Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Finish What We Start

Sitting silently on his throne in the main hall of his estate, Adron eyes fell over a datapad he held in his hand. Freshly created on the surface of Bothawui, the structure was home to the former Count of Serenno, as such it reflected much of Serenno's traditional architecture. However it also had several cues from that of Imperial Architecture. In the main hall, above Adron's throne flew two banners. One carried the sigil of House Malvern, and the other was the Imperial crest.

The Former Archlord of The Dominion had been brought into a rather ironic situation. His successor to the Dominion, a man known as Kainan Wolfe, had reached out to him with what seemed to be hopes of peace. At first Adron disregarded the information as a mere ploy, perhaps an assassination attempt formulated by the remnants of The Dominion to exact revenge upon the man. Regardless of intention the message could not be ignored, for with it went far too much opportunity.

So he extended an invitation out to this Lord of Shrouds, promising the Lord fair play and parley. However, Adron was sworn by duty to do what was in the best interest of the Empire.

His eyes rose, as he looked over the Guardsmen that stood silently down the main hall. Imperial Novatrooper's, some of the best soldiers the Empire could produce. Twenty of them total stood in silence, each one outlining the ebony rug that led to the throne. They stood, face to face, with their weapons kept tightly to their side.

There were over one hundred Stormtroopers that patrolled the grounds of Adron's estate, yet these men were his true guard, who would die before they let their High Moff come to harm.

Now the young Moff sat in silence, awaiting the Lord's arrival.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"]

SRV Argent Dawn
Valiant-class Star Destroyer
In space near imperial border

The thousand meter-long Star Destroyer that was the newly commissioned flagship of the Shrouded Republic, blinked into existence a jump away from the border of the Galactic Empire, at previously agreed upon coordinates. Although considered small by Star Destroyer standards, the massive warship was heavily armed for its size. However, war was not its mission today.

A Lambda-class shuttle exited the hangar bay of its mothership and set course to Bothawui, in imperial space. Aboard, was the Shrouded Republic's hope for peace.

The situation was complicated and rather vague. The Shrouded Republic claimed itself to be the successor state to the Dominion, with which the Galactic Empire had been at war with. Kainan Wolfe, the man who had managed to pull together the ragtag band of survivors from the ashes of the former Dominion and had then forged them into the semblance of a nation, needed two things. On one hand, he needed formal recognition for his tiny, nomadic nation. On the other, he also needed to make sure that the old grudges and rivalries of the Dominion would not be inherited by the Shrouded Republic. So he reached out with the proposal to sign a non-aggression pact. A formal method by which two nations essentially agreed to stay out of eachother's ways.

The shuttle launched itself into hyperspace, completing the last bit of the journey on its own. Wolfe had not brought any escorts other than a small, formal guard. A gesture of goodwill. The man whom he was due to meed, High Moff Malvern, was the former Archlord of the Dominion, and he had promised that Wolfe and his party would not be harmed. The Lord of Shrouds saw no reason to offend him by showing a lack of trust.

The shuttle exited hyperspace above Bothawui and descended into the atmosphere, its wings folding upwards as it approached the High Moff's palace. The pilot extended the landing legs and then the ramp at the back of the vehicle, lowered.

The Lord of Shrouds stepped on imperial soil for the first time in his life. He was a man of slightly-above average height, with ice-blue eyes and a scar running across the left side of his face. His dark brown hair was streaked with white, making him look older than he was and giving him a somber appearance. He wore a heavy leather cloak with fur shoulderpads on top of a sharp-looking military uniform which bore the insignia of rank. He carried no weapons, aside from an intricate and distinctively-shaped lightsaber which hung from his belt.

His four guards moved with precision and discipline which clearly resembled that of the Galactic Empire's legendary stormtroopers and it was plainly obvious where Wolfe got his inspiration from, when he organized his forces. The elite soldiers wore some sort of cloaks made of wolf pelts over their armor and were armed with vibroswords and slugthrower rifles, which they held to their sides as they formed up on the sides of the shuttle's ramp, saluting their leader as he descended, with perfectly synchronized bumps of their fists against their chests. The four Wolfguards then took position in front of the shuttle, standing at attention, motionless.

