Samka Derith
Decitus Ren
[SIZE=11pt]It was a pleasant day. The rolling green hills had a cool breeze flowing through them to off-set the sun’s mild heat in the perfect balance. In the forests, the passive wildlife called to one another in soothing tones of merriment, small friendly beasts hopping across mossy rocks, around shimmering streams. Amongst the ruins of the Ancient Jedi Temples, there remained a sense of tranquillity, of peace and warmth. It would come as surprise to no one who set foot here that this world had been a starting point for the Jedi Order. Their mutual serenity having surely influenced one another.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]It was a bitter twist of fate then, that the ties this serine world had with an organisation supposedly dedicated to peace would bring conflict to its otherwise unremarkable surface. Time after time, invaders seeking to bloody the Jedi would strike the planet. In the Clone Wars, Ossus quickly fell to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the following Republic counter attack became bogged down, extended ground warfare scarring the world. Later came the Yuuzhan Vong who brutally terraformed the planet beyond recognition, it took centuries to return to its original state. Today it was the First Order. Or was it?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The fleet that entered Ossus’ orbit to engage their defenders had no distinctive Star Destroyers. The shuttles, transports and drop pods descending to the surface had no men nor women glad in the infamous armour of an Imperial Stormtrooper. Instead this was a fleet of privateers and an army of mercenaries with an unknown employer offering a blank check. The only condition? Destroy the Silver Jedi.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Mixed in among these opportunistic thugs and murderers were the First Order’s finest. Battle hardened soldiers, experienced officers and highly ranked secret agents hidden among the ranks to deliver the most pain and guide the devastation down the intended path and, of course, directing it all were the sinister Knights of Ren.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Earlier, a prerecorded message would have been sent to all First Order personnel involved at their staging point in The Sith Empire so generously provided by the Dark Lord, [member="Darth Carnifex"], it was the voice of a young woman. Perhaps a few would recognise that refined Imperial accent and dry manner of speaking as belonging to Decitus Ren, otherwise known as Samka Derith, but to most, the identity of the woman would remain an unknown.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“If you’re listening to this, the actions you are about to take part in are top secret. Elements of the galaxy already seek to paint us as warmongers but while we know the truth, dishonest groups would seek to turn this incident against us. The Silver Jedi have overplayed their hand and the time has come for them to suffer the consequences. We are the victims in this tale, the enemy attacked us and brought war to our worlds. That war is ending, the Alliance has been bloodied but their allies remain untouched. What example do we set if a corpse of a nation can send an entire fleet to oppose us without answer? Members of the Silver Jedi Order from all levels in their hierarchy have stood against us as we fought to preserve our nation, the Imperial way of life, from those who would see it violently extinguished. Have their been reparations? As little as an apology? The faintest recognition of guilt?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]There has been nothing. So they’ll bleed. The Sith and Galactic Empire are making their moves. In time, our brethren will have crushed this pathetic shamble of a nation so we must strike now before the opportunity is missed.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The target is the planet Ossus, an ancient Jedi world. Temples and libraries of their Order cover the scenery, it’s time to take what is of use and burn what is not. Indulge yourselves, enact revenge upon those who thought they could wrong us. This time, we do not have to rebuild what we destroy, we do not have to win the hearts and minds of locals as an occupying force. We are raiders and we are here to pillage, burn then leave.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Oh but do at least try to keep any civilians out of harm’s way, we have plenty of military and cultural targets already.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Ladies and Gentlemen, you bring glory to the First Order today. Revenge is a powerful motivation, let it fuel you. Embrace your hatred and you shall be their reckoning.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Good luck. Fight well and be rewarded.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]With that, the message would end and erase itself.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]It was a pleasant day. The rolling green hills had a cool breeze flowing through them to off-set the sun’s mild heat in the perfect balance. In the forests, the passive wildlife called to one another in soothing tones of merriment, small friendly beasts hopping across mossy rocks, around shimmering streams. Amongst the ruins of the Ancient Jedi Temples, there remained a sense of tranquillity, of peace and warmth. It would come as surprise to no one who set foot here that this world had been a starting point for the Jedi Order. Their mutual serenity having surely influenced one another.