Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (semi-retired)
OCC: FYI… This takes place prior to the events of Empress Teta. 
Detta Homestead
Bralsin, Mandalore
Azure eyes looked out upon the wondrous vestige that was the Detta homestead as Briika dressed in a maternity outfit took a rest from sweeping off the porch of the modest house that [member="Kable Detta"] and her called their yaim. It was going to be yet another beautiful indian summer day in the Kelita Valley; perfect for a family gathering. Invites had gone out to Bree's younger brother and his girlfriend along with one to her riduur's younger brother too. The elder Tors in Enceri would not be coming down as it was the midst of fall harvest in the northern country, but they definitely would be there for the birth of their first grandchild; about a month away.
The golden blonde rubbed her ever-expanded belly as Dett'ika, the affectionate name the young parents-to-be were calling the baby growing within her abdomen, was kicking and rolling about actively like a true Mando'ade would. They had chose not to find out the sex of the child, though the medic had an inkling to what gender the baby was… Her husband would be so pleased when their first child was born starting off the next generation of Clan Detta. Now if only they could only find a good woman for [member="Nolan Detta"], and finalize [member="Kad Tor"] and [member="Ralize Darkfeather"]'s riduurok… Guess one thing at a time.
"Kab'ika… Let's eat our meal out under the big veshok tree today. We should enjoy the nice weather as long as we can. When the vode come, would you gedet'ye set up the picnic table there?"
Detta Homestead
Bralsin, Mandalore
Azure eyes looked out upon the wondrous vestige that was the Detta homestead as Briika dressed in a maternity outfit took a rest from sweeping off the porch of the modest house that [member="Kable Detta"] and her called their yaim. It was going to be yet another beautiful indian summer day in the Kelita Valley; perfect for a family gathering. Invites had gone out to Bree's younger brother and his girlfriend along with one to her riduur's younger brother too. The elder Tors in Enceri would not be coming down as it was the midst of fall harvest in the northern country, but they definitely would be there for the birth of their first grandchild; about a month away.
The golden blonde rubbed her ever-expanded belly as Dett'ika, the affectionate name the young parents-to-be were calling the baby growing within her abdomen, was kicking and rolling about actively like a true Mando'ade would. They had chose not to find out the sex of the child, though the medic had an inkling to what gender the baby was… Her husband would be so pleased when their first child was born starting off the next generation of Clan Detta. Now if only they could only find a good woman for [member="Nolan Detta"], and finalize [member="Kad Tor"] and [member="Ralize Darkfeather"]'s riduurok… Guess one thing at a time.
"Kab'ika… Let's eat our meal out under the big veshok tree today. We should enjoy the nice weather as long as we can. When the vode come, would you gedet'ye set up the picnic table there?"