Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weakness for Fluffy Things (Nixius Ikon)

Kari nods and looks over the menu with him. She looks at him, a bit scared when he mentioned the dangers of swoop racing. "B-but don't you get sc-scared?" she asked, before going back to looking at the menu with him. She looked over at him again and blushed a bit. "Uh... Wh-what's the cl-closest thing I can g-get to raw m-meat on your ship?" she asked, blushing a little. The young Rufer didn't want him to be disgusted by her eating habits, but the fox traits she had made her rather animalistic and that extended to her appetite as well. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius shakes his head as he smiles pressing a few buttons and ordering a raw nerf steak as well as a medium well one for himself. Walking to the dispenser he pulls out her food and sets it down in front of her sitting down with some Correlian whiskey as he thinks before nodding. "Yes in all honesty I am a bit afraid when racing. But I don't really have the time to worry about that do I? If I worried about everything that scared me then I would get no where in life."

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari nodded, blushing a bit as she slowly cut up the steak he set in front of her. "I-i-i'm scared of a-a-a lot of things. L-like people, and the d-dark," Kari replied, blushing even more as she took a bite of her food. The young kitsune was a bit ashamed of how afraid of everything she was. Her fears controlled her most of the time. The little white fox stared down at her plate, letting her hair fall in front of her face to hide her embarrassment for Nixius. She wasn't sure why, but she didn't want to appear weak in front of me. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius leans forward and reaches over petting the top of her head as he smiles softly at her tilting his head before he nods firmly and looks directly at her. "If you are so afraid of people why did you call out for help? I get that you were being attacked by who do you think was going to help you? The dark isn't to be feared if anything its the things that bask in the darkness. You are safe now though no matter what." He ate quietly for a time taking his dish and hers when she finished to the recycle machine and then walked over holding his hand out to her smiling. "If you want to go find a room now I think I know just the one that will work for you."

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari nodded and blushed. "I-i-i guess calling for help was j-j-just an instinct..." she mumbled as he took her hand and once again led her through the ship. Kari caught herself staring at him. He seemed so confident and sure of himself. The little kitsune wished she could be like that. Kari blushed a bit as she realize she had been staring at him for awhile. He was rather attractive and she found herself blushing even more as she considered that she may have developed a crush on her savior. The little kitsune decided to keep this thought to herself though for now. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius opens the door to what was the Captain's quarters large with a fairly large bed and a wardrobe in it. He gestured her in and looked around before going to the wardrobe and pulling out sheets, pillows, and blankets for the bed making it up real quick before nodding. "This can be your room Kari my room is just down the hall on the left hand side. If you need anything come straight to me ok?" He looked at her curiously before looking at the wardrobe and back at her nodding again. "IF you want to stay with us at the next stop we can buy you new cloths and stuff."

[member="Kari Tovan"]
"Y-y-you mean I c-can really st-stay here? I-i-i don't have to b-be alone anymore?" Kari stuttered, absolutely shocked. She had expected Nixius to dump her at the next spaceport they came too, but apparently he was serious about letting her stay with him. The young girl smiled and instinctively hugged him. When she realized what she was doing though, she quickly let him go and blushed, staring down at her feet. "S-s-sorry. I would l-l-like to stay i-i-if it's okay w-w-with you... My parents d-d-died in the speeder accident th-that led to m-me almost becoming a s-s-slave... I don't h-have anywhere to go," Kari mumbled softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed, [member="Nixius Ikon"]
He smiles and hugs her back petting her ears and hair as she lets him go and sits down. He laughs and sits by her hugging her against his side gently as he pets her hair. "Don't worry Kari you are safe with me I promise." He goes to stand up stretching and covering his mouth as he yawns a bit.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari nods, still blushing a bit. She leans against him, her head resting on his shoulder. The little kitsune pouts a bit when he gets up. She was tempted to pull him back down with her but instead she nodded. Seeing him yawn made her yawn as well and she fell back on the bed and curled up with her tails curled over her like a blanket. The little foxgirl smiled up at him from where she was laying on the bed. Even with the bandages covering her arms, legs and face and the makeshift eye path covering the left side of her face, she still looked adorable. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius chuckles and reaches down petting her head gently before he smiles softly. "Do you want me to tuck you in? Are you gonna be ok on your own I am sure if you wanted I could find somewhere to stay in here tonight." He glanced around the room looking to see if they had a couch or somewhere that looked half comfy for him to sleep on.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari blushed a bit and nodded. "I-i-i don't like t-to be alone... C-can you st-stay here with m-m-me?" Kari asked, looking up at him from where she was laying on the bed. The little fox curled her tails around her a bit tighter, unintentionally causing the shirt she was wearing to ride up even higher on her thighs and show a little bit of her underwear. She hurriedly tugged the shirt down, blushing even more and hoping he didn't see it. [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius smiles at her and nods his head slipping out of her room he returns shortly with his pillow and blanket going to set them up on the ground near the bed he lays down looking over at her and smiling as he closes his eyes to drift off. "Good night Kari." He presses a button on the wall above him and the light turns off throwing them into the dark.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari fell asleep quickly and awoke again in the middle of the night screaming. She had had a nightmare about the short time she spent with the slavers who had kidnapped her after the speeder accident that had rendered her blind in one eye. She slowly slipped out of bed and sat down beside Nixius. She gently shook his shoulder to wake him and without saying a word pulled him to his feet and tried to drag him into bed with her. She then cuddled up to him and whimpered. "I-i-i had a n-n-nightmare... C-c-can I sl-sleep with you?" [member="Nixius Ikon"]
Nixius smiles as he cuddles her back wrapping an arm around her gently and petting her side and back gently as he pulls the blankets over them. "Don't worry Kari you are safe." He lays back letting her cuddle him as he closes his eyes to sleep one hand rubbing her back soothingly.

[member="Kari Tovan"]
Kari smiled, curling her tails around herself, and Nixius as she snuggled close to him. The little kitsune ended up kicking off the blankets due to how warm her tails were. They made a rather effective blanket when she had to sleep on the streets. The little fox smiled in her sleep as she snuggled Nixius. Part of her wanted to find an excuse to sleep with him every night, but she was way to timid to actually attempt such a thing. [member="Nixius Ikon"]

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