The warlord who styled himself as the head of state of the Shrouded Republic, allowed himself to be led to the mansion's throne room to meet the Moff. He walked with his head held high, everything in his posture and appearance exuding power and authority. He spoke with the clear, powerful voice of a natural leader. "Greetings, High Moff Malvern and thank you for the hospitality. I am Lord of Shrouds Kainan Wolfe, here to discuss the non-aggression treaty."

[member="Adron Malvern"]
Silence was broken as the main door's to the Malvern Estate were opened unto the expecting Moff. The Imperial guardians sworn to guard his life, the Novatrooper's, whom had been as still as statues brought their rifles into hand in a unified motion. The soft clanking of their armor calling out in a rhythmic clatter. As the self-coined Lord of Shrouds strode through the Moff's hall he was met with Adron moving to his full height, standing from his place on the throne.

In many ways the man before Adron reminded him of a Lord of his own House. The ebony leather uniform, the fur pauldron, and the bearing of a man who knew his duty. It was a sobering feeling to lay eyes upon the man who had taken the helm of a nation you yourself had doomed. In many ways Adron's heart faltered at the thought, bringing him to a reality he often wished he could escape. The reality of the traitor. However, at this current moment he could allow no such faults, for he represented the Galactic Empire and must appear as strong as phrik.

As the Lord of Shadows approached the throne, passing by Adron's team of guardsmen, the Moff descended down the steps of the throne. His Imperial Uniform was one of unique design. Taken from the inspiration of a long-gone Empire it was obviously augmented for combat while still maintaining the blessing of the Courts.

The High Moff met the man with a respectful bow of his head, before finally raising a hand in reverence to the Lord of Shrouds. "Lord Wolfe. I am very glad you reached out to me with this proposition. In all honesty I have wanted to speak with you for some time. But my duties with the Bothawui sector have made me rather unavailable. Never the less....May I get you anything? Are you hungry? I could have my staff prepare a lunch for us. If not, perhaps some tea? Freshly made?" The Moff's tone was of one who had held authority all his life and had become quite accustomed to it. So much so there was no need for the most formal of aura, yet still there was a presence of command that came from Adron.

After the man had offered his response Adron would surely take lead in the conversation. "Now. It is my understanding you took over as The Dominion's Head of State after my defection." He said, putting the words as bluntly as they need be. "In this you have my congratulations."

"The Dominion was a flawed beast but it held good people. For them to be under what I perceive as capable hands is....refreshing. But, that being said why have you come to me now? It is obvious you do not hope to gain favor with me in an attempt to target the Empire. So what do you have to benefit from meeting with your enemy, Lord Wolfe?"

[member="Kainan Wolfe"]
Imperial Territory

"Thank you for the offer, High Moff," said the warlord, shaking the offered hand with a firm grip of his own. "But I'm afraid I do not require any refreshments at the moment." Wolfe graciously declined the offer. He preferred to stay on the matter at hand and get the treaty signed as soon as possible. Wolfe did not wish to remain in imperial space any longer than necessary.

"It is true, the Dominion suffered from a number of problems, most prominently the rampant corruption in its senate and the incompetence of its ambassadorial staff," said Wolfe. An incident which was sure to have reached the former Archlord's ears, was a series of mysterious accidents that several former senators which had been arrested by Wolfe's forces and it seemed that the Lord of Shrouds was overtly hinting that they suffered a less accidental fate.

"After the battle of Krayiss II, what was left of the Dominion was in chaos. Those of us who survived Krayiss II, retreated to Ession, where we learned that there was no chain of command left and the remaining political authorities reverted to fighting amongst themselves for scraps they could use to negotiate their safety," explained Wolfe. "As a result, I had to step in, take command of the remaining forces and organize an orderly evacuation of civilians and military assets. Now, as the elected leader of the newly formed nation which rose from the Dominion's ashes, it is up to me to insure that it will have a future."

