Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We got 30's of rest... what can we do?

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
Well with the 30 day hold on invasions we have time to rest and prepare for things. I know some had ideas but they were in other threads mentioned for things.... and i am too lazy to go and find them. There is also Mantic stepping down and [member="Lady Kay"] working hard to try and do things for us. We should have some nice things to organize and in 30 days if we do well we could pump out some dominions or faction threads shoring up defenses and please lets just collect and organize the ideas

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon

I'd want to go for a world lor two to keep us in some open space or plug up small gaps. Doesn't have to be a big thing just use it to make secondary bases or test and develop new technology.

also wanting to bring back the fleeting practice wargames we used to have.
The moment you mention fleeting wargames and make me remember there was a battle at roche with some pirates we had forever ago that didn't finish (they stopped posting) so I forgot to submit a ship that that was the dev thread for.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Bothawui will open up more expansion possibilities. The SSC will be getting Boz Pity, The Sith Triumverate will ve getting Ruusan and at least 3 more planets if no the entire hex. While we could grab Trandoshia it would be the only world in that direction we will be able to get. The SSC and Triumverate will cut us off from the rest of what used to be hutt space. We can go straight south to Bothawui or head towards Denon and fill in. Naboo will soon be grabbed by the GA and they will begin heading into TU space from that side. If we do not grab Bothwui and move out from there we will be cut off from the south.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Ok so Trandoshia and bothawui are off the table. They are recalled faction territory and since if a major faction tries to take the it is considered an INvasion and there are no invasions for 30 days. We would have to dominion a world not affiliated with a recalled or current faction.

I suggest Gyndine

Or better option. we fortify Denon, Duro, Nubia, and Loronar Those are all big ticket worlds. those 4 worlds basiclly equall about 1000% every world we have besides them in population, economy, commerce, and manufacturing


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
I'm going to need some time. I am only standing in as FO until a replacement is chosen by the members. I was swamped with skype and such, so haven't been able to post or read a lot. And I worked late. Wed-Thurs are my days off. I'll hopefully get a handle on things then. AND I have vacation in a few weeks :p
We set up a blockade at key star systems, so that when we're brought to the negotiation table, they cannot invade world a, b and c because they haven't removed the blockade at a, b and c.

We choke point the OS into only having one world to target, where we have a trap ready. This trap will be one of our objectives.

We begin defending smart.

Tyberius Fel

Rightful Galactic Emperor
Crawls out of gutter

I think we have some good group thinking going on here. That being said, I don't believe fortifications are useful for anything other than some 'flavor.' Mostly because, as I've noted in another thread on a different character account, actual military movements mean jack poodoo here and everything comes down to the one-on-one duel of destiny between the insidious Darth Dickshoes and brave Jedi Knight MisterCoolGuy. Similar thing with the blockade.

I believe starting off with improving on the basics is the best course of action at the moment. How do we do this?

We establish a simple IRC. Not anything complicated or anything that requires sending in your email to be confirmed, verified and ectera. Just something that allows our members and aspirant members to quickly hop on and plan out whatever needs to be planned.

Secondly, we ramp up our recruiting efforts. No, posting a occasional thread ad like throwing a message-in-a-bottle isn't going to cut it. We need to nab up new members. See a person post a independent Jedi Padawan? Send 'em a message and snatch them up. Put the ones who already know how to roleplay well on a fast track to Knighthood so they can help train out the less experienced.

Numbers and efficient unit cohesion form the hammer and anvil of any group, from which further improvements can be built from. Those two factors have led many great armies and groups to victories, both in real life and virtually.

Edit: After these thirty days are up, the Galactic Republic can come out swinging with a revitalized membership, launching a invasion into Sith held space while quickly popping out chains of dominions on surrounding neutral planets. At that point, whether we win or lose, we shatter the image of the laughing-stock Republic rump state.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Vorian Adasca said:
ctual military movements mean jack poodoo here and everything comes down to the one-on-one duel of destiny between the insidious Darth Dickshoes and brave Jedi Knight MisterCoolGuy.
this is something we are trying to get away from. We want to write stories not just dual. So in the future any invasion we take part in we will insist on it being story driven and have other elements not just PVP.
Just some food for thought.

We don't know what the new invasion rules will be, so really, until the 30 days is up and the new stuff is unveiled, let's focus on something else.

Perhaps we should look towards some dominions to strengthen the spiny arm so that it is not so easily cloud broken. If we shoot for a longer one, we might open ourselves to a rebellion, however we wouldn't be hit by another major faction so it could be a nice less stressful thread. And if we win, then we gain another hex.

Recruiting people is a good start as well.


Well-Known Member
Suggestion, give minor factions control over planets, in return they affiliate to the republic boosting membership.
They get a senator, and minimal internal interference.

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