Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wedding season apparently.....

To any and all that I owe posts to, on either this character, or an alt, life has thrown me through an unexpected loop. I want expecting to take on as large a role as I have in my future brother-in-laws bachelor party and subsequent wedding as I have found myself in.

As such, I fell off the site recently, and will hopefully get SOME posting out on Monday and Thursday... but beyond that, this last week and next week are largely a wash until after the wedding next weekend.

I humbly beg forgiveness to those I've left waiting.

[Member=James Justice] is a major victim of this absence, as is [member=Darth Pyrrhus] on my alt. There are many others I also seek forgiveness from, and know that posts WILL come.....

Just, might take a little while... >_<

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