Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We few, we merry few. (Imperial Remnant and Crinan)

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Duke Decimus Meridius of Crina. That's what he was called by many. He was a hard man, stern and precise, buy not without his humanity. There was decline in the empire, heavy losses, friends and family were missing some for a long time. Cassius was leaden with work he did not need and the Duke's own family was in disarray. He sat in his Kath hound battle tank as he patrolled the palace ground as a matter of formal duty before entering to take his leave.

His grey and black uniform of the Imperial legion was pressed to as near perfection as his old eye could reach and he walked as straight and strong as any younger man could. He knew not who would be available or evwn about the palace on Crina at this point but he would do his duty to his people regardless, until his body no longer obeyed his mind at least. He walked down the wide hall and stopped to look at a large painting before he continued on. He hoped their recruitment would go well.
[member="Decimus Meridius"]

Alva sighed, all this nonsense really bothered her and it was really doing a number on morale and the people. Especially those who were a part of the Imperial side of things. However, that was no concern to her at the moment. They definitely needed to pick up the slack in leadership that was for certain, but she wasn't quite sure now was the proper time for her to do anything just yet. They needed more awareness over things, and then maybe the Imperial and Crinan leaders could organize themselves in time to salvage themselves. In the meantime though, she was going to focus mainly on improving herself as a Practitioner and warrior.

Such it was then that she danced through a training room, practicing her manipulation of her slicewire weaponry. Aiming to better become aware of how her weapon arced in the air so she could tie it around an enemy more effectively, though it was also immensely helpful as a stress relief to watch the training dummy targets cut apart in pieces and fall to the floor after being sliced cleanly through. Later on maybe she would visit Cosmina Academy again to enhance her magic skills, but for now she was content with this. Maybe more stress relief was needed for all though. Perhaps the next time someone saw the Crinan King and Queen they could propose a banquet or ball in the Palace for special guests.

Julius Paceus

[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Decimus Meridius"]

It had been a harrowing time for Julius, he had been drawn into that nether world for some time before he had found a portal out, unfortunately it had made him tell his entire sob story to some random stranger and after he came to he was mortified. Having returned to his homeworld of Crina, dressed in his silver armor and not his Imperial Knight armor, he hoped that Crina and the Empire had been spared more than others had been.

Sadly, as he walked towards the palace, it was the same story, but at least there weren't riots or major unrest that could destabilize the governments. He hadn't heard from his father, so he feared the worst, but he had returned home to help Crina and the Empire rise again. Too many threats were taking advantage of the troubled times, and while he might only be a cadet in the Imperial Knights, he would do his duty to the royal family of Crina first now.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Julius Paceus"] @Ikke Ike @Alli Wren

Decimus' boots tapped with military precision as his tall form moved through the palace toward the King's sitting room. His report would be made for his post and then perhaps he could make some request for the military anf house Meridius.

His skill with Crinan magic had also grown in the area of bolstering his troops with his powers. It had been a long ignored skill but that would no longer hold him back. His ceremonial saber hung from his belt as he stopped and waited for the guards to admit him.

"Duke, Decimus Meridius the first to see you Your Majesty." The guards said.

"Admit him." The King, Oliver Calvarona, replied as he looked at a star map. The queen at his side.

Decimus entered and took three steps into the room before dropping to a knee and removing his officer's hat.

"Rise, Duke Meridius." the king said looking up to take in the man.

"Thank you, Majesty." Decimus said calmly as he rose and waited for the formal request for his report. Which he gave in detail. The people were afraid. Territory was lost and the imperials were unresponsive. But crina was secure. They had that blessing to trust in.
[member="Decimus Meridius"] [member="Julius Paceus"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]

Ikki stood at the ready, walking quietly as the petite maid let her hands clasp in front of herself as she stood near her master bowing her head. There were others here she had not before while her black eyes shot up flicking around the room. She wasn't certain what the Crinian government had planned but she would do what she could to help and protect them as her diamond tipped fingers keeping the spools of wire in. She doubted there would be an attack but she was a bodyguard when not twisted in knots or cleaning the palace.
The Old Transport ship touched down on the designated landing pad. It had been some years since he had entered Imperial territory and this day he was to meet a King and his court. The Imperial Remnant like many of the galactic governments have suffered in the mass exodus and in its wake new and old enemies have formed a darkness that threaten to engulf entirety of the galaxy. Strider Was old but he did not get to such a ripe age by chance. He was a legendary warrior and exceptional tactician and a firm leader of the Mandolorians.

The old warrior was the sole occupant of the vessel, he did not want a repeat of what happen last time where Mandalorian pride and prejudice got in the way of diplomacy. His helmet was clipped off the side of his belt as he made his way to back of the shuttle, pressing a button on the side to descend the loading ramp. He new there would be a security team to greet him, nothing formal or parade worthy. There was no need for such show.

Strider would march down the ramp, his worn golden shoulder cape flapping in the wind along with his jet black hair that was held back with a tattered red cloth headband that looked as if it had seen decades of war, just as it's wearer had. He wore a red sash that had replaced his bandolier of grenades across his chest that bared his numerous campaign ribbons and medals. Imperialistic and royals loved their uniforms and this was going to be the closest they were going to get with a mando to reach similar grounds on that aspect.

Strider would follow his appointed entourage that lead him to the throne room. Some royal paid stooge would announce his direct arrival..... "Marshal Strider Garon, Ambassador to Mandalore and chieftain of Clan Garon, hear to see you M'lord!" The old warrior felt embarrassed to the pup to have to name off all such titles for anyone. Mandalorans earned their spot through hard earned merit. His sullen brown eyes would look across the vast throne room to the King that sat upon his throne and the Officer that stood before him. Did they earn their titles or was it blood inheritance? And people thought mandalorians were the savages of the galaxy......

The Mandalorian warrior would hold his ground at the doorway, standing stoically with the courage and iron will of the mando'ade in his heart and soul. He would not bow, or kneel before any man. No Mand'alor had ever request such and no foreign ruler was going to get such.

[member="Ikki Ike"] [member="Decimus Meridius"] [member="Julius Paceus"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Julius Paceus"] [member="Ikki Ike"] [member="Strider Garon"]

The echoes of boots in the corridor outside the King's sitting room was no surprise, it was only right that others come to give their reports, but the armored figure that stood in the doorway was not an expectation the aged Duke had entertained.

"Meridius, greet the Field Marshall for us." The king said his blue eyes like blazing saphires, "I would hear what has driven his people to our door."

"Of course, your majesty." Decimus replied as he stood to his full height. His title granted him the privilege of standing before the king and his time in the royal Crinan army had given him the mind and heart of a soldier. His aged features and glowing red photoreceptor eye greeted the new comer and he gave an inclination of his head.

"King Calvarona bids you welcome, Field Marshall, and Oloram." It was wisdom of any officer to know the languages he may meet in the field and Mandalorian mercenaries had never been in short supply. "Please enter the King would speak with you."

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