gets in my way
Objective: what ever I want

Kurenai stood at the back of the drop ship, arms crossed as it sped towards the planet surface, the interior filled with other mercenary scum, assassins and pirates, all eager to get into the action, most likely unaware that they would die fairly quickly in the up coming fight. Her on the other hand, why was she here, put it simple she was a mercenary, but one with secret mission of her own, one that required entry into SJO territory. Going alone the normal way did not seem a viable option, the SJO were not really accepting of darksiders, especially someone of Kurenais heritage, as such from her point of view such a mission would provide a way in and out once things settled down.

She gave no head to the message sent out, not really caring about either faction as a whole. True the silver Jedi had done terrible things, and where so militaristic they were hardly Jedi at. On the other hand the FO was worse in her mind, going to such length in the name of order, killing just as many. no, more innocent people and causing destruction, most of the time more then willing to do so. Both factions were hypocrites to some extent, in war there is no good guy bad guy, just a long list of atrocities carried out by both belligerents with one sides being longer. She shook her head, it didn't really matter, come a 100 years all those present would be dead either way, in the long run it never mattered, one of the reason she was calm about this operation, in the end it didn't matter to her.

Soon the drop ship started to shake, the pilot taking evasive maneuvers trying avoid the AA and SAM fire coming from nearby Aegis Base, catching several other drop ship off their side, the husk plummeting down to the ground. Some of the lesser experienced raiders started to panic probably realizing they were just cannon fodder while the more experienced troops landed somewhere else, but like always Kurenai remained clam, she was more then a mercenary, she was a dark Jedi knight, even if the ship was shot down her chances of survival were still high, excluding the possible force user fights to come.

She smirked to herself a bit at the last though, how long had it been since she last fought someone in light saber combat, no doubt her skills with the blade was a little rusty, though the experience as a commando would make up for that lost. BOOOOM, Kurenais train of though de-railed as the side of the ship was hit with a AA round of some sort, men and equipment falling to their deaths. Quickly she brought her saber into hand, igniting the blood orange blade, sticking it into the side of the ship before being sucked out. Looking out the hole she noticed a ledge approaching, just before the ship crashed she kept out of the hole, using the force to slow her decent before rolling into the ledge, tumbling a few time before coming to rest, "Another happy landing". Standing up she surveyed the battle field around the base, deflecting a stray shot headed into her face, this was going to be a long day.

Mishel Kryze


Ossus. It would be the first step on the long journey home for Mishel. Sentiments would be saved for Tygara, for now, she had a duty to wipe the Jedi Archives from the face of this galaxy. For far too long they had been a stain upon them all, she too had heard the message as given to them by [member="Samka Derith"]. Aboard a second lambda class, she brooded in her own dark corner. She had secured her RX-1 helmet before pulling the hood to the armor over it, the brunette looked down at her gauntlets she checked them both just to be sure. The Tygaran rose from her seat and pulled out a unique gun from the overhead. She secured it to her back while checking its small but unusual ammunition to her belt, the jar of bees, wasps, and spiders would all come in handy in their own way.

The faceless mask checkered in black and silver concealed much of her own emotion. Skor II had been a lesson for the young disciple, to never trust a Jedi, it had proved her father's point. A point her own master had long since tried to make, the Jedi of this age were nothing more than psychopaths, zealots and murders who paraded around as the 'good.' For no longer did the old selfless group exist. Mishel's lightsaber hung against her hip, attached to the belt loop on her armor. The pilots informed the disciple that they would revert back into realspace over Ossus soon enough. "Contact the others inform them that I'll arrive at the site soon enough," she said plainly. For as powerful as they were with the force, bringing down the Jedi Archives was going to take more than just a handful of knights.

