Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wedding Anniversary Vacation!

Hei Hei!

It's my 1st wedding anniversary, and Kick and I got given a trip to Hawaii from one of our wedding guests. Sniffles.

We had the best guests ever.

I'll be gone till May 7th.

For any queries about the Mandalorian Empire, please talk to [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] or [member="Kaine Australis"].

Characters Affected:

[member="Yasha Mantis"]
[member="Ginnie Dib"]
[member="Baiko no Kaho"]
[member="Ambrose Mantis"]
[member="Ahani Najwa"]
[member="Livia Maddox"]
[member="Kanta Tukka"]
[member="Manu Xextos"]

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