"In truth, I have reached out to you because I do not wish to repeat the mistakes of the past. As a nation, we find ourselves in a particularly delicate situation. While the Shrouded Republic is the successor state of the Dominion, it is a distinct nation. I came here to insure that the Dominion's conflicts with the Galactic Empire are not inherited by the Shrouded Republic. That is why I proposed a non-aggression treaty, to assure the Empire that we intend no conflict with them," he explained, in the business-like manner of a pragmatic political leader. Wolfe had not yet revealed his bargaining chip, however, waiting to see what the former Archlord's demands would be, first.

He also knew that the matter of the Sith Empire would have to be brought up, so he decided to do so immediately. "I also understand that our deal here does not include the Sith Empire. The Shrouded Republic will have to reach a separate settlement with them, though such a thing will be difficult, given their... inclinations."

[member="Adron Malvern"]
Upon Wolfe's declination of the high Moff's offer Adron nodded in understanding. "Of course." He responded. The two shared a stern handshake before Adron returned to the peak of his throne, listening to Wolfe's words carefully. "Yes, my informants told me after I left the infrastructure caved in on itself. And it caved in such a way that you were able to take power. Convenient." The Moff offered a knowing smile before crossing his arms over his chest.

Wolfe had made his intentions clear, and his actions understandable. If the wills and moves of the Empire were under Adron's control he would have agreed to the pact with little to no opposition. However, that was not the case. The man exhaled softly before uncrossing the arms that were over his chest.

"I was chosen by the Empire to rule the Bothawui sector because of my experience in controlling planets and people. They gave me rank and title nearly equal to what I held as Archlord, and for that power there is a cost."

He exhaled softly, the words now coming to him more difficultly. "Not a cost I am happy to pay, mind you, but a cost." Adron placed a hand on his belt, nodding his head. The signal was to the guard behind him, immediately two of the Novatrooper's made their way towards the main entrance. One of them tapped the console beside the door, sealing a blast door over the main entrance.

"I apologize for this, Lord of Shrouds." Adron said, stepping down the steps from his throne. "But the Empire demands I destroy The Dominion, even as it is." He said, no pride in his tone.

The remaining eight Novatroopers brought their weapons to their hands, forming a semi-circle around Wolfe, rifles trained on him. "There will be no treaty. Take him." Two of the troopers stepped forward, and they would attempt to force the man's hands behind his back so they could physically detain the individual. "There will be no peace until every last remnant of dissidence and disorder is wiped from the face of this galaxy. I have learned this and only through the Empire can this be done. Now is the time, swear loyalty to the Empire, my friend. Abandon this foolishness and bring your people into a brighter future." Adron enthused, gesturing towards his own house as a physical representation of the Empire. "Will you yield your cause?" He asked.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"]

Imperial Territory

Kainan Wolfe sighed. "I was expecting something like that. Now, here's the thing. The Empire desires the Dominion's capitulation, that much is clear. And while the Shrouded Republic arose from the ashes of that, it is not the same nation as the Dominion. As such, the Dominion's conflicts are not our own," said Wolfe, deciding that now was a good moment to reveal his bargaining chip. "The Shrouded Republic is its own nation. If you wish to demand the Dominion's surrender, then go to Ession, find whoever's in charge there, if anyone is, and ask them yourself. As the head of state of the Shrouded Republic, I have no jurisdiction or authority over the Dominion's decisions. This also means that I can not offer you a surrender, as no war has been declared between the Galactic Empire and the Shrouded Republic," explained Wolfe, clutching his hands behind his back and discretely activating the transmitter hidden inside one of his gloves. Outside, the four Wolfguards would receive a series of blips over their comlinks, a predetermined signal for such a situation.

Wolfe's hands moved back to their resting position along the sides of his body. Hidden by the cloak, the warlord stealthily unclipped the lightsaber from his belt. "I have to say this, though, High Moff. I came here in good faith, with a sincere offer and every intention to clarify any confusion that might exist between the Empire and the Shrouded Republic. In fact, I can even say that in many ways I share the Empire's ideals of peace and order. The disagreement between our nations is simply on which is the most efficient method to achieve those goals," he said, stalling for time.

Outside, the Wolfguards sprung into action. With the simple tap of a button on a discrete remote control, the shuttle powered itself up and the smoke bomb attached just beneath its hull plating, fired, dispersing clouds of heavy smoke in every direction. From within, the Wolfguards retrieved their equipment: demolitions explosives, shaped charges, fragmentation and smoke grenades.