Loaded in the shuttle was the equipment necessary to bring it down. Charges, mobile payloads, and more - of course if all else failed, she'd throw a shuttle or two at them. After all, if the reports of what occurred at Kaeshana were true. Then she had a lot to do before she could throw around Star Destroyers like her mother. Rotating her neck and shoulders to loosen up her joints. Mishel watched as revision occurred and once more approached the pilots, "inform Sister [member="Zmej Ren"] that I shall join her directly just as soon as my own personal quest is complete." Her quest and reason for being here on Ossus was much more personal it would be the launch to Tygara that she needed.

Until then she would aide Zmej in whatever endeavors she might complete. Her hand curled into a fist at her side, equipment weighed upon her shoulders as she approached the loading ramp.

Blessed Ashira, guide me and may my feet be swift and my hands be true. Blessed are those who know your name, and accept you as their savior, guide them into your loving arms, Beloved Mother of Tygara, Kaeshana and of all Eldorai. Your word and wisdom keep me true, Ashira.

The hue of hyperspace gone, as the stars seemed to appear suddenly before them.

"Here we go."

Outer Rim, Auril Sector, Ossus
Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle, Unmarked, Stealth Variant
Allies: [member="Castor Ren"]
Enemies: Silver Jedi Order
In Atmos, Headed towards Jedi Academy

One eye cracked opened as the voice broke the cool silence inside the cockpit. The shift in energy emanated from her partner for this mission did not go unnoticed, her own bloodlust rising in response as the shuttle dipped, the older Ren deftly navigating the unmarked vessel towards the surface of Ossus. Knowing little about navigating ships save the one time her former Master had used such a task as an object lesson, the girl was content to let [member="Castor Ren"] take the pilot’s chair, settling in to a deep meditative state for the duration of their travels. A cool smile pulled the corners of her lips up as she mirrored his movements, securing her own version of the RX-1.

Settling the helmet nicely on her coroneted hair, she unfolded her legs from their crossed position and prepared for landing as the shuttle tilted sharply, the dusky terrain rapidly approaching as she watched through narrowed eyes. Anxiety tugged at the back of her mind, mixing uncomfortably with the strains of excitement and anticipation the promise of revenge brought on. Unlike past trips, the fear stayed manageable, a distant thought that was easily mixed into the fold of other, stronger emotions within.

The craft settled onto the ground with a few jarring bumps, a breath of relief released from tight lips as the pair landed unmolested, a virtue of their altered ship and the distraction of larger fleet appearing at other, more strategic points across the planet. As the engines were disengaged, the girl stood, content to rekindle blood flow to stiff muscles, sore from the lack of movement.

”Thank you for not killing us.”

The mechanical hum of a voice modulator changed the tones of her voice until only the barest strand of humor could be discerned. Tilting her head as she allowed the senior knight to exit the cockpit before her, she followed his masked figure down the boarding ramp. The pyramidal structures of the Jedi Academy loomed in the distance, her gaze drawn to the stonework monoliths that formed the heart of the Jedi Order.

There was a time when she might have found a refuge and home within just such an Academy, training under the watchful eyes of the Jedi Council, instead of fighting for survival on the streets of the dark underbelly of Coruscant. Now, she would find herself here as an enemy seeking restitution for those of the Silver Jedi who found need to aid the Galactic Alliance in their war against the First Order.

”I assume our orders remaining unaltered?”

A quick glance to ensure that further communication from those in power had not passed unnoticed while she meditated, the girl took off towards the academy in the distance.

In the words of [member="Samka Derith"] , Master of the Ren, they would take what was of use and burn what was not.
Location: Ossus

A crackle of a distorted uplink sparkles in the sniper’s tower. The glasses upon the Major’s face glow as recon and intel reports come flooding in. According to the data the diversionary raid upon the major military target was a success. That was insomuch of the context of drawing attention towards that sector. The mercenaries and auxiliary units didn't have high tech heart rate monitors or anything like that, but the observed casualty figures looked… staggering at first glance. It was to be expected when flaunting towards a main military base. The markswoman supposed that each mercenary dead was at least another paycheck that the First Order didn't have to file.

It was the little things that put a spring in your step.

