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He hated sand. It was coarse and rough, and it got everywhere.
Even still, Kamar was a suitable staging ground. The planet had once been part of the Essonian Kaiserreich, and the Dominion of Ession after that. The native Kamarians had welcomed them with relatively open arms, though their once unified world had splintered into warring fiefdoms since the fall of the Dominion. One such Fiefdom, the Khanate of Karak, still had loyalty to the old crown. They sought to reunify the planet under the rule of a single Khan, and saw their former overlords as a means to that end. As such, they'd been keen to provide weapons and training grounds to sharpen what remained of the Essonian military in return for future help in national unity.
Both worked in Cedric's favor. As unpleasant as it was to look at a Kamarian, the insectoid race had long been staunch allies of the crown, and loyalty was a commodity in this age. Over a thousand men and women had already arrived to the Karak's capital of the same name. Their lodgings were little more than camps erected on the outskirts of the city, but that suited them just fine. Most had long since gotten used to roughing it.
"Lord-Imperator," Bishop Decius still insisted on using the title, "Another contingent of volunteers has arrived. Most of them are green." The elderly Bishop pulled at his long, unruly white beard. "Shall I send them to the tents?"
Cedric glanced up from the map he'd been pondering over. It was an ancient thing, made of paper like the books of the old ones. "Indeed. Have the MedTechs look them over, and send all that are cleared over to the training grounds. I need them battle ready as soon as they can be."
"Of course," the Bishop muttered as he turned to exit the tent.
"And Bishop," the old man halted, "Send any with actual experience to meet with me. The Khan has been cordial thus far, but if we don't start making moves to assist him, I doubt he'll continue to harbor our people. I'll take them on a scouting mission."
"As you wish."
Silence abated the room as Cedric glanced down to R3-D1 . He'd arrived with the droid to Kamar just a day ago after having spent one in a bacta tank back on Chandrila, and he was uncertain as to how the droid was dealing with the desert environment. "You doing alright? Not too much sand in your joints?"
Alyson Halle , Fiona Graehl
Even still, Kamar was a suitable staging ground. The planet had once been part of the Essonian Kaiserreich, and the Dominion of Ession after that. The native Kamarians had welcomed them with relatively open arms, though their once unified world had splintered into warring fiefdoms since the fall of the Dominion. One such Fiefdom, the Khanate of Karak, still had loyalty to the old crown. They sought to reunify the planet under the rule of a single Khan, and saw their former overlords as a means to that end. As such, they'd been keen to provide weapons and training grounds to sharpen what remained of the Essonian military in return for future help in national unity.
Both worked in Cedric's favor. As unpleasant as it was to look at a Kamarian, the insectoid race had long been staunch allies of the crown, and loyalty was a commodity in this age. Over a thousand men and women had already arrived to the Karak's capital of the same name. Their lodgings were little more than camps erected on the outskirts of the city, but that suited them just fine. Most had long since gotten used to roughing it.
"Lord-Imperator," Bishop Decius still insisted on using the title, "Another contingent of volunteers has arrived. Most of them are green." The elderly Bishop pulled at his long, unruly white beard. "Shall I send them to the tents?"
Cedric glanced up from the map he'd been pondering over. It was an ancient thing, made of paper like the books of the old ones. "Indeed. Have the MedTechs look them over, and send all that are cleared over to the training grounds. I need them battle ready as soon as they can be."
"Of course," the Bishop muttered as he turned to exit the tent.
"And Bishop," the old man halted, "Send any with actual experience to meet with me. The Khan has been cordial thus far, but if we don't start making moves to assist him, I doubt he'll continue to harbor our people. I'll take them on a scouting mission."
"As you wish."
Silence abated the room as Cedric glanced down to R3-D1 . He'd arrived with the droid to Kamar just a day ago after having spent one in a bacta tank back on Chandrila, and he was uncertain as to how the droid was dealing with the desert environment. "You doing alright? Not too much sand in your joints?"
Alyson Halle , Fiona Graehl