Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We start with a whisper

[SIZE=12pt]There was a constant in the galaxy. That constant was the battle of what was considered the good against that which was considered the dark, or the bad.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]An uneasiness remained between the Republic and the Mandalorians. Arla had come over with the Field Marshal Strider Garon to help bridge a gap and with hope of creating a bond that would lead to a united front against the darkness.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]There was no love of the Sith among the Mandalorians a recent battle over Wayland had resulted in a loss for them, which only added to the long history of animosity and battles between the two.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Today Arla hoped to help the Republic do small damage to the Sith, or to do something that in the long run would damage them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She waited calmly on the platform to be joined by the Republic teams, or individuals she was not sure which she would be going with. A deep breath calmed her growing nerves she stood there in her black and purple armor the only one she believed among the vod that wore such colors.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]If it was not her armor that stood out once she removed her buy’ce her fiery red hair would. Today was not about standing out, today was about working as a team to help disrupt one of the galaxy’s most tenacious evils, the Sith.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Their mission details were not available until they were on their way. She did not know if this was to keep those faint of heart from going, or to prevent anyone from backing out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She laughed at the thought of someone backing out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Let me bring honor to my clan [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]was her thought as she waited. She was outfitted with all her gear which her writer will list in her next post.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Valkren Calderon"][/SIZE]
There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain...

Sergeant Valkren Calderon stepped out of the shadows and onto the platform, the blue visor of his heavy assault armor shimmering against the dark backdrop. As he stepped into the light, it was clear what made him different from the other commandos. The blue decorative markings ran rampant on his armor, helping soldiers distinguish who is who in a team of shooters. However; this time around, it was easy to tell who was who, because Valkren was the only one there.

Usually the Sergeant operated out of a six man team, but today was different. He was told to leave his small team behind to get some R&R and that he was to individually provide support to a small team of Mandalorians. He had no problem with this, he had a sort of admiration for the Mandalorians. The soldier couldn't explain why, he just did.

As he approached [member="Arla Balor"], she could start to see more of the definite features of his armor. The extra power packs, the thermal detonators, the multitude of devices strung across his utility belt, and the Z-6 Rotary cannon that was compressed against the side of his pack. Both of his hands held tightly a rifle, keeping the barrel directed toward the pad beneath them.

"Arla Balor?" The emotionless helmet pushed forward the voice in a vocoded-sense, making the voice sound slightly deeper than it really was.
[SIZE=12pt]Arla looked over from the direction the voice came from, it filtered through her buy’ce she looked out through the T of her visor. She couldn’t help but smile A republic soldier in complete armor she did a quick glance to get a readout on his armor. She held her breath slightly she was still getting use to Republic soldiers, and their way of life. Her way of life was slightly different, and not as rigid. Least she believed her live was less rigid.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Was it? What were the differences again?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Yes I’m Arla Balor” She out stretched her hand remembering that the Republic soldiers did not greet one another as Mandalorians warriors did.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She carried her rifle, her bres'briik , several grenades, her knife was within the slot of her armor, her pistol hung low around her hips resting in the holster. Her armor (link at bottom) would protect her to a degree she'd have to have some skill after that, and the crush gauntlets who give her an additional way to stab.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She was surprised to see someone so well prepared it would seem he was ready for most anything. She wondered should she take off the buy’ce so that he would know her face if they were separated. Not now, later she would.[/SIZE]

[member="Valkren Calderon"]
Valkren looked to the hand that was offered to him, blinking behind his visor. He'd remove his right hand from his rifle, the grip of his left hand still tight along the side of his blaster. His right hand connected with her own, giving it a firm shake.

"Sergeant Valkren Calderon, Republic Commando. It's a pleasure, Ma'am."

He'd say this as he pulled his hand back, holding his rifle firmly once again. "So, I'm guessing you know about as much as me when it comes to this mission? Nada?"