Another unit responded with a report indicating problems like civilians and resources suddenly being removed. Troubling. An illusion perhaps? Another set of eyes tagged what appeared to be some evacuation shuttles running about. These might be targets of opportunity if time allowed it.

Regardless, two shots from a single position? Without the aid of a covering force illusion it was stupid to stay here. With that the Fallanassi decides to move out from this structure. As a momento to any bold enough to look she left the casings for the shots fired, though she expected this building to be leveled soon. According to the maps there was also a library on this planet, but it was too far to walk from here. A number of small civilian outposts were much closer. She decided to reconnoiter the area and await a call of support. In the meantime the Major might be able to walk through the skirmish zones after the firefights moved on and maybe grab some loot. She even had a pair of pliers to use for tooth removal. A gambling man would bet that the dead on both sides would have plenty of valuable fillings.

Trinkets, earrings, and fallen Jedi novice sabers fetched a good price too.

[member="Dresden Verbrennung"] I [member="Ara Ren"] I [member="Arisa Yune"] I [member="Jorus Merrill"] I [member="Zmej Ren"] I [member="Kyrel Ren"] I [member="Emilia Ravel"] I [member="Samka Derith"]
Lina Renning was falling.

Stars shot upward through the darkness as the cruiser plunged down, further and further, impossibly fast even as time seemed to stretch out into slow motion. There was a surface forming rapidly out of the glittering black of space, rising into sight through her viewing port, spreading out as the small vessel hurtled nearer.

In hindsight, a pilot might have been a good idea.

She reached across the control deck and hit a button. Nothing. A switch. Nothing. A lever - nothing. Ossus seemed too near now. The seconds would run out soon, too soon. Still frantically testing controls, Lina found the radio.

"This is -" static crackled as she shouted into the comm. "This is Lina Renning of the Silver Jedi, I've been-"

"...see, she's waking up now - are you alright?"

Blinking, Lina slowly opened blue eyes. The light stung, blurred her vision, but she could make out the hazy outlines of two figures. Her head pounded and her body ached. Alright was a strong word. But she was alive.

"I...I think so." She tried to lift her head as sight slowly tightened into clarity. She lay on grass, beneath a glaring sun. The cruiser was a few yards away, mangled into a corpse.

"We saw your ship fall out of the sky." The second figure - a Togruta man dressed in Jedi robes - moved closer. "Came to make sure you were alive. The ship's a mess, but you're not too banged up."

A sigh, and she sat up. It hurt more than she cared to admit, but Lina wasn't terribly worried. "Thank you. Really."

"It's no trouble." The first, a taller blonde woman, seemed relieved. "We'll need to bring you to the academy for a little while. After that you're free to go."

But by then the Sith had arrived.
Go with them, darling.


I didn't realize I needed to give my apprentice a reason.


I have enjoyed a healthy partnership with the Order, darling, they will need all the assistance they can get.


The Jedi think they know everything about Ossus, Skai dear, but Ossus has been around longer than they have. You will find something for me... and you will learn in the progress.

Arrived quite literally too.

From out of nowhere a curved short sword burst through the chest of the Togruta Jedi, before he could scream, gurgle anything, it was finished with a flourish that took his head cleanly off in a dance of athleticism and rapid grace. The second mark, a female Jedi turned around as the Force screamed in pain, but Skai was already upon her - the Padawan, fury in her expression as she reached for a lightsaber - but the edge of the sword already cut through her elbow neat, ending it in a wide slice across the stomach. As the woman stumbled to her knees Skai stabbed the shortsword low and deep, piercing straight through the soft of the shoulder, bypassing bones to puncture the heart in its entirety.

A swipe and the blade was returned, blood cast away into the grass as the Dathomiri observed the last few death twitches impassively.

Until Skai realized that there was a third figure, sitting upright, staring, her head wrapped in bandages- lips turned downwards in a scowl as she took a step towards the last Jedi here. "I am sorry." She offered in acceptable currency.

Did the young apprentice mean it?

