Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We Need to Talk...

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Lilythe was sitting alone in her cabin, a cup of hot, steaming tea held in her hands. She didn't actually want the drink, but she found staring at it had a sort of calming effect on her. She leaned back in her chair, stretching her cramped muscles. It had been almost a month since the strange visitors who claimed to be from other worlds had arrived on Iferetes. She had been feeling depressed ever since she had admitted her feelings to Arthur. She knew things in his life were to complicated to deal with her feelings right now. She knew she would be rejected, at least for now, but she still hadn't been able to keep her mouth shut. She'd gone five years without saying anything, and yet she couldn't handle waiting a few more years to tell him. She sighed and laid her head down on the table. She still had no idea why she had even bothered to tell him. Sure, he cared about her, but that didn't mean anything. They had been friends for years, of course he cared, that didn't mean he loved her in return though. @[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]
Arthur entered the hut and pulled down his hood before shaking off the snow and stretching. "You know, as much as i love this place, the snow could let up for once when im coming to say hi, and if that isnt enough being king means i get barely any time to read or think or worse yet come see my oldest friend. You really should move closer, it gets quite annoying not having a good friend around when things are just plain annoying." He sat down and looked at her as she held the tea and leaned forward on his hands. "So, how are you doing lately Lilythe, wounds healing fine, kill any more Ursin?" @[member="Lilythe"]

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
"Solved a local murder, a robbery, and settle a dispute among a few drunken villagers. My wounds are fine... I still feel like shit though," She replied without lifting her head from the table. She sighed again before she continued speaking. "I'd love to move closer, but please tell me how I am supposed to do that? Where do you expect me to live?" She sat up slowly. She had dark circles around her eyes from a lack of sleep and the cabin was mess. Weapons, clothes, and unwashed bowls and plates littered the main room and the kitchen. Tenebrae, the Hirion who lived with her, picked itself up off the floor and padded over to Arthur. It nudged it's head against him and spoke so only Arthur could hear, 'She's been a depressed mess lately and she refuses to talk about it.' The wolf explained, sitting down beside Arthur. @[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]
"Lilythe is everything ok, youre never this messy, and you look like you havent slept in weeks. Whats wrong?" He leaned forward and stared at her while he waited for an answer from her, this whole scene was odd and he didnt know what to make of it, he hadnt been completely sure what this was all about but there had to be something that was driving such a problem ofther than working too much, else she would have broken down years ago, not now. His hands crossed one over another while he waited and his soft eyes focused on her. @[member="Lilythe"]

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Lilythe simply shrugged and stared down at the table. She knew they had to talk about what she had said at some point, but she didn't want to be the one to start the conversation. She took a sip of her tea before going back to staring at the simple cup. She bit her lip, trying to decide what to say to him. "We need to talk..." Was all she said before trailing off and waiting for a response.@[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]
"What about, im all ears and what ever it is that you need say i can certainly listen and hope that i can help solve what ever has you down in the dumps, after thats what a friend is for. Help eachother with their problems and ask nothing in return and i will always be around when you need me you just got to look closer and you will find me." He leaned forward aagain on his hands and waited for her words. @[member="Lilythe"]

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Lilythe flinched slightly at the word 'friend'. True, being his friend was better than nothing, but it wasn't what she wanted. Maybe that was a bit self-ish, but humans are selfish creature by nature. "A... About what I s-said a few weeks ago...." She paused for a minute before looking up at him again. "Please tell me you know what I'm talking about so I don't have to say more," She whined, looking up at him with a pleading expression.
He watched her for a few moments while he turned back the evens in his mind, month back was hard to remember what might have been simple words. "I believe i do, what about them?" He suspected she meant her statement while she was delusional and at a lose for blood and had likely gone into shock when she said it... people can talk when they are in shock right... oh well. He rested his head on his hands and waited for her response. @[member="Lilythe"]

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
"I meant what I said... I know you probably think it was shock or blood loss. It wasn't... I've felt that way for more then 5 years... I probably always will. I... I said it because... I wanted you to know before I died..." She explained, pausing several times to bite back tears as she explained. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes even before she started speaking, but she refused to let herself cry. She had done too much of that in front of Arthur when she was recovering. She looked weak, and that was one thing she absolutely hated.