[member="Arla Balor"]
[member="Valkren Calderon"]

The filtered voice had that sound of authority and since he had been so kind as to give his rank she would in turn do the way, "Yes Rally Master Balor, Mandalorian Forces, and don't call me Mam" she laughed it was odd to be called Mam, "You can call me Arla, or Rally Master" Mam made her feel old like she was a school marm with glasses to her nose, and hair pulled severly back into a bun.

"No" she paused thinking, "Sergeant Calderon I don't know much. My information says we will be briefed once we are airborne." She had been on a few clandestine missions before and often they were not briefed until they were safely away.

"Shall we go?" She stepped back, an indication that she was ready to walk on board, if he was.
A Rally Master? Valkren wasn't expecting that one. This must be some mission they were on. The soldier nodded to Arla, letting his rifle hang in his right hand.

The marine would find the closest seat that was near the ramp to the ship and sit down, placing the rifle in his lap. He'd watch the Rallymaster from behind his shimmering visor, his icy blue eyes hidden from her view. He hadn't much experience with the Mandalorians, and he was rather ready to get started on the mission.

However, this felt odd. It wasn't every day that they'd pitch the idea forth of putting a Mandalorian Rally master and a Republic commando together and sending them on a mission. Especially without a strike team or support from anything. It wasn't exactly his forte'..But he'd live with it

[member="Arla Balor"]
[SIZE=12pt]Arla wasn’t use to going into a situation without having a plan or knowing the objectives. It just didn’t make sense, what if they got airborne and the resources needed weren’t there? What if they needed to be extracted in a hurry? What if they were outnumbered, What if what if what if. Too many What ifs.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arla sat across from the Sergeant exhaling hard, her green eyes looked to the door as it sealed shut. No going back now was there.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She still hard a terrible bruise on her jaw from where [member="Garrus Garon"] had hit her during their training. This caused her to hesitate also on removing her buy’ce but she felt it prudent to do so. If the Sergeant were to look he would see the bruise on her jaw, fading turning yellow with spots of deep blue. He had hit her pretty hard to get her to react in defense. Or as he put it, to test her abilties.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Reaching up with her right hand she slipped her fingers under the edge of the buy’ce and pulled it forward, tilting her head down as it slipped off, her long red hair fell out and lay on her shoulders.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Sithspawn the clasp must have broken on the barrette that kept her hair in place. She looked across to the Sergeant.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“In case something happens where you need to identify me without my armor, this is what I look like. It isn’t such a secret anymore with us, the whole not showing our faces.” She set her helmet (buy’ce) next to her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Have you ever worked with any other Mandalorians?” She kept to using words from basic instead of her own language. Though many more were learning it.[/SIZE]

[member="Valkren Calderon"]
"Nothing will happen to us." The man stated, taking the rifle off of his lap and hooking it into place next to his seat. Valkren sounded sure in this statement, like he could see into the future at their inevitable deaths. Like he could see that today was not their time.

He wishes.

"I have not." He'd state over the roar of the engines as they came to life. "It'll be an honor to fight along side one today." The commando yelled this last one as the loudest stage of take-off took place, the afterburners kicking in as they gained altitude. As for his own helmet, he decided not to go through the trouble of taking it off and putting it back on. If he lost the helmet, he'd have the blue markings on his armor to be recognized. Atleast, he'd hope that he wouldn't have lost his armor if they got separated.

[member="Arla Balor"]
[member="Valkren Calderon"]

Arla laughed, "I did not realize that the Republic held such power over the terms of life and death that you could know a stranger" She shook her head it was funny to her but then again she lived life like this every time she went into battle. No one knew when they were coming home, or not.

An honor to fight with a mandalorian. "I will assume you know some of our history then" Everyone knew parts of their history she wondered how much they were taught about their...well uneasy allies. Least last she knew they were uneasy allies, for all she knew that could have changed. She waited a few precious seconds until she realized that he had decided not share his face with her.

Ok. She did not understand why, was he going to stay like that the entire trip?

Speaking of trip, where was their briefing to come from. Just then a protocol droid walked towards them. This, she smiled was their messenger. Great...