Difficult to say, but at least it didn't cost her anything.

[member="Lina Renning"]
All of a sudden, she was wide awake.

Instinct warned her to be afraid a heartbeat before a blade shot silently through the Togruta. Sleek, efficient - she could've missed it if her back was turned. She wished she could've missed it.

The air escaped her for an instant and she could only watch, breathless and frozen as his head sliced off. The second Jedi - she'd never even learned her name, she had saved her and she would die before Lina could learn her name - cried out in pain a second before the stranger's sword swiped into her elbow, across her stomach. It was over so quickly. She was dead, and Lina had done nothing.

That scream rang through her ears as the realisation hit Lina like ice cold water.
She wasn't frozen now.

But now the Sith had noticed her. Now the Sith was moving towards her. In her mind, alarm bells sounded - she knew that she had to get away. Lina wasn't a warrior. She couldn't fight this woman who'd just taken two lives as though it were nothing. She wasn't supposed to. She was supposed to save the ones who people like the Dathomiri in front of her tried to endanger.

She supposed she had already failed in that endeavor.

"You- you're sorry?" Lina scrambled to her feet, ignoring how it hurt. Fearful eyes measured the distance that remained and she kept her gaze trained on the other woman as she stepped backwards.

"Who are you? What - why are you here?"

The approach was silent, sleek, precise and to the point.

"Will that really ease your path to the embrace of the spirits?" Skai asked rhetorically, because she already knew the answer to that question from instinct and experience. It would not- all that would ease her path was a quick and swift death without too much fanfare. The sword sweeping down, cutting through shoulder, throat and then snapping down to take out the rest of her veins. Painful for one instant... and then the void would seep into her body with no hesitation.

"She told me not to leave any witnesses." An additional apology by the way of explanation. "You shouldn't have been here." It was partially her own fault, was it not?

If only she hadn't come here.

If only her ship hadn't crashed, causing those Jedi to come to her assistance. In truth? Lina had been dead from the moment she breached the atmosphere and her ship clashed against the ground. The Jedi had simply pulled her back from the brink.... denying the spirits that which they were due.


That explanation was enough for Skai to suddenly leap into action, sword trailing past her as she approached Lina with the speed of a slugthrower's projectile.

She would make this quick- it wasn't her fault that the Jedi had meddled, after all. An elbow crashing into Lina's stomach, once she was doubled over the edge of her blade would cut straight through exposed flesh. First the shoulder to paralyze with poison followed by a quick snap of the neck, which would finish her.

[member="Lina Renning"]
A dozen questions burned in her mind, but there was no time to voice any of them. No answer justified murder. And more pressingly - no answer would be of any use to a dead woman.

She couldn't die yet.

Lina didn't place any great value on her life. She was one girl, and didn't possess a fraction of the strength to be able to think herself above anyone. She would die one day. That was unchangeable, and it was fine. It was natural.

But not like this. Not so soon. There was so much more she could do, so much that had to be done. And death would hurt. At the hands of a Sith it would surely hurt even more. And then nothing, nothing ever again. Lina didn't fear dying for her cause, but not yet. For now she had to live for her cause. Death was the end, and she wasn't ready for the end.

Then time ran out.

She hadn't been ready. Skai leapt towards her at what felt like lightspeed and an elbow drove into her stomach before her mind could catch up. A grunt escaped her lips and she nearly doubled over-

She'll kill you.
She'll kill you.

-but she stopped halfway, gritting her teeth through the pain. Eyes ticked back to the woman's blade. She couldn't evade; she was no swordfighter, but it was plain enough to her mind that there was no easy escape from here.

Jedi were supposed to draw on their peace when they tapped into the Force. It was one of the first things she'd been taught. But right now, she sought out her connection with the Force out of sheer reluctance to die. Only fear let out a wave of telekinesis that pushed forwards as its creator moved backwards, hardly a strong push but all she could conjure.

She'd rather a bad Jedi than a dead one.


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