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]It was a bitter twist of fate then, that the ties this serine world had with an organisation supposedly dedicated to peace would bring conflict to its otherwise unremarkable surface. Time after time, invaders seeking to bloody the Jedi would strike the planet. In the Clone Wars, Ossus quickly fell to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the following Republic counter attack became bogged down, extended ground warfare scarring the world. Later came the Yuuzhan Vong who brutally terraformed the planet beyond recognition, it took centuries to return to its original state. Today it was the First Order. Or was it?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The fleet that entered Ossus’ orbit to engage their defenders had no distinctive Star Destroyers. The shuttles, transports and drop pods descending to the surface had no men nor women glad in the infamous armour of an Imperial Stormtrooper. Instead this was a fleet of privateers and an army of mercenaries with an unknown employer offering a blank check. The only condition? Destroy the Silver Jedi.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Mixed in among these opportunistic thugs and murderers were the First Order’s finest. Battle hardened soldiers, experienced officers and highly ranked secret agents hidden among the ranks to deliver the most pain and guide the devastation down the intended path and, of course, directing it all were the sinister Knights of Ren.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Earlier, a prerecorded message would have been sent to all First Order personnel involved at their staging point in The Sith Empire so generously provided by the Dark Lord, [member="Darth Carnifex"], it was the voice of a young woman. Perhaps a few would recognise that refined Imperial accent and dry manner of speaking as belonging to Decitus Ren, otherwise known as Samka Derith, but to most, the identity of the woman would remain an unknown.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“If you’re listening to this, the actions you are about to take part in are top secret. Elements of the galaxy already seek to paint us as warmongers but while we know the truth, dishonest groups would seek to turn this incident against us. The Silver Jedi have overplayed their hand and the time has come for them to suffer the consequences. We are the victims in this tale, the enemy attacked us and brought war to our worlds. That war is ending, the Alliance has been bloodied but their allies remain untouched. What example do we set if a corpse of a nation can send an entire fleet to oppose us without answer? Members of the Silver Jedi Order from all levels in their hierarchy have stood against us as we fought to preserve our nation, the Imperial way of life, from those who would see it violently extinguished. Have their been reparations? As little as an apology? The faintest recognition of guilt?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]There has been nothing. So they’ll bleed. The Sith and Galactic Empire are making their moves. In time, our brethren will have crushed this pathetic shamble of a nation so we must strike now before the opportunity is missed.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The target is the planet Ossus, an ancient Jedi world. Temples and libraries of their Order cover the scenery, it’s time to take what is of use and burn what is not. Indulge yourselves, enact revenge upon those who thought they could wrong us. This time, we do not have to rebuild what we destroy, we do not have to win the hearts and minds of locals as an occupying force. We are raiders and we are here to pillage, burn then leave.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Oh but do at least try to keep any civilians out of harm’s way, we have plenty of military and cultural targets already.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Ladies and Gentlemen, you bring glory to the First Order today. Revenge is a powerful motivation, let it fuel you. Embrace your hatred and you shall be their reckoning.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Good luck. Fight well and be rewarded.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]With that, the message would end and erase itself.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]This is a small scale retaliation raid by the First Order to punish the Silver Jedi for their involvement in the First Order-Galactic Alliance conflict. Anyone with questions or running into issues on either side I encourage to speak to me through PM. OOC thread is here.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Tagging [member="Arisa Yune"] for her awareness [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]This is a small scale retaliation raid by the First Order to punish the Silver Jedi for their involvement in the First Order-Galactic Alliance conflict. Anyone with questions or running into issues on either side I encourage to speak to me through PM. OOC thread is here.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Tagging [member="Arisa Yune"] for her awareness [/SIZE]