Death emerged from the shuttle. Nearly as good as the High Moff's Novatroopers, the Wolfguards hunted like a pack. They moved swiftly and quietly. They killed silently and without mercy. They were the Shrouded Republic's most efficient killing machines. Veteran elites, handpicked for their skill and fanatically loyal to their warlord. Where the Empire's Stormtroopers were a hammer, the Wolfguards were a scalpel. They were the hunters of men. And they made their way to where the blast door covered the entrance. Twelve Stormtroopers and a number of servants were caught in their path. They left only death in their wake.

A barely perceptible blip sounded in Wolfe's comlink. The man locked his eyes on the former Archlord and his face lit up with a vicious smile. He counted the seconds in his head. "I came here in good faith, High Moff. But I did not come here unprepared."

Wolfe's arm extended out. The sputtering black blade of his lightsaber came to life and the two Novatroopers who approached to detain him, were cleaved in half at the waist. At the same time, breaching charges thudded against the heavy blast door, producing a small, but sufficient opening. Smoke and fragmentation grenades followed immediately after, allowing Wolfe to dodge the incoming blaster fire and retreat towards the door. He used his lightsaber to carve an opening in the blast door, while two of his Wolfguards provided covering fire.

[member="Adron Malvern"]
The High Moff's eyes became narrowed as he watched the display before him. The Novatrooper's were challenged not to kill the Lord of Shrouds, however this was not based off of his skill alone, their orders stood from the High Moff he was to live. The Force was barely a shimmer in the man, so as he drew a lightsaber Adron was able to notice that he was not of the Jedi, nor the Sith. As the explosion erupted and smoke filled the outside air the man approached the fray, pulling his own lightsaber from his side. "With me." He ordered, as blaster fire from the man's wolfguard was directed towards the Moff his own lightsaber blade sprung from it's housing.

A brilliant white blade came to life, meeting the red lasers that were fired from the guard. He tightened his grip on the weapon, taking the defensive stance of Soresu he swung his blade in front of him, allowing the blade to trail behind the hilt. As a blaster bolt met the white blade it was thrown back into the wolfguard's chest.

"Blast him!" As he defended from the blaster bolts of the second wolfguard the remaining Novatrooper's concentrated their fire on the soldier, several of their own bolts impacting his chest and inevitably his head, killing him instantly.

Adron stared at the man as he approached, his Novatrooper's still holding their weapons trained on the Lord. "Yield." The Moff commanded.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"]
Imperial Territory

Two of the four Wolfguards lay dead after the first exchange of shots. The remaining ones seemed unphased by the deaths of their comrades, however. Despite their propensity for highly mobile mercenary tactics, these men were elite soldiers, with discipline and training to match. "Switch AP," ordered Wolfe, prompting the two to swap the blaster pistols in their hands for the much louder slugthrower rifles slung across their chests. Covering eachother, the men swapped the magazines in their weapons with ones containing armor-piercing ammunition. Wolfe picked up a rifle from one of the dead Wolfguards as he retreated through the opening he had created in the blast door with his lightsaber. Flanked by his remaining men, he decided on a new strategy. "Staggered phalanx formation," he ordered. He and the Wolfguards retreated in an orderly fashion, from cover to cover, two men providing covering fire as a third one retreated. Wolfe knew the High Moff would catch up to them, but not before they would reach the courtyard.

One of the Wolfguards lobbed a grenade at a group of Novatroopers, killing one of them. The other one took a blaster bolt in the leg, but killed another Novatrooper with a slug to the head and injured a second one with a round through the midriff. Wolfe fired his own rifle, killing another Novatrooper, then turned around and cleaved a Stormtrooper which happened to run into them, in half with his lightsaber. The injured Wolfguard pulled the pins on the grenades on his belt, drew his vibrosword with his free hand and charged at the remaining Novatroopers, firing his rifle as he went. He detonated himself, sacrificing his life to kill one more of the High Moff's soldiers. Wolfe and his remaining Wolfguard were now within reaching distance of the courtyard. "Set the charges," he ordered and the man rushed to comply, strapping the demolition charge onto the wall adjacent to him, under the cover of the heavy smoke coming in from outside. With the press of a button on his comlink, the bomb was armed, along with the charges on the two dead Wolfguards who had been left back at the entrance to the throne room. The man then tossed another grenade at a group of Stormtroopers who were converging in on them, killing one of them instantly.