"Greetings Rally Master Balor and Sergeant Calderon, this mission is highly sensitive. The world of Velusia sets at the edge of Republic and Sith space. There are rumors of a hidden base there by the Sith, this mission is to verify these rumors, destroy the base, and collect any intelligence that you can." The droid spoke so carefully.

Arla had thought of a mission that required ground tactics, this would require some stealth, and they'd surely come across Sith Troops.

"You're full of good news" Arla got up to go find the briefing room with the holo table to display Velusia, "I need some visuals Sergeant, if you'd like to join me" Arla knew that usually off the side there were rooms.

[member="Valkren Calderon"]
Valkren wished he'd held that power of the very idea of death. Funny thing was, he practically worked for death. It was what soldiers did, they negotiated for the terms of life and death..Either over their own lives or their enemies..He was simply the mediator, and his weapon was the stamp of approval.

"I do..I've learned plenty about your people's history. We've studied upon it for several days at a time while I was in officer training school." He'd state, his visor shimmering as it scanned over the new hologram that popped up infront of the pair.

The Sergeant stood up, nodding as he approached the table. He folded his arms over his decorated chestplate, looking over the view. "So what are we dealing with?"

It seemed odd, working with a mandalorian instead of his own faction..But if this meant that the two groups would have a stronger bond, then so be it. It'd be an excellent time to learn more skills aswell.

[member="Arla Balor"]
[member="Valkren Calderon"]

[SIZE=12pt]“I’m not too worried about the terrain, I’m wondering about the unseen numbers that could be hidden here, and if there is a base exactly where it could be.” Arla pushed the map to move it along.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“There are several islands that are able to support a base, but there was a report some time ago that the Silver Jedi found a Sith Cloning facility on one of the islands, well the entry on one of the island, the facility was below the surface, and they had hallowed the tunnels out” Arla tried to remember more of the report perhaps they could pull that one and look at the island where that had taken place.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arla green eyes scanned the topographical would they go back to the same spot, or would they try something new.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“What has been your experience with the Sith, do they hit you as the type to go back to old stomping grounds, or form new ones?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arla bit her lip as she was thinking, her hands rested palms down on the table as she considered what her experience told her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She and the Sergeant had to agree.[/SIZE]
"Based on my previous encounters? I wouldn't know. But from the sound of the Jedi's previous reports, I'd say that previous area is the way to go." Underground? Sunovabitch'..Why can't anything be on the surface? Just a simple firefight.

Although, it was better than fighting on a ship.

"So, what do you want todo then? Do we have any way of getting into the facility without going through the front entrance?"

[member="Arla Balor"]
"They think there's a gateway under water" Arla was uneasy, "I don't want to go through the front and under water and sink quickly. So a water entrance we'd have to be sure it's open and an air supply within reach I have a reserve but it's good for a short time" Armor had its advantages and disadvantages, water...disadvantage.

Her green eyes looked over at [member="Valkren Calderon"] . "What about your armor?" Did the Republic think of things like a reserve air tank? Just in case...if they didn't she'd have to check the ocean entrance and he'd have to follow.

The surface was just too risky. Too open.
Underwater aswell? This was just getting better and better by the minute. He could swim, he was actually a great swimmer. All of his training made him very mobile in all situations, but staying underwater for long periods of time? Not so much. If someone would of briefed him before the mission actual took place, he'd get the proper equipment.

Valkren frowned behind his shimmering visor, shaking his helmeted head and speaking out. "Negative, my suit's not fit for diving operations. Unless there's pockets of air down there."

[member="Arla Balor"]
[member="Valkren Calderon"]

Whoever put them out for this mission surely could have thought some of this through, but was there another reason first to keep the team so small, and second provide this briefing off planet.

She wanted to question the orders, as a mandalorian she questioned little on the battle field, go and do. Except when she led. Eh, can't think about that now, she looked at the Sergeant, "Ok, so that elects me if we go that way." Arla looked at the mapping again, "you know, if you're underground, you either recycle your air, or bring in new..." She arched a brow, "maybe we can be old fashion and find an air vent, so you see anything on here that might double as a vent?"

A rock formation perhaps, something...something....Arla's green eyes moved from side to side looking.

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