Arthur watched her with a calm and soft expression, his gaze resting on her lightly like a feather before he spoke, a simple phrase that held no joy and now sadness or scorn, it was simply flat and emotionless. "You said five years?" He waited for her answer while he laced his fingers and brought his chin down on his knuckles while his elbows were planted on the surface of the table.

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Lilythe nodded slowly. She didn't trust herself enough to speak. A single tear slid down her cheek as she nodded at him. She was hoping for something other than a simple question, or atleast some sort of emotion in the voice. Something outside of the flat, emotionless tone. She'd even prefer anger or scorn over the emotionless tone that he had spoken with. She dropped her gaze back to her tea. A silent sob wracked her body, but now more tears fell and no sound escaped. @[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]
Arthur watched her for a few seconds before standing and dragging his chair beside her, watching her for a few moments more as he sat down before wrapping his arms around her and patting her back. In truth he wasnt sure what to say, it wasnt that he felt the same way, or that he didnt, he simply didnt know was all. It was something he never confronted, something he never wondered about, and even more so now he had always been busy with other things with taking day by day and handling the problems then and now, not for the future or how he felt about those in his life. @[member="Lilythe"]

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Lilythe sat with him like that for several minutes before pushing herself out of her chair. She got up slowly, her wounds may have healed but the muscles that had been damaged were still tight and sore. "I'm going for a walk... You can come if you want." She told him as she walked over to her door. She grabbed her cloak off the hook next to it and threw it on over her clothes. She neglected taking her weapons with her, she wouldn't need them. She glanced back at Arthur. "You can stay here if you want. I'm sure you probably have to think about things as well." She told him as she shoved the door open and stepped out onto the porch.

@[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]
Arthur sat there unmoving for a few seconds before standing and going over to the kitchen area, making himself a cup of tea before going to sit back down silently, drinking from the hot liquid in the cup and staring at the wall as he leaned back in his chair, he wasnt sure what to think to tell the truth and had no idea where to start. He didnt think about that stuff at all on a normal day, and as for this whole situation to say he felt the same is entirely wrong. Problem isnt that he knew if he felt the same or not, now it was the problem that he didnt know nor had the time to know. He had his people to look out for and this life had been an escape and a game, something that he no longer could do. It was all different now... @[member="Lilythe"]

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Lilythe walked alone in the snow for about 30 minutes before heading back to her cabin. The more she thought about it the more problems she found with her feelings. It was likely that Arthur may not even view her as a friend, maybe she was just something to do to escape his family situation? She sighed softly as she shoved open her door. She kicked off her boots and hung her cloak back up by the door. She saw Arthur still seated at the table and walked over, taking a seat opposite him. She wanted desperately for this to work out in her favor. She would move closer if that's what it took. She'd do anything at this point. She just wanted to be with him.

@[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]
"Good walk?" That was all he said as he drank from the glass infront of him and turned it about in his hand, he still wasnt fully sure what it is that he was thinking or even what it is that he had to think of or how to respond or what. Things were fine as they were before she said this and now she acted weirder ever since saying it, why is it so hard for people to keep a hold on impulses and stop themselves from saying things during complicating things that only made things even more complicating... he was making sense right... @[member="Lilythe"]

Carliah Dakrone

Walking the Path to Redemption
Lilythe nodded and walked over to the table with her head down. "I'm sorry..." she said softly, grabbing a knife off the table and carving random things into the surface. The table was actually quite full of such carvings. Various creatures from the planet were sprawled across the surface of the table. Right now she was carving an image of a Hirion. She wasn't as focused as she should have been on it and so it didn't look as good as her other carvings, but it gave her a reason to avoid looking at Arthur so she didn't much care.
@[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]

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