The light from the courtyard shone brightly through the entranceway, the cloud of smoke giving the scene an eerie, surreal appearance. Wolfe's remaining soldier charged through the entranceway and attacked the remaining Stormtrooper patrol with rifle and vibrosword, suffering mortal injuries as he charged. Before he died, the Wolfguard managed to activate one of his remaining grenades, the blast taking the two remaining Stormtroopers from the patrol, with him. The Wolfguards had fought with swift, brutal efficiency and an unwavering ferocity which was due to pique the interests of the Galactic Empire's tacticians. They had given their lives without hesitation, to give their overlord an opening through which he could escape.

Wolfe discarded his empty slugthrower rifle and brought the lightsaber forward, in a two handed grip. He retreated backwards into the courtyard, his eyes locked onto his enemy, burning with murderous intensity. "I was there, that day, on Krayiss II. Fought against the Sith and their Dark Lord, Carnifex. Faced him in battle, though I'm sure you already knew that," he said, referring to the holotapes that some civilian had apparently taken during the battle. One of them depicted a part of Wolfe's confrontation with the Sith ruler, during which the warlord apparently mocked him and ordered his death like he would order the death of an insect. "I took this lightsaber from the corpse of one of his cronies. If I had the resources and troops that I have right now, we would have won that day," he spoke, stalling for time as he retreated towards the shuttle. If he read the man correctly, what he was saying should shake his morale and make him doubt himself.

"I do not know what orders your superiors gave you, but I doubt they were to detain or kill a man who came here to offer the Empire a treaty that could have grown into a very beneficial alliance between our nations. Still might, once I contact them in person and explain my proposition to them," Wolfe said, also implying a hidden threat there, the one that he would attempt to undermine the High Moff's position by going directly to his superiors. "I should have done that from the beginning, but I decided to extend you some courtesy, given your former position in the Dominion. Although, I suppose I should have known better, given what you did."

[member="Adron Malvern"]
Adron advanced on the courtyard, the smoke did not slow him nor his escort down for his Novatroopers had built in IR nodes in their helmets, he relied on the Force to guide him through the wreckage. With his lightsaber in hand he watched as the Wolfguard met their own end, taking a sizable amount of his own men with him. It was not until a soft beeping erupted behind him that he glanced back at the bodies of the fallen Wolfguard. "Move!" He ordered his Novatrooper's. As his words echoed out his hand came forward, drawing on the Force he pulled four of the men back from the fray, however one was not lucky enough to survive.

After returning his attention to the fleeing Wolfe Adron watched as the Courtyard swarmed with Stormtroopers. The remainder of the garrison had been lying in waiting, they allowed the battle to rage as such until their moment had showed itself. Four of the troopers blocked Wolfe's path to his ship while nearly twenty formed a full circle around the man, effectively trapping him.

"Enough." Adron called out, holding a hand up to stop the battle that ensued.

Three of the Stormtrooper's parted way, making room for the High Moff to step into the circle with Wolfe. "Do not disappoint me, Lord of Shrouds." The man approached Wolfe, taking up a defensive Makashi position. He raised his lightsaber towards the man, keeping his sword-arm bent as he turned his torso away from his enemy.

Tapping into the Force Adron focused on the warrior before him. Though he held a Jedi's weapon he was obviously not a Jedi, therefore his skills with the weapon were likely to be more instinctual than reliant on the Force.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"]
Imperial Territory

Wolfe pressed the button on his comlink which sent the activation codes to the bombs. He watched as the High Moff tapped into the Force, pulling his soldiers away from the blast, saving three of them from an explosive end. And then the Stormtroopers swarmed the courtyard, encircling Wolfe in a wall of white armored bodies. "Well, well," he said, raising his eyebrows in a mocking imitation of being impressed. "It would appear that you have this all planned out, High Moff."

Wolfe was many things. He was an opportunist who seized power through any means he could, was a liar and a conman who used deception to get others to do his bidding, whenever the chance presented itself. He was a thief and a murderer, a man who didn't blink twice about taking a life, or ordering a life to be taken. He was a calculated man who chose his battles carefully and avoided those he could not win. But he was not a coward.

A strange sort of calm settled on him as he locked eyes with the approaching High Moff. The self-styled Lord of Shrouds stared at the former Archlord with defiance. He knew he could not defeat Adron in a lightsaber duel. He knew he could not singlehandedly take on almost a hundred Stormtroopers. But he would not be taken prisoner. "A shame, really. You have already disappointed me," he said, his body tensing like a spring. "Though, I suppose this was to be expected, given how many people you have disappointed before," he said, starting to circle slowly around, keeping his opponent in front of him. He narrowed his eyes.

"Let's end this, traitor," said Wolfe in a tone that was as cold as ice. And then he charged right at the High Moff, bringing his lightsaber up. Feinting left, he jumped to the right, twirling the shimmering black blade and bringing it upwards in a diagonal cut aimed at the High Moff, which would disembowel the man in the unlikely chance that it managed to land. Wolfe would then follow up with a sideways, left-to-right cut and attempt to end his attack with a thrust.

[member="Adron Malvern"]
Traitor. So it is.

The movements that Wolfe led into we're swift and agile, yet predictible. The feint was a too-often used attack for swordsmasters, novice and Master alike. Adron's bent arm swiveled at his elbow, bringing his lightsaber down to bat away the man's diagonal slash.

"Fast." adron muttered, as he took a few measured steps back. The next attack was to Adron's midsection, a horizontal cut to his right side. As the Moff's arm swiveled back around at the elbow once again, his lightsaber flew back to defend his right flank. However the Moff had underestimated his opponents strength, and his own blade was pressed back into his arm. We're it not for the Asheran weave in his uniform it could have meant a horrid blow to his arm.

As heat built onto the weave and began to burn him, he pushed the man back, bringing his blade back in front of him in a defensive manner.

The lunge for Adron's misection was met with the Count bringing his arm over his torso, while angling the blade towards the ground. Turning his body away from the incoming lightsaber the man finally saw his opportunity. Guiding his opponents lightsaber thrust past his body with his own he did a quick side-step, his boot attempting to slam on Wolfe's own feet. He brought his right elbow up to strike his opponents chest, making sure not to overextend his strike, less his opponents lightsaber slip underneath his. He would follow the strike by bringing his free hand forward, tapping into the nether of the Force.

From nearly point blank he wouls attempt to slam a kinetic wave of the Force into the man, hopefully sending him away from the Moff.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"]
  • Bothawui
    Imperial Territory

Wolfe was pleasantly surprised when his attack was more effective than he had expected it to be, but knew his string of success wouldn't last long. And luck wasn't on his side today. His earlier swing would have cut off his opponent's arm, were it not for his uniform offering protection against lightsaber attacks. If it wasn't, he might have stood a chance. But his enemy had the Force on his side and time was running out.

Wolfe's next attack was met with failure, as his opponent deflected his blade and slammed his elbow in his chest, slightly dazing the warlord. What came next was far worse.

His opponent lashed out at him with the Force, sending him reeling back and only his combat experience from his mercenary days barely keeping him from losing his footing and potentially injuring himself with his own lightsaber. As it was, Wolfe managed to keep control, landing with his legs apart, feet planted firmly on the ground and his left hand stretched forward, clawing at the pavement, while his right hand kept the lightsaber back and away from his body.

Raising his lightsaber up, he pulled his right foot back and assumed a stance that was taught to him by his teacher. Wolfe's technique clearly resembled Ataru, but it was flawed by both his lack of experience and inability to use the Force. "I came here on a mission of peace," Wolfe said, his tone as icy and cold as his eyes. "I came here offering the Empire a deal that would benefit both our nations' interests. But you just had to let your own insecurities get in the way of that. Some Moff you are," he said, taunting his opponent.

Wolfe knew the end was inevitably coming and that he could not hold out against his enemy for much longer. Yet, with this knowledge, came a strange sort of calm. This was not the first time the Lord of Shrouds faced certain death. And with a bit of luck, maybe he would walk out of this alive.

His only chance was to keep his assailant on the defensive. If Adron got the chance to press the attack, Wolfe was finished and the warlord knew that. So he attacked, once again charging in, assaulting his opponent with a quick series of diagonal swings from either side, finishing with a powerful downward cut aimed straight for his enemy's head.

[member="Adron Malvern"]
Watching the results of his attack Adron took a moment to recover himself, rubbing a hand over his shoulder. The skin had been nicely cooked and would likely blister in a rather unflattering manner. Of course in the halls of war this was not even something to take into consideration, not even a flesh wound.

"Your movements are too predictable. The more energy you waste in an attack is less you have for your defense." The Moff explained, watching as his opponent landed gracefully in a three point stance. "But you're not without talent." He completed, placing a hand behind his arm as he brought his lightsaber hilt to be parallel with his chest. As the blade ran parallel with his torso and head he allowed himself to become engulfed by The Force once again.

When Wolfe prepared to charge at him he would be prepared. Drawing from his opponents anger he soaked it into the void of the Dark Side, turning it into the basis to his own power. "Yes, you came here for peace. And like a fool you believed it was a reality that can be achieved without sacrifice."

The taunt fell short of it's mark yet it did bring some irritation to the former Archlord. "You know nothing. The Empire will never trust me if it believes my loyalties lie elsewhere. I must break my chains and free myself from such accusations. Only then can I truly gain the power of the Imperial War Machine." He said, watching as Wolfe charge him again.

A flurry of diagonal cuts came in from his attacker, expertly aimed yet clumsily executed. He allowed his wrist to swivel, his lightsaber flying to meet each of these. "You believe yourself more fit to command than me?!" Adron challenged.

Adron gave footing, to give his opponent a false sense of leverage, yet slowly he was building the Force into his body, saving it for one powerful burst. "Verywell. My final order as Archlord shall be heeded, by you more than any other. Lord Wolfe of the Shrouded Republic. I name you Archlord of the Dominion and my bane. You are charged with killing me by any means possible, to atone for my sins against your state!"

As Wolfe brought his lightsaber into the air to bring it down on Adron's head the Moff allowed his built up power to release. With augmented speed he would spin to the Lord's left side, bringing his lightsaber up in a wide arch as he did. Just as Wolfe's lightsaber would reach an apex in the air Adron's would fly for the man's left arm, attempting to sever it a few inches below the elbow.

[member="Kainan Wolfe"]
  • Bothawui
    Imperial Territory

Wolfe let his anger and hatred build up inside him and flare out like a torch. He reached for his hatred of how the galaxy was run, for the hatred towards all the cruelty and injustice, for his hatred of the Force itself. He let it flow through him and fuel his determination.

He let his opponent talk as he sought an opening, however his series of attacks was far less successful this time, than it had been previously. The former Archlord deflected effortlessly deflected each swing, despite Wolfe's best efforts. "And who are you to presume anything, Malvern!" answered the warlord. "You know nothing about sacrifice! Men like you are shortsighted, only ever thinking of themselves, of power, without caring what that power could be used for!" he retorted. "Yes, I am more fit for command than you ever were! Because unlike you, I do what is necessary for the good of the galaxy, while you are incapable of seeing any picture bigger than your immediate benefit! You stand for nothing, Malvern!"

"You can not order me to do anything, Malvern," spoke Wolfe through gritted teeth. "Your authority extends only to your subjects. I am not one of them," the warlord said, eyes fixed onto his opponents as they traded blows. "Though I will be more than happy to fulfill your request!" he shouted as he swung his blade downwards. And hit empty air.

The Moff's attack was swift, brutal and effective. His burst of speed was so fast, that Wolfe was unable to even see the incoming fiery blade of his lightsaber, but he felt it a moment later. Searing pain coursed up his forearm, beginning at the stump where his left hand used to be. Wolfe let out a short shriek of pain and pulled back, changing position so that his right foot was now facing outwards and brought his lightsaber up, holding it diagonally in front of him. So this was it, then. The endgame of this deadly match of Dejarik.

[member="Adron Malvern"]

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